Newbies are coming... This is a good thing

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Garner, Aug 24, 2005.

  1. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    Just thought I'd point out that at least one person's joined the boards here despite finding the old site AFTER we left. :D

    This is a good thing! :eek:
  2. colonesque10 New Member

    This is certainly a good thing. I know that this is one of the things we all feared when the possibilty of a move to a new board was discussed. Good news. 8)
  3. Rincewind Number One Doorman


    Yay Fazza!

  4. TheJackal Member

    Yes, this is a good thing, as we do not want this becoming a fully closed off community
  5. Wizzard New Member

    Uh oh.....they noticed me....*slips of sandals* *backs up*......

  6. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    You know, I didn't realize it at the time, but yes that IS referencing Rincewind in 'The Last Continent', isn't it?


    Welcome, Wizzard... please don't try to post as a discworld character.
  7. Marcia Executive Onion

  8. Tephlon Active Member

    Yay, Go Mal!
  9. Saccharissa Stitcher

    Our natural charm is bound to win over those visiting the Webring and are interested in participating in a Terry Pratchett Message Board.

    Mal, thank you again for providing this community a home and for ensuring it will grow and prosper.
  10. Rincewind Number One Doorman

  11. mowgli New Member

  12. Wizzard New Member

    Now now was a kind of premonition. Bad things tend to happen when I'm around. I slip up...say the wrong thing, *poof* flame wars. So I guess I can use that kind of thing to express an opinion, now cant I? Besides, why cant you use Book characters characteristics to express an opinion? This IS a Terry Pratchett forum, isnt it?

    Please dont turn this into a flame war
  13. Ba Lord of the Pies

    Because then the board ends up with a dozen people posting in all caps claiming to be Death. No one wants that. So don't do it.
  14. Tephlon Active Member


    The other reason is that most people can't pull off staying in character. You are not Terry and will never be. It gets annoying real quick.

    Your use of "Uh oh.....they noticed me....*slips of sandals* *backs up*...... ", combined with your username prompted Garners reaction.

    We'd rather get to know the real you.
  15. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    Spidy sense tingling...
  16. sleepy_sarge New Member


    The other reason is that most people can't pull off staying in character. You are not Terry and will never be. It gets annoying real quick.

    Your use of "Uh oh.....they noticed me....*slips of sandals* *backs up*...... ", combined with your username prompted Garners reaction.

    We'd rather get to know the real you.[/quote:df6d258784]

    It will also prevent the inevitable [i:df6d258784]absolutely hilarious [/i:df6d258784]outbursts of "Oook" every time Rincewind mentions his favourite animal.
  17. Garner Great God and Founding Father

  18. Wizzard New Member did I know I'd get a 2-3 person reaction. And its not posting in character, its posting as a character would if he/she/it were in the situation. I heard someone start talking about all the newbits coming here and was like "uh oh..thats me" Obviously when people start talking about new(bits, bies) then your not really part of the converstation...except for the fact that it is about you.
  19. Marcia Executive Onion

    [quote:a17828029d="Wizzard"]And its not posting in character, its posting as a character would if he/she/it were in the situation. [/quote:a17828029d]

    How is that not posting in character?

    [quote:a17828029d="Wizzard"]I heard someone start talking about all the newbits coming here and was like "uh oh..thats me" Obviously when people start talking about new(bits, bies) then your not really part of the converstation...except for the fact that it is about you.[/quote:a17828029d]

    You are part of a conversation if you choose to take part in that conversation. People have complained about your style of posting. Nobody has said that you shouldn't post.
  20. Maljonic Administrator

    [quote:86bcd0b540="Wizzard"] did I know I'd get a 2-3 person reaction. And its not posting in character, its posting as a character would if he/she/it were in the situation. I heard someone start talking about all the newbits coming here and was like "uh oh..thats me" Obviously when people start talking about new(bits, bies) then your not really part of the converstation...except for the fact that it is about you.[/quote:86bcd0b540]Well it's not a big deal really, we just don't like people posting as a character, or acting like they are one of the Discworld characters all that much - it just gets a bit tired very quickly is all.

