Kitty Cat of Doom: The Movie

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by spiky, Oct 17, 2006.

  1. spiky Bar Wench

    Kitty Cat Of Doom
    By Spiky

    So this is how it will work, all people wanting to take part must bags a character from the list below. I have assigned Nester to play himself and I will play the blonde who is the first to die (being perfectly qualified for the task). For each scene I will give the list of characters involved and the scenario, and the people playing those characters will then have to create the dialogue to fill in the scene. It should be noted that dialogue should be for the purpose of progressing the scene through the basic plot outline, but repartee and creativity are encouraged.

    So the overall plot (from the should I be worried thread) is…

    [quote:53f02b51e8="Nester"]This just in from my house: Three of the four roommates in the Nester household (including myself) were peacefully sitting downstairs drinking beer and rooting against the damned Yankees while the fourth roommate (a non-baseball fan and potential communist) remained on the upper floor with his cat of two years and his new computer. Throughout the later portion of the game loud noises and the sound of a cat yowling emanated from the upstairs. Myself and my fellow roommates thought nothing of it. Perhaps the fourth roommate was playing with his cat. All in all, we do not ask.

    Just several minutes after the game the fourth roommate collapsed down the stairwell with multiple shallow slices to his hands, arms, legs, and face. He then proceeded to stand up and wash the cuts in the sink as he visibly shok and mumbled "everything's okay. Just don't go upstairs." I am being informed now that the alleged feline assailant has been apprehended and confined to a pet carrier by the wounded roommate now armored with hockey gear. [/quote:53f02b51e8]

    [quote:53f02b51e8="spiky"]Ah the kitty cat of doom. I can see your household now: Its pitch black because as soon as there's a monster on the loose everyone decides to turn the lights off, except for some weird red lights that shine on random walls not really illuminating anything but creating a great atmosphere...

    Now all you need is some friends to come over and act as patsies and be the first victims of the cat until you find an improbable way of destroying the beast. ANd then you'll get the hot girl and go back to school and it'll be sunny, and the birds will be singing and all those dead people will just have disappeared because happy endings don't include mourning...
    [quote:53f02b51e8="spiky"]A dark house, a kitty monster and nothing but a glowing shamrock.
    [quote:53f02b51e8="spiky"]but be assured it will include some blonde screaming incessantly and lots of "Oh my god!" and the blond will be the first to be butchered and the brunette will save the day...[/quote:53f02b51e8]
  2. spiky Bar Wench

    [u:a69ac04802]List of Characters[/u:a69ac04802]

    [b:a69ac04802]Nester[/b:a69ac04802]: Nester
    [b:a69ac04802]Barbarella[/b:a69ac04802], The Blonde (first to die): spiky
    [b:a69ac04802]Jane[/b:a69ac04802], The Brunette (to save the day):
    [b:a69ac04802]The Kitty Cat Monster[/b:a69ac04802]:
    [b:a69ac04802]Bob[/b:a69ac04802], Nester's Room mate (The cat owner):
    [b:a69ac04802]Ned[/b:a69ac04802], Nester's room mate:
    [b:a69ac04802]Frank[/b:a69ac04802] (but call me Francine), Nester's room mate:
    [b:a69ac04802]Sarah[/b:a69ac04802], Ned's girlfriend and plot explainer:
    [b:a69ac04802]Rebecca[/b:a69ac04802], Bob's girlfriend and all-round screamer:
    [b:a69ac04802]David[/b:a69ac04802], the only gay in the village and Frank's bitch:
    [b:a69ac04802]Professor Malstrom[/b:a69ac04802], evil overlord of kitty monsters:
    [b:a69ac04802]Miss White[/b:a69ac04802], Nester's caring and cool Consumer Behaviour Lecturer:

    So take your pick. If there are more people than characters I've created then I can always come up with more to fill in the story...

    I will put up the first scenario as soon as everyone has chosen their character...
  3. Ba Lord of the Pies

    Ba calls Professor Malstrom.
  4. Katcal I Aten't French !

    Ooooooh, can I be the Kitty Kat monster ? :D I'm not sure how much dialogue this would involve though...
  5. spiky Bar Wench

    [quote:c218ec68bb="Katcal"]Ooooooh, can I be the Kitty Kat monster ? :D I'm not sure how much dialogue this would involve though...[/quote:c218ec68bb]

    Maybe not much... but you do get to decide how all the victims should be killed off :) A worthy endeavour...
  6. Katcal I Aten't French !

