New Year Resolutions... The Good, The Bad and The Ugly?

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Joculator, Dec 31, 2006.

  1. Joculator The 'Old' Fool

    Welllll (long, drawn out pronunciation and NOT a typo), there's only seven hours of 2006 to go. I just wondered if anyone has made any resolutions for the coming year and will you stick to them? Better still, have you made any real gaffs with your resolutions in the past and your family and friends have made your life hell by making sure you kept your promises?

    Here's your chance to clear your conscience if you lapsed.

    Oh yes, and a Happy New Year to you all. If all goes well, I expect to be unconscious for three days. Cheers :drinkers:
  2. TamyraMcG Active Member

    I have exactly 12 hours to go. I do not know when I last made a
    New Year's resolution. I don't know where to start, I have so many things I should resolve myself to doing. I think I'm going to forego making any promises or demands to myself this year. There are going to be enough changes for me that I really think I'd best just resolve to cut myself some slack this year,allow the tears to fall when they will and look foreward to new possibilities however small or large they might be.
  3. Maljonic Administrator

    I haven't got any resolutions as such, I don't think there's anything left I could give up that usually falls in the NYR category, but I do intend to keep battling a little harder against a couple of life-restricting phobias I've been suffering from.
  4. Angua_rox New Member

    I intend to study hard, because I have exams, and the top 4 scorers in my year get a bursary for the remaining 3 years, which I'll get a third of if I succeed in geeting.

    And to write shorter and more coherent sentences.

    Ooooh, and to get 500 posts and a title :D
  5. TamyraMcG Active Member

    Angua_rox, you just made me realize I need to get a new title, too. I'm not a trucker mama anymore. I'll have to think of a real good one.
  6. Angua_rox New Member

    It's 500 posts for a title, isn't it, but can you change it at will after that?
  7. Katcal I Aten't French !

    Nope, it's 500 posts to finish your little blue bar, but 1000 for a title. I would have thought that at 2000 the title would automatically change to "can't shut her up", but it hasn't... maybe at 3000 :D

    I'm no good at sticking to any resolutions, made at New Year or not, so I usually don't bother much... Besides, like Mal, there's nothing much for me to give up, maybe just trying to be a little more sensible with my money...
  8. missy New Member

    Apart from smoking (which is just so cliched) i can't think of any either. I have quit (for now) as i ran out on New Years Day and haven't been arsed to go get some more. I'm not missing them as its letting my chest infection get better, I don't know about Dave though. I think i must be looking like one of those cartoon characters that look like a cooked chicken to a hungry cat, only i look like a Richmond superkings menthol.

    I spose i could try and give up chocolate, being diabetic it would benefit me greatly, I don't think Dave would survive the aftermath though so i'm thinking maybe next year!

  9. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    I never make New Year's Resolutions. I tend to think that if it's worth resolving to do something, it's worth resolving to do it right away. I don't find setting a date helps me much.
  10. Angua_rox New Member

    I'm always resolving to do stuff anyway, so I tend not to make special New Years ones too.

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