NaNoWriMo 2007

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by chrisjordan, Sep 5, 2007.

  1. chrisjordan New Member

    National Novel Writing Month 2007.

    50,000 words in one month. Quantity, not quality. It'll be like writing a really long, frantic, non-board boardfic, I guess.

    I might go for it. Anyone else?
  2. Hex New Member

    If I make it through midterms without getting failing grades, sure, I'll go for it. 50,000 words isn't so bad if you just write a couple thousand every day or so...



    I'll have to wait and see. Without doubt.
  3. SusanDeath New Member

    ...I think I feel some post-traumatic stress coming on...

    But, ignore me, you should totally go for it. :lol:
  4. Katcal I Aten't French !

    Woah... looks like fun...
  5. Rincewind Number One Doorman

    It would just end up like a mass of miss spelt gibberish if it did it.*

    Those who do should post it here though, and we can shower you with compliements and praise. And water in ben's case.

    *Yes, just like my normal posts.
  6. chrisjordan New Member

    Hi, SusanDeath. Did you try it last year?
  7. Electric_Man Templar

    I think you should, just to see whether you hit perfect spelling and grammar in the maelstrom of words.

    I'd shower you in pig dung, but the pig dung doesn't deserve it.
  8. SusanDeath New Member

    Hee. Okay, so I kind of over-dramatized. I tried... for a couple days... In my defense, though I had been planning to do it for a while, when the time came I was almost done with another story and couldn't really bring myself to work on anything else. If only it had been in December, I would've made it for sure.

    So the question is, should I try again? Even though I'm in college now? :surprised:
  9. chrisjordan New Member

    Ha, a couple of days.

    I'm still debating it, since it'll require something like a short essay-length addition every day (1600-1700 words), and I already struggle to get just that much written in maybe a fortnight.

    Also, I'm heading to Uni this month, so any writing I'll do, on top of the stuff I have already, will have to be done when I'm either drunk or hungover. But who knows, that might make it more interesting.

    The encouraging part is that I wouldn't have to concern myself too much with getting things just right. And I've already been having ideas. I'll have to stop myself from making it overly complex before November, though, otherwise I'll just fall over at the starting line.

    I dunno, it'll be tough, but it should be interesting. It might do my habits some good, too. Depends how heavy other things get, really.
  10. SusanDeath New Member

    I do definitely agree with the bit about it doing one's habits some good. I'm a terrible perfectionist when it comes to writing, for school or for fun. Though I didn't actually stick with it long enough to learn anything about writing stuff as it comes to you, I could at least tell that I would have to change my writing habits a good bit to keep up. With the story I'm working on now, it seems to take me two weeks to a month to turn out a full scene - of course, I don't get to work on it nearly as much as I'd like, plus I'm working really closely with a beta reader and it's kind of all about as getting it as perfect as I can... still, you can see how trying to work like this doesn't exactly make school very easy :neutral:
  11. chrisjordan New Member

    Heh, my slow progress is mostly due to laziness. Or being unsure about how to do the next step of some grand, convoluted idea I might have... which I guess is a kind of perfectionism too. And I also have a habit of revising stuff in hindsight. Repeatedly. Neverendingly.

    Still, those things should be less of an issue with a stream-of-inventiveness sort of thing, if only because there won't be time for it.

    So who else is considering it? We could have like a... network of mutual encouragement. :razz: Or competition, even.
  12. Maljonic Administrator

    It says they're closed to new registrations.
  13. SusanDeath New Member

    Heh heh, laziness often has a lot to do with it. I have to be in 'just' the right mood... or in math class :wink:

    The problem is that I don't know if I could even 'do' stream-of-inventiveness type writing; it's too foreign. Sure, I can jot down outlines and little random disjointed ideas, but anything resembling style seems to come in an all-or-nothing package... Which is all the more reason for me to try this, I suppose. They keep trying to tell me that college is all about Trying New Things, after all :surprised: So I guess I'm 'considering' it... sort of in the same way I'm considering ballroom dancing classes, but still, it could happen...

    *scratches head* I don't remember--maybe they don't open until closer to time?
  14. chrisjordan New Member

    Registration opens in October.
  15. chrisjordan New Member

    Still not ready to commit myself completely just yet, but I registered anyway.

    Assuming I go for it, this would be the title: MARTO THE GOD.

    We'll see, I guess.
  16. Maljonic Administrator

    Me too, I registered.
  17. Maljonic Administrator

    I can't get on the damn site, it keeps timing out and it's unbearably slow.
  18. Maljonic Administrator

    Well I'm giving up on this, it's far too frustrating just waiting for the site's pages to load, and even when they do I can't figure out where I'm supposed to add my writing.
  19. chrisjordan New Member

    Edit Profile, Author Info. Looks like they've added a more obvious link to it on the left-hand menu on profile pages, too. You just put the number in yourself.

    The site has really been struggling, but it seems to be coping a bit better than it was. They sent an email out saying this was likely before it even started. You may want to try next year instead.

    I'm on... 1432 words, out of a required 8335 by the end of today.


  20. IgorMina New Member

    I'm liking the spoon theme in that excerpt! Sounds good. :)

    This seems like a good idea, but I think I'll have to wait a couple of years before trying to do it myself. Good luck with your writing though Chrisjordan.

    Glad I'm not the only one to have an inexplicable fondness for spoons... :D
  21. chrisjordan New Member

    Thanks. The spoon thing is a Matrix reference.
  22. IgorMina New Member

    Heh! Trust me not to pick up on that! (Although to be fair I only saw the third one and was uttely and completely confused by it :confused: )

    Well spoons are cool anyway! How are you managing on the word quota? :)
  23. Rincewind Number One Doorman

  24. chrisjordan New Member

    So the famous rhyme goes:

    Rinso and IgorMina sitting in a tree
    S P O O N L O V I N G

    (Wordcount? No comment.)
  25. IgorMina New Member

    :lol: :confused: :lol:

    But you must agree that spoons are the perfect shape!
  26. IgorMina New Member

    A quick story to demonstrate the greatness of spoons:

    There was once a man who found a spoon. It was a nice spoon and he liked it very much, but to his sorrow he could not think of a use to put it to.

    One fine and sunny day, a friend of his, who was well known for his practical mindedness, came calling. He agreed that the spoon was a very good and nice example of a spoon, but could not think of a use for it either. And since no use could be found for it, he argued that it should be thrown out. Finally the man, whilst the proud owner of his beloved spoon, was forced to see his friend’s point and was swayed by his apparently watertight reasoning. He decided therefore to follow his friend’s advice.
    But, as he threw the spoon in amongst the rubbish, it suddenly started to grow. The spoon grew until it was terrifying to behold and it spoke thusly:
    ‘The man was right to want to keep me and cherish me, for I am a fine example of a spoon and am not broken. I could yet come in useful. You, my master’s friend, shall therefore be punished for your attitude: forever more spoons shall evade you, and you shall be compelled to eat with a FORK!’ The spoon then turned to its owner and told him ‘I do indeed have a purpose other than being aesthetically pleasing; I can also be used for eating desserts!’
    The man dropped to his knees crying tears of gratitude whereupon the spoon shrank and fell into his hand.

    His friend turned pale, ran out of the house and was never seen again, but the man lived happily ever after, eating desserts and travelling round the country giving lectures on the uses of the spoon.

    The End. [IMG]
  27. Katcal I Aten't French !

    Surely, if that story was to make any sense at alle, the man condemned to eating with a fork should have also been sentenced to eating only soup, forever.

    Rinso, I never thought this would be said, but you do indeed seem to have met a sister-soul...

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