    [quote:8f0b98e1f9="spiky"][quote:8f0b98e1f9="Katcal"]Ooooooh, can I be the Kitty Kat monster ? :D I'm not sure how much dialogue this would involve though...[/quote:8f0b98e1f9]

    Maybe not much... but you do get to decide how all the victims should be killed off :) A worthy endeavour...[/quote:8f0b98e1f9]

    Oh YEAAAAAAAAHH !!! Miaoooow !
  7. redneck New Member

    I'd like to buy a Bob, please. If not Bob, then David (unless you already had someone in mind for that *nudge, nudge*). Yeah, I'm tired and I've been listening to some Monty Python skits.
  8. Pixel New Member

    I think there is a character missing. Good should win out and the Kitty be defeated (but not killed - always keep the way open for sequels!) - but to avoid speciesism, the Kitty should be defeated by another cat - the obvious choice would be Greebo, but another possibility would be Pixel - "The Cat Who Walks Through Walls" (played by guess who?!) - neither would have much dialogue - Greebo can only talk when he goes into his "extra option" form, and Pixel can only talk in the Land of Oz (the one with the Yellow Brick Road, not Spikyland) - but the idea of Pixel leading a strike-force of Robert Heinlein's cats (of which there are many - Petronius the Arbiter - "Pete" - from Door Into Summer would have to be second-in-command) to save the day in the last reel appeals to me!
  9. Katcal I Aten't French !

    Now whoever dared to say cats have egos so big you need a GPS to navigate round them... :D
  10. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    I volunteer for Sarah.
  11. Cynical_Youth New Member

    I have always wanted to be a Ned.
  12. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    [quote:44999fde3f="Cynical_Youth"]I have always wanted to be a Ned.[/quote:44999fde3f]
    Coppe: yearning to be a Scottish chav since 1988.
  13. Cynical_Youth New Member

  14. spiky Bar Wench

    So the characters so far are:

    [u:90a3c11732]List of Characters[/u:90a3c11732]

    [b:90a3c11732]Nester[/b:90a3c11732]: Nester
    [b:90a3c11732]Barbarella[/b:90a3c11732], The Blonde (first to die): spiky
    [b:90a3c11732]Jane[/b:90a3c11732], The Brunette (to save the day):
    [b:90a3c11732]The Kitty Cat Monster[/b:90a3c11732]: katcal
    [b:90a3c11732]Bob[/b:90a3c11732], Nester's Room mate (The cat owner): Redneck
    [b:90a3c11732]Ned[/b:90a3c11732], Nester's room mate: Cynical Youth
    [b:90a3c11732]Frank[/b:90a3c11732] (but call me Francine), Nester's room mate:
    [b:90a3c11732]Sarah[/b:90a3c11732], Ned's girlfriend and plot explainer: Buzzfloyd
    [b:90a3c11732]Rebecca[/b:90a3c11732], Bob's girlfriend and all-round screamer:
    [b:90a3c11732]David[/b:90a3c11732], the only gay in the village and Frank's bitch: Pixel (the nemesis cat in the sequal*)
    [b:90a3c11732]Professor Malstrom[/b:90a3c11732], evil overlord of kitty monsters: Ba
    [b:90a3c11732]Miss White[/b:90a3c11732], Nester's caring and cool Consumer Behaviour Lecturer:

    Pixel your idea sounds grouse but will have to be held over until the sequal because I've already plotted for the brunette to save the day and win the boy... Adding an additional cat to the scenario would strain my creativity... Instead you are David, the only gay in the village...

    There are a few characters left so I will hold off the start until they are filled. hint hint nudge nudge.
  15. Nester New Member

    I'm going to enjoy this :)
  16. Katcal I Aten't French !

    [quote:a19a9e1e1f="spiky"]Pixel your idea sounds grouse but will have to be held over until the sequal because I've already plotted for the brunette to save the day and win the boy... Adding an additional cat to the scenario would strain my creativity... Instead you are David, the only gay in the village...[/quote:a19a9e1e1f]

    :lol: **laughs heartily and points finger at pixel** GAAAAAAAAAAAY :D
  17. peapod_j New Member

    i want to be Jane (because its my real name and im a brunette) plese Spiky
  18. Pixel New Member

    OK, Spiky, heart, but how gay should I be? When I played the gay interior decorator in "Thngs Ain't What They Used To Be" about 35 years ago (Ooh, I'm showing my age, ducky!) I was more camp than a row of pink frilly tents - but that was mainly body language and voice - and probably would not be considered PC nowadays! Still, in the Brussels amateur theatre scene, I can find enough appropriate "role models" out of the closet - I'll just have to try and reproduce their speech patterns.
  19. Ba Lord of the Pies

    Ah, go for Carmen Ghia.
  20. spiky Bar Wench

    [quote:3ba91dc8b9="Pixel"]OK, Spiky, heart, but how gay should I be? When I played the gay interior decorator in "Thngs Ain't What They Used To Be" about 35 years ago (Ooh, I'm showing my age, ducky!) I was more camp than a row of pink frilly tents - but that was mainly body language and voice - and probably would not be considered PC nowadays! Still, in the Brussels amateur theatre scene, I can find enough appropriate "role models" out of the closet - I'll just have to try and reproduce their speech patterns.[/quote:3ba91dc8b9]

    Well as you are the only gay in the village AND Frank's (call me Francine's bitch) I think we're aiming for as unPC as you can get baby-- Oh dahling puhlease!

