
Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by headology, Jun 16, 2008.

  1. headology New Member


    Does anyone know anything about Terry Pratchett's new book Nation? What is it going to be about:question:
  2. Tephlon Active Member

    Wikipedia says it's a non discworld book. (Here)

    This article says he's not telling. Although that was dated Feb 17th 2007.

    Amazon says:
    All this was on the first page of results for a google search using "Terry Pratchett Nation" by te way.

    Also: There is no excuse for using 3 question marks! ;-)
  3. spiky Bar Wench

    Unless you ask 3 questions of course.
  4. TheJackal Member

    I'm reading Nation at the moment..mwahahaha...

    Bought an advance copy. I'll have to wait until I finish to pass judgement!
  5. headology New Member

    Well, I was thinking of using four question marks but decided that would just be excessive :)
  6. TamyraMcG Active Member

    As long as you refrain from five exclaimation points, that's when I get concerned.

    Jackal, you are my kind of Pratchett fan.

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