My Little Survey (no ponies inside, whatsoever)

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Katcal, Nov 13, 2007.

  1. Katcal I Aten't French !

    Hi all, just for once, this is a serious :)bunny:) thread, as, thanks to my work with the mad people at Asmodee, one of the mad ideas knocking around in my head might just* make it into reality, and I could do with a bit of feedback... If you could take a couple of minutes and answer the questions below, it would really help me out.

    Please do answer even if you aren't interested, and even tell me why, that's the whole point of the thing...

    1. Would you be interested in playing a Discworld-based board / card game ? It would be a comedy game, rather in the same vein as the Munchkin games (for the comic aspect, not for the game structure) It would be packaged in one simple easy-to-carry box (with legs ? nah, maybe not), no further investment necessary. It would be quick and simple to set up and start playing with a good rhythm and plenty of interaction, plus the rules would easily be understood even by people who aren't Roman (or Garner for that matter).

    2. Would you buy the aforesaid game ?

    3. If so, how much would you deem reasonable to pay for it ? (in your own currency, don't worry, I'll convert...)

    4. If the game contained "collectible" elements (exclusive illustrations, paintable lead figures...) would that sway your choice one way or the other ? (these would not be sold apart, or as add-ons, but as part of the original game.

    5. Any other comments ? Anything you would particularly like/expect to see in this sort of game ?

    Thank you !

    *I do stress the purely hypothetical nature of the thing, as it seems that when my projects think they might just work out they tend to get scared and crawl back into their shell. So this probably won't happen, ok. Shhhhh ! :pirate:
  2. Roman_K New Member

    1. Absolutely.

    2. Very likely, yes.

    3. 100-150 NIS.

    4. That would certainly make it more appealing to both the fanboy and the collector in me.

    5. Not really, but I may have more to add later on. My mind's a bit blank today.
  3. jaccairn New Member

    1. yes

    2. probably

    3. £20-£25

    4. Not especially

    5. Able to be enjoyed/understood by non-discworld fans or I wouldn't get to play it very often.
  4. Electric_Man Templar

    1. Hmm, interested may not quite be the word... if the game fell in my lap or people around me were playing it, then I would probably want to join - but I wouldn't actively seek out the game to play it. Does that make sense?
    I'm the same with all board/card games, to be honest.

    2. No

    3. N/A

    4. No - not really a collector or fanboy, especially not like Roman anyway.

    5. Good idea with potential for the right market. But not my personal cup of hot beverage.
  5. Rewr New Member

    1. Probably, if I could find someone to play with...:sad:

    2. As above

    3. Depends on type of game: Cards - well Trump Cards sell for around £8.00; Board games £15.00 upwards, so it would also depend on content. As to what I'd actually pay, eh don't know depends on how skint I am when I'd come across it!

    4. Hmmm - undecided - probably not. If game was expensive could bankrupt the avid fan!

    5. I'm with Jaccairn on this - or I'd definitley not get to play at all. Also what age group would it be marketed for?

    Good luck
  6. Katcal I Aten't French !

    The agegroup would probably be something like 12 to 120... Thanks for the answers so far, and keep them coming, interesting stuff. Keeping it accessible to non-discworlders sounds so obvious, but I'm aware that it could be all to easy to forget when caught up in the fandom of it all...

    Without giving too much away and to give you an idea of size and contents, the game would be made up of 6 figures/counters (hence the idea for the lead figures) a "board" of sorts (this has not been decided upon yet, it could be tiles to lay out differently each time or a series of set boards), two decks of cards and a six-sided die.
  7. Cynical_Youth New Member

    1. Yes.
    2. Depends on my budget at the time, but I would want to get it.
    3. 10 - 15 euros.
    4. Nope.
    5. N-no ponies? :sad:
  8. Rewr New Member

    Sounds interesting.

    I was wondering about the die.

    'bout the pony... could always add something in about kick((ed) by the) 'ass'. :lol: Keep the equinine friends happy.
  9. redneck New Member

    1. I would be quite interested.

    2. More than likely, if for nothing more than a conversation piece.

    3. Between $15 and $30, depending on the content.

    4. They probably would as long as it didn't drive the price up too high.

    5. A little ditty by Pratchett about the game would be awesome.
  10. Tephlon Active Member

    1. Would you be interested in playing a Discworld-based board / card game ?
    Yes. Never played the munchkin game but I heard some good things about it. Love DW (duh) so, yes.

    2. Would you buy the aforesaid game ?
    Would be cool. Probably yes. See 5.

    3. If so, how much would you deem reasonable to pay for it ? About €15/20, not more than €25.

    4. If the game contained "collectible" elements (exclusive illustrations, paintable lead figures...) would that sway your choice one way or the other ?
    Nah. Nice bonus, but not necessarily why I would buy.

    5. Any other comments ? Anything you would particularly like/expect to see in this sort of game ?
    The illustrations need to be top notch. As in Kidby top notch. Also, I would probably only buy if supported by Pratchett, or at least condoned.
  11. Katcal I Aten't French !

