Muppets Vids

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by mazekin, Jul 20, 2008.

  1. mazekin Member

    For all you Muppet lovers out there - I found this the other day and just had to share it! 3 Muppets videos. I think they are probably meant for some kind of advertising campaign, but for what, I don't know.

    YesButNoButYes: Muppet Marketing Co.

    My favourite is the middle vid!
  2. Joculator The 'Old' Fool

    Three great clips, Mazekin.

    Ahhhh, the happy days of childhood. Watching good character building shows on TV and I still think Waldorf and Statler had a lot to offer me. (Wipes away an emotional tear).
    Now you've set the standard, here are three of my favourites from You Tube

    Animal singing Mahna Mahna
    Beaker sings - Yellow by Coldplay

    Finally, a real tearjerker, in more ways than one....
    Chef, Beaker and Animal sing Danny Boy

    I bet a lot of Irish men... women.... and children will be crying into their pints of Guiness with the last one. :D
  3. spiky Bar Wench

    Beaker looks so sad singing Yellow...

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