Members' Map returns

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Maljonic, Nov 27, 2006.

  1. Maljonic Administrator

    Some people noticed the Google members' map thing had stopped working. I wrote to the guy who made the code and it turns out there's a newer version that I think works with some new Google code, so I've updated it and it's back online.

    I think it's better too because it shows people online now, which is kind of cool - but that page takes a while to load because I think it has to retrieve data from an ip network.

    Oh yeah, the map pins are new too. :)

    P.S. In case you haven't seen it before:
  2. Hsing Moderator

    Really cool! And the pins don't look like ugly fans anymore.
    Edit to add: It shows visitors too, when you look at who's online...
  3. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee


    Weirdly enough, though, Garner and I don't show up on it as being online.
  4. Hsing Moderator

    I saw you...
  5. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    I saw you too, Hsing. Maybe it doesn't show you yourself.
  6. TamyraMcG Active Member

    It's been showing me myself. I can get a recognizable picture of my property, except the picture is at least three years old. It shows the next to the last house I lived in at my mother-in-laws place. The map doesn't quite line up with the real world but it isn't too far off. I actually got my flag to land right in the middle of my yard this time.

    I didn't see Grace or Garner on the map.
  7. Faerie New Member

    My flag was actually in the middle of my neighbors yard but I fixed it. Does anyone know why the map fuzzy in some spots? allows you to see where all the apollo missions landed and shows the true nature of the moon when zoomed in all the way. :D
  8. Electric_Man Templar

    It's fuzzy where they haven't taken detailed satellite pictures yet, generally the less urban areas. I believe they are increasing the number of detailed areas all the time - one day, the (whole) world!
  9. KaptenKaries New Member

    Über cool! 8)
  10. Mynona Member

    I can't use the satelite photos because all it's telling me is 'there aren't any detailed photos of this area yet, try to zoom out.

    I was able to use the map, though.
  11. KaptenKaries New Member

    [quote:b65299c31d="Mynona"]I can't use the satelite photos because all it's telling me is 'there aren't any detailed photos of this area yet, try to zoom out.

    I was able to use the map, though.[/quote:b65299c31d]

    [Nelson Muntz voice] Ha Ha!
  12. Maljonic Administrator

    [quote:bc191582f6="Faerie"]...Does anyone know why the map fuzzy in some spots?.. :D[/quote:bc191582f6]I'm not sure why but this made me laugh so much. It kind of makes me think of something Terry Pratchett said years ago about us already living in a sci fi world, it's just kind of crept up on us without us noticing and we take it so much for granted.

    At the time he was talking about being in clothing store in Australia buying his wife a dress, while talking to her in England on his mobile phone to make sure he got the right size.

    Just shows how much we've come on since then, where calling by mobile phone is so ordinary we hardly give it a thought. Now we are able to see images of our planet from the outside, from any angle, whenever we feel like it - but we still feel a bit miffed that some of it is a bit fuzzy.

    I bet anything it wont be long before the images are updated so regularly we can park our car outside our house, for example, and post the google satellite image on here for people to admire the Unseen Message Board sticker in the back window. Already if you search for 'satellite', Google Maps comes up first. :)
  13. Roman_K New Member

    Me likes, though I can't seem to see myself on the map. I can see Avgi and Samphanna fine though, if they're the only ones from their respective regions that is.
  14. Electric_Man Templar

    I can't see me either. I did see Roman, in California. Admit it, Roman - you've been lying to us about your location...

    Technically, my current location should be somewhere in *shudders* France, because that's where my work's servers route through.