    In my wildest dreams, Pterry would have a lot to do with the project, at the very least his approval is not only required for copyright reasons but I wouldn't even dream of doing it otherwise...
  12. IgorMina New Member

    1. yes
    2. I would buy such a game, but only if I had played it before-hand with others.
    3. I'd probably go up to 20 euros? It depends how good it seemed.
    4. Collecteable things might put me off if it meant that you had to buy more pieces, extra things for no reason other than just having them, or that some games had things that others didn't.

    Good luck with it! :)
  13. spiky Bar Wench

    1. Yes as I've already played Thud
    2. Yes as I've already bought Thud
    3. AUD $35 is what I paid for Thud
    4. Not necessary I like my games simple
    5. Challenging but not so complex that I can't kick my 12yo nieces arse
  14. Katcal I Aten't French !

    When I said no ponies, I did mean in the thread, not in the game... :wink: After all, could a game be any good with no ponies at all ?
  15. sampanna New Member

    1. Would you be interested in playing a Discworld-based board / card game ?
    Dunno really - what Ben said. I don't play board/card games much, but wouldnt be averse to joining a game if it was being played.

    2. Would you buy the aforesaid game ?
    Probably not, mainly because even if it is very interesting I would be hard pressed to find someone else interested in playing.

    3. If so, how much would you deem reasonable to pay for it ?
    If I found players, I would pay upto Rs. 600 I guess.

    4. If the game contained "collectible" elements (exclusive illustrations, paintable lead figures...) would that sway your choice one way or the other ? (these would not be sold apart, or as add-ons, but as part of the original game.
    No, not much for collectibles.

    5. Any other comments ? Anything you would particularly like/expect to see in this sort of game ?
    I'd rather see an online version of the game which can be played by people from anywhere.
  16. Rincewind Number One Doorman

    1. Yes. But like Ben I wou;dn't go out of my way to do so

    2. No. I'm part of the 'i'm slighly ashamed to like terry pratchett' group. I wouldn't buy this becuase I don't think any of my friends would play with me. I tend out to buy the daires and extras, it's the stories i'm interiested in....And I'm far to cool.

    3. About £30. I guess is what you pay for board games.


    5. Sampana's idea is good. Clever Girl.
  17. Electric_Man Templar

    Suddenly everyone wants to be like me... it was inevitable.

    I also agree that Sam has a good idea, obviously not a blond!
  18. Maljonic Administrator

    1. Would you be interested in playing a Discworld-based board / card game ? It would be a comedy game, rather in the same vein as the Munchkin games (for the comic aspect, not for the game structure) It would be packaged in one simple easy-to-carry box (with legs ? nah, maybe not), no further investment necessary. It would be quick and simple to set up and start playing with a good rhythm and plenty of interaction, plus the rules would easily be understood even by people who aren't Roman (or Garner for that matter).

    I guess, if someone else had the game.

    2. Would you buy the aforesaid game ?

    Probably not, but I might on a whim.

    3. If so, how much would you deem reasonable to pay for it ? (in your own currency, don't worry, I'll convert...)

    Depends how well made it was, £6 - £80

    4. If the game contained "collectible" elements (exclusive illustrations, paintable lead figures...) would that sway your choice one way or the other ? (these would not be sold apart, or as add-ons, but as part of the original game.

    Probably would work in its favour.

    5. Any other comments ? Anything you would particularly like/expect to see in this sort of game ?

    Animated holograms would be great!
  19. Katcal I Aten't French !

    I'm not sure an on-line version would work, it's one of those games that really need to be played around a table with friends...

    Animated holograms would be great... maybe for the holodeck version of it in 2351... (damn time monks and their paradoxes)
  20. Rincewind Number One Doorman

    Yeah, i'm already trying to cultivate a fine weasel-like coat.
  21. Katcal I Aten't French !

    Rinso, honey, you really need to come out of the Pterry closet, it's not dirty (for once), and it happens to nice people too you know...
  22. Stercus Stercus New Member

    1. Yes if it was something that non discworlders would enjoy too. And if I had an advantage by being a fan. ;)

    2. Yes cos I'm a collector of sorts. :redface:

    3. £15-£25 depending on the quality

    4. No but they would be a great bonus

    5. How about 8 sided dice of some sort to keep the discworld theme?

    What do you mean, 'The closet's not dirty'. Has someone been dusting while I was away.
  23. Rincewind Number One Doorman

    Well, my friends know I read the books and post here. But I chances of getting them to sit round a table and play a discworld board game are slim to none.

    Also personally, It's not something I'm interested in. I love Pterry not for the fantasy but for the normallity of his books. For the every dayness of his dialogue.

    I don't see how that could be captured in a board game. The only thing I could think of it being is something that has superfical discworld referances.