    We've even had people posting nothing but 'ook' and 'eek' in the past; we just prefer people to be themselves most of the time. :)

    P.S. At least here people tell you what they don't like, on some message boards I've been involved in the people wouldn't even bother to reply to someone posting as a character.
  21. Tephlon Active Member

    [quote:738982de71="Wizzard"] did I know I'd get a 2-3 person reaction. [/quote:738982de71]
    You knew because you know how this community works, obviously...
    [quote:738982de71="Wizzard"]And its not posting in character, its posting as a character would if he/she/it were in the situation. [/quote:738982de71]
    [quote:738982de71="Wizzard"]I heard someone start talking about all the newbits coming here and was like "uh oh..thats me" Obviously when people start talking about new(bits, bies) then your not really part of the converstation...except for the fact that it is about you.[/quote:738982de71]
    So, become part of it, it's not that hard.
  22. Naiad New Member

    [color=blue:96be72844e]i'm a newbie! :D hiya![/color:96be72844e]
  23. mowgli New Member

  24. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

  25. Gen_the_Mighty New Member

    Howdy - I am also a newbie who managed to find my way here from the other board, wading through vast swamps of spam to the thread that said 'THIS COMMUNITY HAS MOVED'

    Nice work 8)
  26. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    Glad to hear you managed it, Gen! :)
  27. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    When swimming through swamps, always be wary of leeches.
  28. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    Always attach disclaimers to your products, even when they seem obvious, so that even morons can't sue you.
  29. lipi New Member

    [quote:1cc8bef33f="Buzzfloyd"]Always attach disclaimers to your products, even when they seem obvious, so that even morons can't sue you.[/quote:1cc8bef33f]
    Erm... I think some morons would sue you for insulting their intelligence with obvious disclaimers :lol:
    Intelligence being a very loose term here, of course.
  30. Mimiru New Member

    [quote:e75be02033="lipi"][quote:e75be02033="Buzzfloyd"]Always attach disclaimers to your products, even when they seem obvious, so that even morons can't sue you.[/quote:e75be02033]
    Erm... I think some morons would sue you for insulting their intelligence with obvious disclaimers :lol:
    Intelligence being a very loose term here, of course.[/quote:e75be02033]

    People like obvious disclaimers. I know several people who think that warning lables on bags of nuts that claim they could cause allergic reactions [to those allergic to nuts] is useful information.
  31. spiky Bar Wench

    [quote:77582efaa7="Mimiru"][quote:77582efaa7="lipi"][quote:77582efaa7="Buzzfloyd"]Always attach disclaimers to your products, even when they seem obvious, so that even morons can't sue you.[/quote:77582efaa7]
    Erm... I think some morons would sue you for insulting their intelligence with obvious disclaimers :lol:
    Intelligence being a very loose term here, of course.[/quote:77582efaa7]

    People like obvious disclaimers. I know several people who think that warning lables on bags of nuts that claim they could cause allergic reactions [to those allergic to nuts] is useful information.[/quote:77582efaa7]

    Nah the disclaimer on the bag of nuts that said packet "may contain nuts" is the best, ,most redundant disclaimer of all time...
  32. QuothTheRaven New Member

    What about [quote:058294b95d]The hot coffee you are about to enjoy is very hot.[/quote:058294b95d]
  33. spiky Bar Wench

    [quote:060ef7efa8="QuothTheRaven"]What about [quote:060ef7efa8]The hot coffee you are about to enjoy is very hot.[/quote:060ef7efa8][/quote:060ef7efa8]

    Yes, but coffee is sometimes cold and isn't a prerequisite state of coffee. If it had said that the hot coffee you are about to enjoy may contain coffee, it would meet the nut one in my mind...
  34. QuothTheRaven New Member

    But [i:940eead360]Hot[/i:940eead360] Coffee isn't served cold!!!!!(note the 5 excllaimation markes)
  35. spiky Bar Wench

    [quote:09e94f344e="QuothTheRaven"]But [i:09e94f344e]Hot[/i:09e94f344e] Coffee isn't served cold!!!!!(note the 5 excllaimation markes)[/quote:09e94f344e]

    You'd think so but how many coffees do you order come out tepid or luke-warm (the difference??), supposedly [i:09e94f344e]hot[/i:09e94f344e] coffees are often cold but coffee should always be [i:09e94f344e]coffee[/i:09e94f344e].

