Modeling talent required...

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Tephlon, Jul 12, 2006.

  1. Tephlon Active Member

    On behalf of the big G:

    [quote:27d0ecba9c="Garner"]Right, this is your big chance at utterly insignificant stardom. If you've never been in a tripod before, but have been around here long enough that I have some idea who you are, sign up for your chance at the big time. At some point tomorrow, I'll draw up to three names from a hat (most of which will be the people who enter the contest, i'm assuming, otherwise it'll just be pointless) and I'll try to do a decent tripod featuring each of them.

    Then they can beat Doors with heavy sticks until he draws and updates them.
  2. Tephlon Active Member

    Helly yes!

    How significant is my contribution here? No idea. But I've been around a long time. That should count for something. As does winning 2 medals in the boardanian games.

    Also, I made a measly 490 posts (491 counting this one).
  3. drunkymonkey New Member

    Oooh, I vill.
  4. KaptenKaries New Member

    I grant you permission to mock me in humorous ways.
  5. sampanna New Member

    I'm in, and I will *not* try to bias the contest by mentioning post counts, so there :)
  6. Katcal I Aten't French !

    Well, I've been in my own one, and in one of Garner's text ones, so I guess I'll stand down for this one ;)
  7. fairyliquid New Member

    I make all the virtual board dishes clean. I reckon thats a good contribution.
  8. Hsing Moderator


    I nominate... [b:aab1cf9d38][u:aab1cf9d38]Cynical Youth![/u:aab1cf9d38] [/b:aab1cf9d38]Because unlike me, he wouldn't end up in a dirndl should anyone ever draw a Tripod feuturing him!
  9. Oh Happy Day!!
    I have always dreamed of utterly insignificant stardom!!!

    *Strikes a very Mary Catherine Gallegher Pose* :cooler:

    Please throw my humble name into the hat....
  10. Hsing Moderator

    Okay, okay.

    I have really dreamt of this for years. *looks sheepish and humiliated*

    But my biggest dream would be to see all of the people in a Tripod which stepped forward so far!
  11. Angua_rox New Member

    I'd [b:efdea9be83][i:efdea9be83][u:efdea9be83]LOVE[/b:efdea9be83][/u:efdea9be83][/i:efdea9be83] to be in one, but I don't think I've been round long enough. Damn. However, if you, oh great Garner, consider me elegible, then I shall abide by your decision!

    Otherwise, I think Hsing should be in one, as the only one with 1000+plus posts here.
  12. spiky Bar Wench

    Besides doing Tripods about myself (which is just the height of narcisism) I haven't been in an official one which'd be nice. So I think I'm elligible AND I have more posts than Phlon ;)
  13. Perdita New Member

    I've been about a looong time, so yep, throw my name into the top hat (Top Hat cause I'm feeling posh today)
  14. redneck New Member

    I'll add my name to the ring.
  15. Tephlon Active Member

    [quote:c12f01efcd="spiky"]...AND I have more posts than Phlon ;)[/quote:c12f01efcd]

    Don't you flaunt your postcount at me, young lady!
  16. Pixel New Member

    Yes, please - put me in the hat - I think I've been around long enough to qualify - and having been excommunicated or derided by all three Gods at various times I don't think I'm unknown - long white beard (a resemblance to Harold Shipman) - right-wing views - I've never understood why I have never been mocked in a Tripod so far! :)
  17. Katcal I Aten't French !

    Come off it Pixel, who are you trying to kid ? Every single Tripod is full of pixels !!! :D
  18. missy New Member

    Can i? can i? can i? *jumps up and down excitedly*

    You know who i am, You even met me and i don't mind having the mickey taken (i know you all think it anyway)
  19. Katcal I Aten't French !

    **Note to self : draw missy with mickey ears in the next guest tripod I do**
  20. missy New Member

    **Note to self** Hit Kat with a giant fluffy pillow and tell her thats from Mickey.
  21. Pixel New Member

    [quote:ec62ec5717="Katcal"]Come off it Pixel, who are you trying to kid ? Every single Tripod is full of pixels !!! :D[/quote:ec62ec5717]

    Nice one, Katcal - that had me laughing - you're just lucky I didn't have a mouthfull of beer at the time or you would have owed me a new keyboard!
  22. Katcal I Aten't French !

    [quote:0f63dfa71d="Pixel"][quote:0f63dfa71d="Katcal"]Come off it Pixel, who are you trying to kid ? Every single Tripod is full of pixels !!! :D[/quote:0f63dfa71d]

    Nice one, Katcal - that had me laughing - you're just lucky I didn't have a mouthfull of beer at the time or you would have owed me a new keyboard![/quote:0f63dfa71d]
    Nah, I would have owed you a used mouthful of beer, drinking beer whilst sitting in front of a keyboard is your fault ;)
  23. Maljonic Administrator

    Perhaps there might be room somewhere for a time-wandering donkey and his human companion?
  24. Hsing Moderator

    But this is a desparate quarrel for a first time appearance, Mal - you [i:f2be8f43da]have [/i:f2be8f43da]been in the Tripods already. :)
  25. Maljonic Administrator

    But they were all set in the future, weren't they? Oh never mind, I'll get my donkey. :)
  26. Hsing Moderator

  27. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    unfortunately, due to a complete lack of creativity, i've failed to come up with anything for this yet.

    maybe tomorrow?
  28. Angua_rox New Member



    But please don't procrastinate tomorrow too!
  29. OmKranti Yogi Wench

    What happened? Did Garner get bored? Was this all a hoax to get people to pimp themselves out? Was it done just to annoy Doors?

    Find out on the next episode of: Pleaseohpleaseohpleaseletmebeinatripod!!
  30. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    ooooooooh yeah.... i forgot about this thread...
  31. OmKranti Yogi Wench

    *Bows* Thats what I'm here for, God.
  32. roisindubh211 New Member

    oo I only just found this...can I put my name in a little late? Please? *puppy eyes*
  33. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    Since Garner hasn't got around to doing anything about it yet, I'm sure you're not too late, Roisin!

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