looking back, looking forward...

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Garner, Jul 13, 2006.

  1. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    So, tomorrow I turn 28 years old. I was thinking just now, while i was eating a microwaved ready-meal, how much my life's changed over the past few years. I remembered that I wrote a poem a few years back, a week before my birthday. This was in 2002. reading back over it, i can pretty much picture myself exactly as i was when i wrote it. how my room was laid out, what i'd probably had littering the floor around my computer chair (a nice well stuffed armchair, broken in by too many years of a slouching gamer sprawled over it after he inhereted it)... So, i went digging around in an old directory of my writing files, and i found it.

    I don't drink anymore, I don't smoke. I no longer have a refridgerator stocked with pink lemonade and chardonay. I no longer have the floor around my computer littered with empty wine bottles stuffed with cigartte butts, the carpet under my feet choked with spilt ash. some definate changes for the better. I've got grace now, as well. but, i'll still eat my dinner, straight from the microwave without bothering to transfer the contents from its original packaging to a proper plate, while sitting in front of the computer and idly flipping through the contents of my C:\ drive.

    anyway, here's my state of mind four years ago... maybe i'll come up with another droning little ditty next year, for a comparasion purpose.

    white wine and pink lemonade
    summer storms in sunset skies
    a marching climb up railroad grades
    and money shots in pale green eyes

    fried rice and barley corn
    gasoline fumes and nicotine dust
    afternoon substitute for summer morn
    and pipe bombs labled 'malibu or bust'

    vasaline scars and ivory keys
    spent brass with lingering scents
    devout athiests stiff at the knees
    hygine replaced by peppermints

    seven days till the year that i'm old
    ten years till the day that i die
    summer rains fostering mold
    sunset fire in the grey cloudy sky

    white wine or pink lemonade
    barley hops and barrel hoops
    i'm one who calls a shovel a spade
    alcohol and loop de loops
  2. Saccharissa Stitcher

    How about writing a poem about the way you are now?
  3. Angua_rox New Member


    Sounds like ypu've changed a lot for the better.

    Well done.

    You can now wallow in self-rightueossness (sp?) for your birthday.

    Well done. :)

    and in advance, I get to be the first to say:
    Happy Birthday!
    Lá breithe shona duit!
  4. Does anyone transfer the contents of a micro-wave dinner to a real plate? I thought that was the point of them coming on thier little trays..no need to transfer, no need to dirty a unnessasary dish. Of course that could just be my lazy a*s.
    Since I will not be online due to celebrating my little sisters 25th b-day, (which is also tomorrow. Now I'll be sure to never forget Garners b-day. What a good little minion I have become :) ) please allow me to extend my [color=red:84fa5ef14e]Happy Birthday[/color:84fa5ef14e] Wishes as Well!
    I hope you have a wonderful day, hun, and I wish you many, many more.[/s]
  5. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    I'd like to point out, for the record, that I transfer my food to a plate for preference. Only Mr Saves-On-Washin'-Up over there eats out of the packet. Sitting in front of the PC while eating does happen, though. We don't have a dining table and we're not a TV family.
  6. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    where do we go from the past to the present
    what's in a mistake, a lesson or scarring?
    there's only so much weight one man can throw aroun'
    before it's just fat and it drags that man down

    you can walk to the gallows, a king or a peasant
    it's only a moment unlike feathers and tarring.
    sometimes we get stuck in our own silly ways
    thinking that life is an unending maze

    life is lived forwards, your eyes to the future.
    time heals all wounds; lessons a suture
    i've cut my long beard and i've grown my long hair
    maybe not much has changed, not even the air
    but before i growl as a dog guarding a bone
    let me remember this grace; i am never alone.


    yeah so the meter sucks, gimme a break. five minutes don't get ya shakespeare.

    edit: avgi suggested i should present this to grace on her birthday, saying 'it's too perfect'

    i pointed out that i'd already shown it to grace, and she'd already spotted one misspelled word.
  7. Hsing Moderator

    That's beautiful, really. (And very good stuff for comparision indeed.)