    Edit to add: I can't belive we're arguing about this :roll:
  36. Hsing Moderator

    Is this our first food related hijack? ;)
  37. Electric_Man Templar

    [quote:826a924fb5="spiky"]Nah the disclaimer on the bag of nuts that said packet "may contain nuts" is the best, ,most redundant disclaimer of all time...[/quote:826a924fb5]

    What I don't understand is: why does it say "May", surely "Will" would be better. Or do some packets of nuts not contain nuts?
  38. spiky Bar Wench

    [quote:e05dfcee49="Electric_Man"][quote:e05dfcee49="spiky"]Nah the disclaimer on the bag of nuts that said packet "may contain nuts" is the best, ,most redundant disclaimer of all time...[/quote:e05dfcee49]

    What I don't understand is: why does it say "May", surely "Will" would be better. Or do some packets of nuts not contain nuts?[/quote:e05dfcee49]

    Don't look at me... The packet says may contain nuts...

    My reaction is: "they bloody better contain nuts cos thats what i paid for"... It could be existential uncertainty though, the nuts just don't know whether they exist or not until you've opened the packet to confirm that indeed nuts do exist.
  39. Electric_Man Templar

    Schrodinger's Nuts? Nobby's were bad enough...
  40. Saccharissa Stitcher

    I don't remember Nobby being in The Science of Discworld, where there is also a disclaimer that it may contain nuts.
  41. Bob New Member

    [quote:b8202f7673="spiky"][quote:b8202f7673="Electric_Man"][quote:b8202f7673="spiky"]Nah the disclaimer on the bag of nuts that said packet "may contain nuts" is the best, ,most redundant disclaimer of all time...[/quote:b8202f7673]

    What I don't understand is: why does it say "May", surely "Will" would be better. Or do some packets of nuts not contain nuts?[/quote:b8202f7673]

    Don't look at me... The packet says may contain nuts...

    My reaction is: "they bloody better contain nuts cos thats what i paid for"... It could be existential uncertainty though, the nuts just don't know whether they exist or not until you've opened the packet to confirm that indeed nuts do exist.[/quote:b8202f7673]

    Maybe it's for idiot-proofing?

    It would be worse if it said "May contain traces of Nobby" ;)

  42. Delphine New Member

    Some eggs I bought from Tesco's had the warning "CONTAINS EGG" on the inside of the box. That I don't understand.

    I can't think of anyone on the planet who would benefit from this warning. It tells you they are eggs on the front of the box, in case you didn't realise what an egg looks like.

    Ah, but maybe you can't read, and don't know what an egg looks like. But the warning is written in English! Foiled again.

    Maybe you don't know what an egg looks like, can't read English, and also don't know you are allergic to eggs. No, that doesn't work.

    Maybe you bought the eggs thinking they were special soya eggs. Or maybe you thought that the egg shaped things that felt and looked curiously like eggs, the things that sat inside the box with EGGS on the front, were actually ... cows livers. Or something.

  43. Bob New Member

    Or easter eggs, perhaps ?

    I went to ASK restaurant in York yesterday, they had a model of York made out of little oblongs of wood, and street names in English and in braille next to them.
    The funny part was that it was all in a big glass case!
    How do they expect anyone to benifit from the braille? Duhhh..

  44. Toaf New Member

    I once bought a bottle of shampoo that said 'Keep away from plastic' on the back. It was a plastic bottle.
  45. Saccharissa Stitcher

    Allergy to eggs is quite common. I understand having a warning label on cakes, for instance, warning people so that the allergic ones can pick cakes that do not contain eggs.

    But labeling eggs is just plain freaky.
  46. redneck New Member

    From what I understand, most of these labels are meant to be a little funny but mostly to keep some dumbass jerk from suing them. Could you imagine being in a courtroom where some of this stuff takes place?

    Judge: Why did you not put on the packet that the contents of said package contains nuts?

