New Bank of Japan boss rejected

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by sampanna, Mar 19, 2008.

  1. sampanna New Member

    BBC NEWS | Business | New Bank of Japan boss rejected

    When I saw that headline in the BBC rss feed my first thought was "Shit, now he will commit suicide". Shows how little I know, and how completely stereotyped it is. In almost every book I've read which involved Japan or the Japanese, characters committing suicide was the norm if honor is *slighted*.

    What did you first think when you saw that headline? (Other than sam's crazy, why would we be interested in that?) - and what other stereotypes do you know you have in mind but cannot shake off?
  2. Maljonic Administrator

    I thought the new BOJ boss had been turned down by a date.
  3. Katcal I Aten't French !

    I was wondering how to pronounce his predecessor's name without sounding rude, and was then reminded of the sexy japanese twins in Austin Powers 3, Fuk yu and Fuk mi...
    Although the fact that I'm really tired and feel like it's Friday may have something to do with that.

    The strange thing about stereotypes is when you actually get to experience them for real, it feels extremely weird. For every 100 people who are completely different from the stereotype they are labeled with, you will find a couple of people who completely fill or even surpass said stereotype. There are people in London who wear suits, bowler hats and carry umbrellas and are frightfully polite, don't you know. There are French people who wear stripy jumpers and ride bikes (most of them are in Brittany). There are gay couples who can only talk about fashion and musicals, darling. And since I have moved to Ireland, I have seen plenty of rainbows and green countryside, stumbled over plenty of loose change lying around on the street and seen people dressed in green getting drunk(er) on Guinness.
  4. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    my first thought was "Oh?" and then veered off to some wikipedia tid-bit about Japan Steel being the only company that can make nuclear reactor containment chambers out of a single piece of metal, and so I was a bit disappointed when i actually read the thread, but i guess that's my own fault.
  5. Marcia Executive Onion

    Actually, the first things I thought of were - how will this affect the economies of the US and the UK, and how will it therefore affect the amount of money I can use to buy toys?

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