    But then agian, what the hell do I know? I used to think Dogs invented maths.
  24. redneck New Member

    Well isn't that just silly. Everyone knows that it was alligators what done it. Sheesh.
  25. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    You'll need the 'core game' to be mostly complete, but not so complete that there isn't room for utterly non-essential expansion decks or what have you.

    depending on how much neat stuff comes with the core game, you could charge up to 20 quid for it without being unreasonable or edging yourself out of the larger market.

    5 quid for an expansion deck of cards, 10 quid for an expansion pack of 'collectibles'
  26. TamyraMcG Active Member

    It was Camels, not alligators or dogs
    #1 I'd like such a game, I'm sure I would.
    #2 Yes I would probably buy a game,
    #3Having played Munchkin, and bought two games, Original Munchkin and Munchkin Chthulu, I guess I'd pay about $25 for such a game,add on's would be welcome especially if they meant more people could play.
    #4 Oh I like little figues but maybe they shouldn't be made of lead.
    #5 Eight sided dice sound fun, so does Pterry having input. That back of the board should have the Great A'tuin against the black of space. Have Faith, Katcal, you can do it.
  27. spiky Bar Wench

    Kat I hope you realise that any DW game needs to be approved by pterry before it can be manufactured. there was a guy at the AusDWcon who'd come up with a great game that everyone enjoyed playing and he'd even found someone to make it but it's all been held up with the legalities of copyright etc...

    I'd check this before getting to far ahead...
  28. Katcal I Aten't French !

    Sure, spiky, as I said before, I wouldn't dream of going any further without at the very least an authorisation, and at the best his collaboration on this, and as I'm lame at legal talk and it will probably sound better coming from them, the publishers will be dealing with contacting Pterry and anyone else who would be involved if and when the project is approved as "do-able and good enough to actually make money".
    This is just my way of getting some quick and easy feedback from the kind of people it would be aimed at (which is why even the negative comments are interesting, in fact especially the negative ones). And all this is still very much in the project stage, so no panic yet :wink:
  29. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    1. Would you be interested in playing a Discworld-based board / card game ?

    2. Would you buy the aforesaid game ?
    Yes, definitely, if I could afford it.

    3. If so, how much would you deem reasonable to pay for it ?
    Anything up to £25 would seem reasonable, but I'd be much more likely to be able to buy it if it was under £20.

    4. If the game contained "collectible" elements (exclusive illustrations, paintable lead figures...) would that sway your choice one way or the other ?
    I'm a completist, so collectible series tend to really annoy me. However, if the game came with a set of nice props, I would be about ten times more likely to buy it. I love games with miniatures, coins, certificates and general piles of stuff.

    5. Any other comments ? Anything you would particularly like/expect to see in this sort of game ?
    Like Bauke, I find the artwork a make or break. I'd be seriously switched off by poor to mediocre artwork, however good the game looked. Whereas excellent artwork might sway me towards buying the game even if it didn't look that great, I'm sad to say.

    The game would be a lot more playable for us if the number of players wasn't limited. Our gaming group has 2-8 players, and sometimes, so games for 4 players almost never get played. On the other hand, games that require more than 2 are less playable too.
  30. Katcal I Aten't French !

    Oh yes, the number of players would be 2 to 10 players (ideally from 3 up, a game for 2 would be less fun but still possible, like Munchkin), and the average length of a game would be about 1 hour, depending on the number of playes and how hard they choose to make it (possibility to make the game shorter if you're in a hurry)
    This wouldn't be a collectible game format, it would be an all-inclusive boxed set like any other "normal" board game, but it's flexible enough for extensions to be possible (and fun).
  31. Mithras-Kosmokrator New Member

    1) Yes
    2) Yes
    3) Up to £20 sterling, depending on the game.
    4) Yes – more likely to buy and/or pay more.
    5) Possibly a game based on those mentioned in the books – eg Cripple Mr Onion, Exclusive Possession (which would be basically a Discworld-themes monopoly) and so on.
  32. Katcal I Aten't French !

    Hmmm... Ok, I'll give a bit away, it is losely based on one of the activites/games featured in several of the books, but none of the above. ;)
  33. redneck New Member

    Kat, if you quit will this affect the possibility of the game?
  34. Katcal I Aten't French !

    Nope, different company whatsoever, the job I'll be quitting is my boring day-job, the job I'm doing with Asmodee the game people is going perfectly on the side (but legally, eh, just in a secondary position).
  35. Mynona Member

    1) As many have said, yes. Though it needs to appeal to non-discworlders too. Though it doesn't necessairily have to be translated from English. As a matter of fact, it needs to be in English, to keep the Pterry feel.

    2) Yes. Because I'm... strange. And I like stuff.

    3) About 250-500SEK though preferably less than 400SEK.

    4)The more stuff, especially lose stuff, the better. I love it when there's extra things to move around and play with. Even though they always disappear.

    5) The art, of course. And the language, it has to follow the language that Pterry has set in the books.

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