This site just told me I had not visited since August 15, 2007. I feel terrible. But I have been rathar busy with life and stuff. Also, I moved to the mountains and don't have internet in the house because all this very small mountain town has to offer is dial up. Screw that. So, how is everyone? I hope you have all been well. I have missed you.
You Moved to South Park? Well I hope you can come visit more often, I hope the snow doesn't get too deep. I have been keeping a shovel in my car, I need it way more often then I had expected to.
Om - all mountains are beautiful and I am sure that yours are too. All the best in your wee mountain village. R.
YOOM! So what's going on? Are you still living with the Elf? Are you celebrating Diwali or Christmas or what? Doesn't dial-up suck rude things?
You know, it's funny but "namaste" (pronounced NA-ma-ste) means "here we are" in greek. Did you do this on purpose? I called before I left America for Greece, did the guy who answered your phone give you my message?
So yeah, dial up sucks rude things so I opted to have no internet. But I do have work internet, which is always cool. Avgi, yes he did. I meant to gmail you and thank you, but then I didn't because I suck rude things. Grace, I am still living with Elf, it's going well. He moved with me, so that was pretty amazing. It's been fun. We like the mountains, but miss the city terribley. I don't know if we are going to stay permanantly, but at least for a while. Good to hear from you all. I hope your Christmas was merry.
It could be worse. She could suck turnips. Good to hear from you and that every things going well. Just think you could build a big fake hill to block the view of all those mountains and trees and stuff because having to look at that all day would drive you crazy huh*. *A small prize for the person who gets the reference.