New Hobbies

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by colonesque10, Jun 19, 2007.

  1. colonesque10 New Member

    As i've been away for so long I was wondering if anyone had any new hobbies that they were well into?

    I see Rinso has become a keen Photographer, anyone else found something that makes their lives seem more fulfilled?

    I am now a keen Aquarist. I have three tanks at the moment and am already on the look out for my fourth. At the moment I keep all Tropical Freshwater fish rangeing from Angel fish and Catfish to Puffers and Rainbowfish.

    Even weirder I also own two turtles. They are yellow bellied sliders and are only currently about 3 and a half inches in length.

    This is the new caring animal loving (not in that way Rinso) Kenny. Badgers are still by far my favourite animal though.
  2. sampanna New Member

    Rinso has taken up dirtying parks.
    Oh wait, you said new ..

    Well, my wife and I have started traveling quite a bit, and I've clocked quite a few kilometers in the past year. That and photography.

    I even work a bit on the side.

    Edit to add:
    Aquariums are fun, but rather hard work. Try a salt water tank if you have the time/money/patience. Sea fish come in amazing colours.
  3. colonesque10 New Member

    Traveling is something i'd certainly hope to do sooner or later. I'd love to visit places like China, India, Mongolia, Canada, New Zealand, the list goes on and on.

    Aquariums are hard work, and expenisve too. I am going to wait until i've got a couple more years experience before I go for a Marine tank. The water composition has to be controlled much more thoroughly.
  4. Katcal I Aten't French !

    My new hobby is polluting this board with drivvel. I've been at it for... ooh, over a year now, and some say i'm pretty good at it. Also, annoying Garner is a secondary pass-time, as I have become a disciple of his church.

    Also, a recent addition to my hobby list is quitting jobs. I'm getting quite good at it. Look, there goes the second in 5 months !

    Oh and I thought I was getting pretty good at picking on Rinso, but now you're back, I can see I've got it all wrong. I bow before the master.
  5. Electric_Man Templar

    New hobbies? Not really - unless you count my Wii, I've been playing with it for some time now, the only thing more addictive than improving my Wii fitness is making puns about it.

    I always used to like taking pictures, since way back when. The frequency of pictures has increased this year though, aided and abetted by this board.

    Ditto, I caught the bug by going to Prague, Japan and *gasp* Edinburgh so far this year. Now I need to go to more places!
  6. Orrdos God


    Gosh, I can hardly picture what somewhere as exotic as that would be like.

    However, I too have caught the travel bug by reading all Bill Bryson's books one after the other.

    I don't really want to go to many places, but I like the idea of travelling.

    In hobby news: i still have none. At all.
  7. Orrdos God

    Hmm, yeah. It's definately the key to a successful tank, that.
  8. Rincewind Number One Doorman

    I also have an Ant Farm. Seriously, I do.
  9. plaid New Member

    i've been making postcards lately.
    and sewing a bit.
    and beating my little brothers at chess.
    fun stuff.

    oh, and i was looking for a bill bryson book today at the library and had no luck. maybe i'll have to reread the ones i own....
  10. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    I'm still trying to get into roleplaying properly, but I can't seem to find a group who will keep meeting. *glares*

    Aside from that... erm... I've been watching a lot of Family Guy. Does that count?
  11. Roman_K New Member

    I have no new hobbies whatsoever. My old hobbies of books, video games, and growing cats seem to be enough. I also like roleplaying, although like Grace I seem to be having trouble finding a stable group. *glares*
  12. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    I like to get roman's hopes up for a role playing group, then dash them by getting bored, and including people like doors who won't show up. *pokes glaring people in the eye*
  13. Mynona Member

    It isn't exactly a new hobby but I've taken up horse-back riding again, after not having ridden in about three years due to various things.

    It's great, though I've forgotten how to make the horse turn around on her hind-legs. Everything else have come back except that. Wierd.
  14. redneck New Member

    I'm starting up pets again. In the past two months or so I've found myself the partial custodian of a flying squirrel and a baby raccoon. I've also seemed to make it a hobby of secluding myself. I blame it on the wild animals. And rabies.
  15. spiky Bar Wench

    As sad is this sounds my hobbies have evolved from and obsession with spider solitaire to and obsession with Hearts. Damn the standard games in Microsoft!
  16. Hex New Member

    I've been roleplaying on a weekly basis. Gotta love the D&D nerdiness.
    Discovered a mild obsession with the Firefly TV series. I've been enjoying it immensely.
    Also, have been working on a webcomic, collaborating with Evan, my boyfriend. Is good fun and great creative opportunity.
    Well, it at least keeps the despairing boredom of work away.
  17. TamyraMcG Active Member

    I have taken up men for a hobby, everything else has fallen by the wayside. It hasn't been a very sucessful hobby but I have found out a lot about myself and my goals, and one or two seem like they may be friends. It is a good hobby. I also play spider solitaire and have a Scrabble tm game in my cd drive at all times. Then there is Myspace... funny, most of the really good guys I met there. Oh did I mention my husband and I did our divorce together and he has remarried? That was almost a hobby for a couple of months there, filling out paperwork.
  18. Katcal I Aten't French !