    That's if you search on google, right? :p

    edit: i can see myself now, and apparently I'm about 10 miles up the road in Aylesbury - so much for those french servers.
  15. Maljonic Administrator

    [quote:a44c041fb8="Maljonic"]Already if you search for 'satellite', Google Maps comes up first. :)[/quote:a44c041fb8]

    That's if you search on google, right? :p
    [/quote:a44c041fb8]You mean there are other places to look? :shock:
  16. Mynona Member

    And that's why we know 08's are... um... yeah.
  17. Faerie New Member

    [quote:7c7ed52547="Electric_Man"]It's fuzzy where they haven't taken detailed satellite pictures yet, generally the less urban areas. I believe they are increasing the number of detailed areas all the time - one day, the (whole) world![/quote:7c7ed52547]

    Then why can I view Wolverine, MI which is way up in the middle of nowhere above Gaylord (It took my parents an hour to get to a main highway from there) but I can't see the houses across the street from me?
  18. Electric_Man Templar

    Well, I did say generally. Sometimes there appears to be no rhyme or reason why they've done one part over the other. Overall however, more colonised areas are covered per acre than uncolonised.

    As I said, you will eventually be able to see your street when they take higher res pictures, don't ask me when they'll do this.
  19. Hsing Moderator

    My next pin will be so far away from my current one...
    Well, not in global terms. But it feels far away.
  20. TamyraMcG Active Member

    You can move your own pin any time you want to, you can drag that little sucker right where you want and it is easier to get it right now then the first couple of times I tried it. Some areas already have resolution so good you can make out individual tree branches.
  21. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    Well, I put a pin in where we are, but they don't have photos for about five zoom levels for our area.
  22. Tephlon Active Member

    Added me. Incredible detail. I could even put the pin on the right side of the building.
  23. Hsing Moderator

    Not in my area(s). Only maps, no details...:(
  24. KaptenKaries New Member

    [quote:fbd94fed7a="Mynona"]And that's why we know 08's are... um... yeah.[/quote:fbd94fed7a]

    That's just prejudices. If you knew me you'd know I'm more oh yeah than um yeah. ;-)
  25. spiky Bar Wench

    This thing is anti-Australian. Not only do we fall off the side of the page and have to adjust the map to even see the country we only get maps and no cool pictures at any level. pfft. Just because we are the least populated (inhabited) continent on the planet is no reason to be treated so shabbily.
  26. Nester New Member

    This thing has the exact corner of the house I'm sitting in....

    I'm frightened.
  27. Maljonic Administrator

    A lot of the original photography was from military satellites I believe, perhaps your house was considered a threat to national security at one time? :)
  28. OmKranti Yogi Wench

    I'm there now. Woo.
  29. Nester New Member

    [quote:af77664941="Maljonic"]A lot of the original photography was from military satellites I believe, perhaps your house was considered a threat to national security at one time? :)[/quote:af77664941]

    If only they knew.... :badgrin:
  30. sampanna New Member

    Apparently Eman is one of those lucky chaps whose location shows up in high detail.
    On the other hand, this is where he lives:

  31. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

  32. KaptenKaries New Member

    The man is clearly obsessed by football.
  33. Electric_Man Templar

    Bah, my right-wing tendencies are exposed!

    Actually, I just aimed for somewhere in the general vicinity of my house, but not my actual house in case somebody sent a targeted missile to my bedroom. The fact that there is a football field within half a mile of my house is pure coincidence.... but useful. If you travel a mile and a half North-West, you can see the home of Wycombe Wanderers Football Club - so I completely refute KK's insinuation.
  34. KaptenKaries New Member

    [quote:b82bf81eec="Electric_Man"]I just aimed for somewhere in the general vicinity of my house, but not my actual house in case somebody sent a targeted missile to my bedroom.[/quote:b82bf81eec]

  35. Dane New Member

    wow, that was a little more fiddely that i expected, but finally its there!

    I've been living here for about three months now so i'm still getting to grips with the area, but its pretty obviouse to me that those pics were taken a wile ago.

    I used to live in a small town called colne, we found it on google earth a couple of months ago and the pictures taken show that one of the roundabouts (sorry for the terrible spelling, never had to spell that before) was still under construction. Which we thought funny because it had been finished a good five or so years ago.

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