Manga/Anime Thread

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by mr_scrub, Feb 24, 2007.

  1. mr_scrub New Member

    If anyone likes manga or even knows what it is, feel free to discuss here. If you don't then please ask.
  2. Rincewind Number One Doorman

    Spirited Away. Lovely.
  3. mr_scrub New Member

    Very true. I own it.
  4. Katcal I Aten't French !

    Although I have never really had a chance to read any properly, I enjoy the aesthetics and the humour of Manga books, and the whatever-they're-called animes that are adapted from them. Unfortunately, the French translations and dubbing of them are pretty awful from what I have heard from japanese-speaking friends of mine. A lot of the jokes and some of the stories are altered for censorship reasons, or just don't come across well.
  5. mr_scrub New Member

    I don't know about the French ones but the English ones are never as good. You can get English and possibly French translated episodes still having the original Japaneseness on Youtube. I'm going to change this to the Anime/Manga Thread. Can't change the poll though.
  6. Maljonic Administrator

    I had an idea I was going to start creating my own online manga a few months ago, but I keep forgetting about it. I only drew one character picture and wrote about five lines:


    It sounds a bit pervy at first, but it's just one of the characters talking to an electronic book with strange ideas about humans.
  7. mr_scrub New Member

    Can you change the poll to say Do you like Anime/Manga?
  8. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    You have to edit it yourself, Mr Scrub.

    I didn't vote for any of the options, because I don't fit any of them. I've never seen any anime and I've only ever read one manga - unless that unfortunate death-knell interlude in Shaw Island counts. That one is Lone Wolf and Cub, which is amazing, but I don't think it's particularly representative of the genre.
  9. mr_scrub New Member

    I don't think you can change a poll after somebody has voted. Though I notice it is changed now, not by me.
  10. Mynona Member

    I'm kind of violent so I love anime and manga with mecchas (big giant robots) such as Gundam and Full Metal Panic. And vampires (Hellsing, Blood +, Trinity Blood, Black Blood Brothers...). And anything by Kaori Yuki (Angel Sanctuary, Kain Saga, Godchild).

    Also, if you want to see subbed animes, check ut fansubbing sites such as Shinsen-subs or Soldats.

    The one annoying thing is that when watching tv in Swedish or English I can turn away from the tv and still hear-understand what's going on, that's quite impossible when they're speaking japanese.
  11. HalfJack New Member

    I'm not terribly into it, but my best friend is. She reads Manga the same way I read Discworld.

    She's not too bad at the drawing style either, I might see if I can find some examples for you guys. She pretty much kicks my ass, that's for sure. =)
  12. mr_scrub New Member

    I read manga the same as I read Discworld, practically one a day.
  13. Tephlon Active Member

    Big fan.

    Mecha's are probably my favourite, though the only book and film I actually own is "Akira". (Oh, and Ghost in the shell)

    One of the cable channels here shows subtitled Manga. Pretty cool.

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