Life with the Garners

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Garner, Jun 4, 2008.

  1. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    Panel one: Garner and Roman, garner taking notes
    Roman: ...and that's an authentic falafel recipe.
    Garner: Got it! Okay, only one question... should it garnish with yogurt or sour cream?
    Roman: Oy gevalt!

    Panel two: Garner's Kitchen, garner and buzzfloyd
    Buzzfloyd: I'm not as good at crushing the bread into crumb as you are. Men's hands are differently proportioned. They're better at gripping things. You know, long, thin objects...
    Garner: ...

    Panel three: Garner's kitchen, garner and buzzfloyd
    Garner: damnation! I can't get the bloody falafel to compact, they're just dissolving in the oil no matter what I do!
    Buzzfloyd: Here, let me try. You see women's hands are better suited to squeezing things, like balls...
    Garner: !!
    Buzzfloyd: of falafel.

    Panel four: Garner's kitchen, garner at the stove
    Garner: It does nothing! All my work, all my labor, in ruin and inedible char!

    Panel five: Tel Aviv airport, angry garner with Ba eyes.
    Israeli Customs Official: And what's the purpose of your trip, Mr Garner?
    Garner: Revenge.

    Panel six: Somewhere in the desert. Garner and a Bedouin
    Garner: Excuse me, can you give me directions to Lod?
    Bedouin: <I do not speak English>
    Garner: Just over those dunes? Thanks!

    Panel seven: the high desert, garner, dead. shivering mirages of falafel stands and clustered around an oasis.

    Panel eight: back in Lod. Roman at a fast food stand.
    Roman: mmmmm, that's good falafel!
  2. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    Alternate ending number one (Buzzfloyd version):

    Panel seven: Garner, in commando attire, outside a military themed tent. Roman and A N Otherstein on the other side, guarding.
    Roman: And that's another thing I love about my e-book reader, it-
    A N Otherstein: zzz
    Garner: moooooooo

    Panel eight: close up to roman's face, expression of complete terror.
    Roman: the cows... they've found me.
  3. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    Alternate Ending Two: (Broadway ending)

    Panel five: Chorus of orthodox jews, dancing into Garner's kitchen
    Chorus: Hava falafel! Hava falafel! Hava falafel! You deserve it, oy!

    Panel six: Close up of garner's face, blissful
    Garner: And ywhw bless us, every one!
  4. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    Alternate ending three: (The truth)

    Panel five: Garner's kitchen, garner and buzzfloyd.
    Buzzfloyd: So... what are we going to have for tea?
    Garner: ...
    Buzzfloyd: Sweetie...?

    Panel six: The next day, at work.
    Garner's co-worker: So, what'd ya have for dinner last night?
    Garner: Hummus sammich.

    Panel seven:
    Co-worker: What's that like then?
    Garner: The bitter taste of victory, stolen from your grasp at the very end and seasoned with your own tears.

    Panel eight: close up of co-worker's face, in horror.
  5. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    Roman K says (9:37 PM):
    Oh dear.
    Roman K says (9:39 PM):
    Right, let's try to learn from your mistakes.
    Roman K says (9:40 PM):
    How long did you soak the chickpeas?
    Garner says (9:40 PM):
    they were tinned.
    Roman K says (9:40 PM):
    Roman K says (9:41 PM):
    I see.
    Roman K says (9:41 PM):
    What did I tell you about that, Clay?
    Roman K says (9:42 PM):
    In any case, you can use any *remaining* tins of chickpeas to make hommous.
    Garner says (9:42 PM):
    i already HAVE hommous, dammit.
    Roman K says (9:43 PM):
    Roman K says (9:43 PM):
    What you have is a horrible mess.
    Garner says (9:45 PM):
    shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up i hate you
    Roman K says (9:46 PM):
    But you might as well make a dish of hommous, a sort of lake-shape of hommous in the plate, filled with olive oil. Wipe the hommous with warm pita pieces.
    Garner says (9:47 PM):
    what part of "shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up i hate you" don't you under stand?
  6. Tephlon Active Member

    I wandered in here to see why a thread had 4 posts and 0 views. And now I feel sorry for myself.

    Falafels are easy.
  7. IgorMina New Member

    I have one question, though, that I have been asking myself for some time:
    How exactly do you pronounce Falafel?
  8. spiky Bar Wench

    fel-ah-fel... Well that's how I pronounce it.

    Serve Garner right for not following Roman's instructions down to the letter... Next time, by them from your local kebab/yiros joint. So much easier.
  9. Roman_K New Member

    In Israel it is pronounced fah-lah-fel.

    Also, "Tel-Aviv Airport" does not exist. The central airport in Israel is Ben-Gurion Aiport... about a ten minutes' drive from Lod. :-D
  10. Katcal I Aten't French !

    Ah ha! That's what they WANT you to think!
  11. Mynona Member

    Amazingly enough, it's pronounced that way in Swedish too

    How did you manage to get Ben all the way down there?
  12. IgorMina New Member

    Yay! That's how I say it! Most people I know say fuh-LAFF-full. Ha I'll tell 'em! :D
  13. Katcal I Aten't French !

    And more importantly, who's this Gurion dude he's hyphened with?

    I do think that although the sketches were funny, they were distinctly lacking in catchphrase. Whatever happened to "No one must know how we live" ?
  14. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    Too busy plotting vengeance on falafel-denying universe.

    But, if you want a snappy catch phrase, you can take one from my first words to Mynona after coming up from the kitchen with a bowl of hummus:

    "Where's Roman? I need to murder him a little."
  15. Katcal I Aten't French !

    Good catchphrase, I could see that catching on...

    Of course, you do realise it was your own fault, you forgot one vital step. Stick the falafels in the freezer, they work better after that... :D
    *runs away muttering spells of anti-smiting protection*
  16. Garner Great God and Founding Father

  17. Roman_K New Member

    *sticks Katcal in the freezer*

    You appear to like it in there.
  18. Katcal I Aten't French !

    That's 'cos I'm so cool, dude :D

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