Merry Christmas

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Maljonic, Dec 25, 2006.

  1. Maljonic Administrator

  2. Nester New Member

    I'm taking advantage of my parents' internet connection....finally I get my fix. Even if it's 28K. I can't even load that link. This site took me half an hour to load. :roll:

    Merry Christmas to everyone. Have fun, keep safe, but not too safe. :)
  3. Hex New Member

    Merry eurocentrically-imposed midwinter festival with no religious significance.


    No, seriously, Merry Christmas all.
  4. Joculator The 'Old' Fool

    Yuletide Wassail to all.
  5. KaptenKaries New Member

    Have a good Yule!
  6. TheJackal Member

    Happy Xmas :)
  7. Bradthewonderllama New Member

    Merry Christmas, Chappy Chanukah, Joyous Kwanzaa, and Funkadelic Yuletide to all.
  8. Hsing Moderator

    Merry Christmas to you, or "Schöne Weihnachten".
    Presents were handed out yesterday evening in the few hours when we were all not sick. Which I was really glad about; I was able to get up yesterday morning, and Matthias got sick right after the little one had been put to bed to receive her presents. Considering that, it really was a nice and peaceful evening. Plus, no stress of preparing the big meal and no visiting the relatives. :roll:
  9. Katcal I Aten't French !

    Happy Whatever People Everywhere.

    Some totally mad people gave us a £25 amazon voucher. Mad. Despite the traditional family friction, this year was a good year, Dutchcon added to that goodness, thanks again to all what participated ;)
  10. TamyraMcG Active Member

    Merry Christmas, I'm having a slightly surreal Christmas. The theme of this Christmas is Big fish, Gay dogs, and divorce. The day before Christmas eve my 15 year-old niece was out in the ice fishing house with a spear, a northern pike came to investigate her lure and she got her spear all fouled up and flubbed her first attempt but she got it cleared and got a second chance. She drove the spear completely through a 19lb 42 inch long fish! Her uncle heard her sqealing and hollering and came to see what was with her and got it out of the house for her. Her dad is having it mounted for her. The next morning my other niece almost caught a big walleye,just before she and her dad came in to go to church. Since my dad had decided he wasn't up to go to church my sister told them to go back out to the fishhouse. A couple of minutes after they got out there he caught a big northern of his own on tackle that was way too light for comfort. His fish was about the same length as the first one but a few lbs lighter, only 14 lbs. He is having it mounted and it will go on the livingroom wall.

    The dog thing is that Albert is neutered and the other dogs here (the farm)are not. The older dog Snickers mostly just watches but Duke is convinced that Albert is his bitch and Rex is just as convinced that Albert is [i:3813b4336f]his[/i:3813b4336f]. Albert isn't having much fun. When I put Albert outside they come and start fussing with him before I can get the door shut.

    The divorce is what I'm getting for Christmas from my husband. I have had some time to think about it and have decided to let it happen as easily as we can. I have been through enough with Jon and he has had enough from me. I don't want to divorce but I really don't want to keep on with the marriage the way it has been. Maybe if I don't have the worry about what Jon is going to do I'll be able to plan for my future again. So much of my life has been limited by what Jon has wanted. Now I'll be able to make choices based on what I want and need. I'll be glad to be rid of the "out(in)-laws" at least.
  11. Katcal I Aten't French !

    :( However relieved you may be, it's not the best present ever Tamyra... **hugs** May the festive season still be as good as possible, and the divorce as painless and mutually beneficial as it can be for both of you...
  12. Mynona Member

    Yes, Merry Christmas (or God Jul) to everyone. Hope you've enjoyed it. I've managed one celebration already, mostly because us civilized people celebrate on the 24th, but the boyfriend invited me to his family's second celebration. I'm scared.
  13. Faerie New Member

    Merry Christmas!
  14. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    Happy Christmas, everyone!

    Tamyra, good luck with it all. Not easy, even if it's what you want. ::hugs::
  15. TamyraMcG Active Member

    Tanks for the good thoughtd, I appreciate them.
  16. Merry (late) Christmas Everyone!
    I spent the holiday in Farmington (3 hour drive north of Albuquerque) with my family. Although they have 3 laptops and a wireless net connection for all of them, I was not able to wrestle [i:38f65016cf]any[/i:38f65016cf] of them away from Mom, Dad, or Grandpa to wish you all well on the actual holiday.
    [b:38f65016cf]TamyraMcG:[/b:38f65016cf] I hope all goes well for you, hun. *hugs* I agree its not the best present, but divorce can make you feel a lot better, if it is truly what you want.
    [b:38f65016cf]Hsing:[/b:38f65016cf] Glad you were able to have a stress free holiday! Sorry your little one is still not feeling well. *Big hugs* I hope she gets better soon, and that you dont get stuck sick as well!
    [b:38f65016cf]Everyone else:[/b:38f65016cf] I hope you all had a great Holiday! *hugs* for who ever wants/needs them. :)
  17. Angua_rox New Member

    Lá Nollaig shona dhiabh!

    And sorry I'm so late with it. Hope everyone got maximum pleasure out of the holidays, and Tamyra, hope you're feeling ok.
  18. mowgli New Member

    ::hugs Tamyra:: Good luck and happiness in your new situation! Like everyone else said, hopefully it's for the best.

    For anyone who's Eastern Orthodox (or isn't, but still wants to celebrate the Eastern Orthodox Christmas on Jan.7th) - congrats, you get to keep your tree/decorations up for another couple of weeks :)

    For everyone else - yay, you and your sanity has survived the holidays! Hope there's still time for a nice soak in the tub, to get rid of alcohol/stress/stray pieces of scotchtape!

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