More terrorist threats

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Hex, Aug 11, 2006.

  1. Hex New Member

    Heathrow Airport shut down due to uncovering of Terrorist plot

    This news has made my blood run cold because before we made last minute plans to go to London two weeks ago my Mother and I were originally going to travel to London on the 3rd of August and then be leaving London today...

    Thank any deity listening they caught this before something horrible happened...

    I hate transatlantic flights.
    What I hate more is that transatlantic flights are the only way I can see my boyfriend!!
    This just makes things even more difficult than they already are...

    This is one of those times I wish I lived in Ankh Morpork. Or anywhere on Discworld actually.

    Sorry, the news of this has turned me into a babbling mess...
    I'll regain my composure momentarily, I promise.
  2. mowgli New Member

  3. fairyliquid New Member

    poor hex. at least you weren't, that's the main thing.
  4. Katcal I Aten't French !

    Sometimes near misses are scarier than bad things actually happening... You weren't there Hex, and no-one was hurt, that's what counts right now... I do understand the wanting to move to the Discworld though. I'd love a Gooseberry :D

    Well, the terrorists plans were foiled, and now the airlines have the perfect excuse for making you buy their drinks at $10 per small bottle of plastic-tasting water instead of bringing your own... Huzzah... :? One day, everyone will have to take the plane stark naked and have to go through the x-ray machine too.
  5. mowgli New Member

    [quote:550c8c50f3="Katcal"] One day, everyone will have to take the plane stark naked and have to go through the x-ray machine too.[/quote:550c8c50f3]

    Gags Katcall with a bagel before the aiport authorities overhear...

    Oh damn, they overheard! :p
  6. Electric_Man Templar

    The weird thing was them making arrests in London, Birmingham and High Wycombe... spot the odd one out (damn brummies)

    4 arrests in my town related to the bombings, all in an area regarded as not one of the nicest, also on the opposite side of town to me.

    Still, they got caught before they managed to do anything, which is the important bit.
  7. Angua_rox New Member

    Near misses can be very scary, but thankfully you're ok.

    I'm flying from London City to Dublin Airport on Monday, fingers crossed it'll all have died down slightly.
    Also I'm flying Air France, which I wouldn't say was a target.
  8. Dane New Member

    Terrorist threats can be a pain in the arse. I remember last year I was in Bulgaria with my brother and cousin (and assorted family members) when the London tube bombings happend. As it turned out it was the day before we left for England, I also remember it happening a couple of hours [i:1f17b622bc]after[/i:1f17b622bc] buying some death stars. We had fun throwing them at trees but it would have been pretty cool (if not a little illegal (I think)) to have had them at home though.

    I suppose that doesn't really compare to this though. But like everyones said, at least they were cought before the terrorists managed to do anything. That said there have been "leaks"* from American secret services that say there there are still ten men suspected of being involved not yet cought.

    *If i have spelt The vegitable spelling please excuse it...

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