    Defendant: Well, your honor, I figured that if someone bought a bag of nuts, he would sure as hell expect to find nuts in there when they opened them!

    Prosecutor: Your honor, the defendant is assuming about my clients intelligence.

    Prosecutor client: Now wait just one goddam minute! I just wanted to make a quick million, not have my intelligence questioned!

    Prosecutor: Too late for that, you should have thought of that before we started.

    Defendant: So you're sayin that your client's so dumb that he would buy a bag of nuts not realising that they were nuts? [b:58df5fc0d2]You've[/b:58df5fc0d2] got to be nuts.

    Judge: Could you both be more quiet? My hangover's still here from my cure of your insanity last night.
  47. Angua_rox New Member

    I can explain why they say may contain nuts; The law says that anything made in a factory where there are nuts has to say may contain nuts. . .

    That's not it but it is something like that.
  48. Katcal I Aten't French !

    Wow, Angua, that's quite a jump, 9 months since the last post :D Wooooh, an Undead thread :D **imiatates a zombie** Braiiiiins, Braiiiiiiiins !!
  49. Roman_K New Member

    [quote:976366ac0e="Katcal"]Wow, Angua, that's quite a jump, 9 months since the last post :D Wooooh, an Undead thread :D **imiatates a zombie** Braiiiiins, Braiiiiiiiins !![/quote:976366ac0e]

    Indeed. Thread necromancy is not really fun.
  50. Angua_rox New Member

    Meh, I enjoy it.

    No, I was reading old threads in an attempt to entertain myself.

    I shall of course refrain from posting replies on them if people wish me too, I just forgot and replied as if it wasn't dead.


    Thank you Katcal, I do my best, but necromancy is so hard to do properly these days, brains are in short supply near where I live :( :(
  51. KaptenKaries New Member

    Roman, that's easy for you say, living in The Holy Land and all. The rest of us poor buggers in The Unholy Lands have not much choice but to give in to the dark arts.
  52. Angua_rox New Member

    Meh, I enjoy it.

    No, I was reading old threads in an attempt to entertain myself.

    I shall of course refrain from posting replies on them if people wish me too, I just forgot and replied as if it wasn't dead.


    Thank you Katcal, I do my best, but necromancy is so hard to do properly these days, brains are in short supply near where I live :( :(
  53. Hsing Moderator

    There's one thing I've always wanted to ask though - when does it start being thread necromancy? Where is the expire date? Sometimes interesting discussions float back on the screen, an issue turns up again... - revive old threads, and explain why, or make a new one?
  54. Katcal I Aten't French !

    I guess over 6 months on a subject that's pretty much dead it necromancy... My main surprise came from the fact that the thread was hijacked so early on and never returned to the original subject, and that it was still revived... but hey, I'm not criticizing, it's just strange...

    Tell you what, Angua, why not start up a fresh thread about useless health warnings on things and we can all have fun in there without the decaying smell of long dead topic ?
  55. Angua_rox New Member

    I shall . . . .but where? Here in Boardania?

    I have avoided creating threads, I never know where to put them. . . . .
  56. Hsing Moderator

    Yes, that would be "Boardania", except you find enough warning-label-related quotes to tie it into a book discussion. :)

    Edit: Ooops. crosspost.
  57. Roman_K New Member

    Anything general goes into Boardania. If you can't file it under any of the other sections, it goes here.
  58. Angua_rox New Member

    I shall put it in Boardania then, and it shall be called Useless health warnings.

    I'd link to it, but I don't know how. . . . . :(

    Hsing, what's a crosspost?
  59. Hsing Moderator

    Two posters answering a post at roughly the same time, thus resulting in answering a question twice, for example. A tie in, so to say. It's often being edited in -as I did- to let later readers know why the messages maybe are similar in content or seem a little repetitive.
  60. drunkymonkey New Member

    [quote:bd35cb981c="Ba"]Because then the board ends up with a dozen people posting in all caps claiming to be Death. No one wants that. So don't do it.[/quote:bd35cb981c]God no. I'm going to start having nightmares about that. I'll wake up one morning, check this boards, and there's some person who can't spell saying 'THER IS NO JUCTISE'

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