    Oh yes, Tamyra's new hobbie is sending on every single questionnaire on the web through Myspace :biggrin:
  19. colonesque10 New Member

    It is Doors. Too much urine is never a good thing! (never thought i'd hear my self say that)

    I see a lot of people seem interested in travelling. I'm currently looking into a west coast of the Us small tour. A few of us are thinking of flying into maybe California and driving up the west coast. Going to LA, San Francisco, maybe Las Vegas again and carry on up to see the great redwoods. One of my friends has done it and recommends it immensly. It sounds good, if expensive, but it's something I hope to do this year.
  20. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    I'd love to visit San Francisco, but not LA.
  21. colonesque10 New Member

    LA is a bit differen t to the kind of places i'd like to visit while i'm over there but I think i'd like to go once just to say i've been, and probably hated it.
  22. Katcal I Aten't French !

    Well, yeah, I mean it's soooo much cooler to be able to say that you've been there and hated it than just randomly hating it because it's a really sucky place. Which it is of course.
  23. mowgli New Member

    I'd give LA the benefit of the doubt - it's so big and bizarre, it just might have concentration pockets of extreme coolness. My brother gave me a rather whirlwhind tour a few years ago - some places that I saw zooming past our car's window looked like they had potential :). Since we were short on time, our only prolonged stop was at a Scientology, erm, temple, which was exteremely memorable in and of itself :)!
  24. Katcal I Aten't French !

    That was creepy. the very minute I read the word Scientology, John Travolta appeared on my TV screen. I'm not kidding. They are EVERYWHERE. They are watching us !
  25. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    LA fucking sucks. you fly in and the air turns yellow. all around you are these identical wasteful houses spreading out to the fucking horrizon line, and the horrizon line's like a million miles away from that altitude. the people there are all assholes and despite it being california you cannot find decent pot to save your life.
  26. missy New Member

    I have 2 hobbies at the moment. Making cards for people. Birthdays, get well, congrats etc.... and gardening! I never had a garden til i moved in with Dave and now we both seem to be enjoying working on it together, although i can't do certain things. Did i ever tell you how phobic i am of spiders? Gardening isn't really the best choice for someone like me! lol
  27. colonesque10 New Member

    I've actually been doing a bit of gardening of late too. Mainly a new patio, new turf and quite a few pots. I'm the same though missy, i'm terrified of spiders and for some reason our front garden seems to have millions in it.
  28. redneck New Member

    Spiders in the garden are good signs. They are taking care of pests that can harm your much worked for plants. If you can stomach working around them or possibly moving them away from where you are working at the time then you will be doing your garden a good service.
  29. missy New Member

    Agreed but really not easy when you are phobic. Thats why i always keep a big, brave Dave really near by when i go out to do it.
    I have to admit to another reason for the gardening though. As i said, i didn't have a garden til i moved here, so for christmas, Mummy and Daddy Victim got me the best present ever. A full bird attracting and watching kit. Feeders, food, nuts, even things to hang the feeders and Coconut shells off. Best of all, a pair of binoculars. So i understand now why the garden and all its bugs are so important, cos without them, there would be no birds around to watch. Proof has been in the pudding you see, there were very few around last year at this time, this year we have what looks like a Hitchcock movie available for all to see.

    There, my secrets out. My final hobby makes me a sad cow, nearly 30, and a bloody bird watcher. (they are funny to watch though)
  30. Katcal I Aten't French !

    Now all you need is a cat :biggrin:
  31. missy New Member

    urgh cats!!!

    *smacks Kat with a pillow filled with the skin of 50 cats that have shit in my garden, forcing me to have to kill them*

    I hate cats (spelled that way, not Kats of course)
  32. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    I can't wait till Garner and I can move somewhere with a garden. I want a bird table too!
  33. missy New Member

    Aw Buzz, there is so much more out there than bird tables. I have 3 black iron posts in various positions, all with nice food they like and one even has a bath on it. Don't just stick with the table, they come to rely on you so much. Especially this time of year with all the hatchlings. The one post has 4 hangers, a tray (for meal (sp) worms) and the bath on it. I have seen over 20 on this one alone. From Black birds to Robins to Finches. What amazed me the most was how much the play. Its so funny.

    Sorry to be nerdy, but i think you would love to get something a little different than a table.
  34. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    Sounds cool! I like tits the best. And I can't believe I just said that.
  35. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    Hmm... Avgiiiiiiiiii!
  36. Rincewind Number One Doorman

  37. spiky Bar Wench

    But you can't move out of your epileptic fit inducing decorated house. Who'd be around to admire the wall paper then.

    Besides you could always paint birds onto the wall paper. I'm sure the owner wouldn't notice with all the other stuff going on.
  38. Ba Lord of the Pies

    Now, now. If Grace just throws lines like that out any old day, what is she going to give Rinso for his birthday?
  39. spiky Bar Wench

    Although I have been introduced to second life and am finding it strangely addictive. Although I was disappointed to discover that there's no DW island.

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