i'm new here. we did a theatre about terry pratchetts mort in austria. here is the trailer, enjoy: Mit Michèle Jost https://www.michelejost.com, Alexandra Leonie Kronberger, Edith Hamberger Regie: al http://alexander-novacek.com & Sarah Milena Rendel http://www.soliarts.at Make Up: Liz Aw https://www.facebook.com/LizAwVisuali... Bühnenbild: Ronimund Schwanniger Flyer, Trailer und Technik: Marco Friedrich Trenkwalder http://www.besserezeiten.at/ Ton: stubnhocker http://stubnhocker.com/ Musik: Phillip Regieassistenz: Lorenz Zenleser Terry Pratchett’ and ‘Discworld’ are registered trademarks The play is copyrighted © by Terry Pratchett and Stephen Briggs, May 1996 lg al