    I'll congratulate tomorrow, though.
    There's this superstition around here that congratulating early is bad luck. ;)
  8. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    my first birthday in england was the first birthday in 13 years that i could remember being utterly 'good' with no cause for complaint. s'gotta count for somethin, man.
  9. spiky Bar Wench

    Happy birthday Clay! I'm glad you reached 28 before I did, it makes me feel young :D

    Its weird to hear that england has made someone good, but hey who am I to complain, a change for the better is a change for the better... Moving can often help this along, so Hastings is good for Clay's healthy. They should put it on a poster.
  10. fairyliquid New Member

    Happy Birthday Garner. Changes can really do some wonderful things.

    Although I always find you can't eat food from microwave packaging because you burn your fingers...might just be me....
  11. KaptenKaries New Member

    Happy Birthday Garner!

    Perhaps buying yourself a pack of Lego to play with can help with fear of age? I used to love Lego as a kid, and I've secretly starting to have wet dreams about the blocks more and more often. Oops, did I say too much again?

    Grattis på födelsedagen!
  12. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    Happy birthday, Clay!

    Right now, he is downstairs reading his new Bob The Angry Flower book. Later, we will be visiting family. I'm sure he is happy to be 28, since 28 is a birthday he gets to spend with MEEEEEEEE! ;)

    Edit to add: I have already made his breakfast and a cup of tea.
  13. Katcal I Aten't French !

    **chokes, staggers around a bit and keels over**

    Ye gods... **gasp** Garner's younger than me !!! **choke** I'm oooooold !!!

    **stands up, dusts off**

    Oh well, only by a couple of months... Happy Birthday Garner, at least we agree on one thing... British girls are the best :D
    And Grace, well done, I correct my husband's spelling mistakes in his poems too :D
  14. KaptenKaries New Member

    They might not be mistakes, you know. Artistic freedom and that.
  15. Tephlon Active Member

    Happy Birthday Garner!

    See, this is a way of not having "bad" birthday threads.
    I should just have started my own... ;-)
  16. Maljonic Administrator

    Happy birthday dude. :)

    P.S. I'm a lost cause when it comes to poetry, just never seem to get a handle on it.
  17. koshu New Member

    Happy birthday!!

    See now aren't u just glad its not one of those years where people double your age and say your half way to----
    for example when you turn 20 people say your half way to 40 etc.

    so happy birthday and have a blast mate!! :)
  18. jaccairn New Member

    Happy Birthday Clay. Have a great day.
  19. fairyliquid New Member

    See now aren't u just glad its not one of those years where people double your age and say your half way to----
    for example when you turn 20 people say your half way to 40 etc.[/quote:f80a38386a]

    You can double 28...I wont...I'm too nice

    I will, however, point out rather nicely that the equation for you doing so is 28x2 and let you figure out the rest...:D

    See, nice...
  20. OmKranti Yogi Wench

    I remember when I first met Garner. I was shocked that he was younger than me. Now I just think I'm old.

    Happy Birthday Garner, may you have a fandabidosi day.
  21. Bradthewonderllama New Member

    Happy Birthday, old man.
  22. Mynona Member

    As I said before*, Congratulations. I like your poetry even though it can be scary at times. Mine's usually just strange

    *I'm very well aware that this sounds like I remembered his birthday, I'm afraid I didn't.
  23. Hsing Moderator

    I hope you have a great day (or had so far)! :)
  24. Hex New Member

    Happy Birthday Garner.
    In the true spirit of mockery, I will say that the fact that you're ten years older than me makes me smile a little.
    But then, the joke's on me since I'm still a teenager. :(

    Have a great one. :)
  25. drunkymonkey New Member

    Happy teh birthday!
  26. Electric_Man Templar

    To be fair, he's younger than he looks, although he looks like he's about to qualify for a free bus-pass.

    Happy Birthday Old-Timer!
  27. Garner Great God and Founding Father

  28. Katcal I Aten't French !

    Awesome link, garner ! "Yeah, huh, I... love you too..." :D
  29. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    [quote:21df204377="KaptenKaries"]They might not be mistakes, you know. Artistic freedom and that.[/quote:21df204377]
    I only corrected the one that actually changed the meaning of the word. But I think it's more dyslexia than artistic freedom in his case.
  30. Faerie New Member

    somethingclever: I eat mine out of the tray. A few days ago I transfered my microwavable alfredo to a bowl but that was because the cardboard it came in was to hot.

    Happy Birthday Garner.

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