    Edite to add: Peapod you are now jane but you do need to hang around to fulfil such a major role... I AM the director...
  21. inwig New Member

    This looks like Spiky's going to have fun. Can I get permission to be one of the props adding to the atmosphere, like, maybe, a cobweb lurking atmospherically in some corner?

    [size=9:d21fb3967f]Oh and congrats on the milestone post Spiky.[/size:d21fb3967f]
  22. Katcal I Aten't French !

    Ooooooh yeah !!!! Welcome to the 1000+ club spiky lady ! :D
  23. spiky Bar Wench

    Thank you thank you *bows* its been slow and steady but I got there in the end :)

    Inwig you can't be a cobweb but you can be Frank (but call me Francine)...

    I will start this tomorrow as most of the major characters are filled, so stay tuned...
  24. inwig New Member

    Ooer! :?
    I'd rather be a prop, but if you insist, I'll try (but only if you kill me quick before I get trying).
  25. spiky Bar Wench

    I said this was going to happen sooner but meh... You'll get over it.

    SCENE 1: The first kill

    (This scene happens prior to the credits to really get the horror going right from the outset)

    Location: Nester's house
    Players: Barbarella (spiky) and Kitty (Katcal)

    Barbarella is sitting on the couch in Nester's shared house (there are beer kegs and girlie posters on the wall to indicate that this a guy's house). Barbarella is painting her toe nails with her feet up on the coffee table. SHe's alone in the house. A bang from upstairs makes her start and look at the roof but when no further sound is heard she shrugs and goes back to painting her nails.

    Enter Kitty from the door behind the couch...

    (Kat this is your opportunity to shine in coming up with the way I die)
  26. Katcal I Aten't French !

    Kitty enters, noticing the blonde head visible over the back of the couch. With an evil cat smile, she preens her whiskers and pads closer. In one easy jump, she lands on the top of the couch and appoaches the blonde silently. Barbarella looks up and sees her, so she puts on the cute look. The girl coos at her, what a sweet kitty she is, where does she come from ?
    Kitty leans her head to one side, wondering what to do with the strange creature. As the blonde reaches out an unsuspecting hand to pet her, she suddenly decides. With a smooth, quick slash, she draws first blood by drawing a deep gash accross the girl's forearm with her sharp claws. Blood spurts from the wound, and the girl is too surprised to scream before Kitty had reached her throat and delivered a silencing cut that severed her vocal cords and windpipe. (come on, this isn't supposed to be realistic, this is the kitty cat of doom !) As the girl gasps for air and waves her wounded arm begging for help, Kitty drops to the floor and rubs against the girls legs, still perched on the coffee table. Passing beneath them, she delivers the final blow by tickling the back of the girls knees with her fluffy tail, making her giggle, and therefore die, swallowing and drowning in her own blood. (in the true meaning of drowning, as in breathing in liquid, eh redneck ;) )

    Sitting down to wash her paws of the red salty liquid, Kitty purrs gently.

    (Ok, fairly basic slasher start there, the following deaths will be much sillier, but the intro has to be bloody and scary ;) Will the girl have time to paint the name of her killer with nail polish on the couch ?)
  27. spiky Bar Wench

    Ha now I'm dead! Yay... On with the fun...

    Names appear in red over the back ground of the kitty draggin Barbarella's body out the back of the house and behaind the beer can pile (the strength to weight ration can be ignored OK, I'm filling in a self-created plot hole). Kitty then sprays wee on it to mark its territory... Credits fade out...

    SCENE 2

    Jane (peapod)
    Bob (Redneck)
    Ned (CY)
    Frank (inwig)

    Its a lovely sunny day on campus, Nester is walking through the tree lined walkways and Jane approaches. This is where the love triangle between Nester, Jane and Barbarella is set up. Nester and Barbarella are going out, Jane fancies Nester, and Nester likes Jane but uses her for his Consumer Behaviour homework. Nester and Jane organise for Jane to come over to help with the homework that evening.

    Bob, Ned and Frank approach and moan about their idiot Professor Malstrom in Biology, who is making them do experiments on cats.

    Everyone parts company.

    Let the character development begin...

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