
Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Garner, Feb 11, 2007.

  1. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    Ten years in public office. That's all.

    Two 'best selling' books.

    One significant key note speech at the 2004 Democratic convention.

    He's announced his candidacy.

    Has he got a chance? Is America ready for a black president? Is he even qualified?

    If Hillary takes it, the democrats will lose. That's guaranteed. She's so absolutely despised by the entire spectrum of the american right that even the moderate and semi-moderates who might vote for a democrat after the Shrub/Cheney fiasco would vote a straight party republican ticket if Hillary was the democrat's nominee. So, if it comes down to Obama or Hillary, I'm definately for Obama. A big unknown is preferable to certain failure in this case.

    But, is America ready for a black president? How many people, from both the right and the left, would convince themselves they were doing the 'right' thing by voting against him just because of his skin? (whether or not they'd admit that to themselves is another issue) How many people, from both the right and the left, from both the suburbs and the inner cities, etc etc, how many americans would vote for him just because he's black?

    It matters. It matters a lot more than his youth and relative lack of experience. (Then again, Hillary's only got a year or two on him in the senate, but still...) It shouldn't matter, but it does.

    Jimmy Carter got elected president by generating enough attention in Iowa and New Hampshire in the run up to the democratic primaries. He came out of nowhere and took the first primaries by storm. Successful work with the media attention that created carried him into the White House.

    However, as we saw in 2004, Dean's early successes were unsustainable, and that unfortunate 'red faced angry rant' (his own words) at his first defeat only ensured further victories weren't an option.

    now, we've got a year and a half before we actually hit any primaries or caucuses. That's a long long time in politics (and, frankly, just one more blatant indication of how absolutely fucked up the american political landscape is that we've been looking for Bush's replacement for more than two years before his term ran out). Who knows what could happen, but there's an awful lot of potential for some really major changes ahead.
  2. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    "Obama" meant nothing to me on its own. I gather from context he's that politician you've mentioned to me before. Does he have a first name?
  3. Andalusian New Member

    Barack Obama, the Democrat candidate who isn't Muslim.
  4. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    Thank you. :)
  5. Bradthewonderllama New Member

    I think that Obama's chances were linked to Ford jr.'s


    Many people from TN said that they would vote for him, but behind the curtain... Ford jr. is even a Blue Dog democrat, right? Whereas Obama is more liberal. It'll be harder for him to win the South... But easier than Hillary. I think that he'd have an easier time of it as a VP candidate. I'd like to see a Gore/Obama ticket personally. Incidentally, I do hope that I'm wrong about Obama's chances, but I do think that the first minority president will be a Republican.

    Oddly enough, I think that Obama's skin color is more of a hindrance than Hillary's gender is. A shame that either of them are though...
  6. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    hillary's gender isn't as big of a hinderance as the fact that she's hillary clinton.

    i'd like to see Colin Powel run. I really would. but his wife won't let him, so the rumor goes, which probably means she's got something in her past or her family history that she doesn't want dug up.

    now, Obama might do damn well as a vice president, and, if he got in as the Veep, then provided he plays his cards right, he could be president in a few years time. Say its Gore/Obama. If gore fucks up somehow, then Obama makes sure to distance himself from Gore. if gore gets it all right, then they make sure that Obama gets some of the credit too.

    still, things could be worse. Obama could stand a chance if he got nominated. So could hillary, i suppose... assuming 90% of the republican voters got coronaries just before election day.

    But imagine if Sharpton tries to run again... lord. Now there's a nightmare candidate.
  7. Bradthewonderllama New Member

  8. TamyraMcG Active Member

    I'm not so cetain Hillary is un-electable, she is a very intelligent person ,is quite well known, and as Bush keeps on making his "decisions" the contrast keeps getting clearer. Barak Obama isn't even really a Black American, as in he is not descended from slaves, his father immigrated from Kenya. He is going to have to work to get his supporters informed and together. It is indeed a long time before the elections. I admire what I've seen of him so far but I admired Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton, too.
  9. Andalusian New Member

    I've decided I quite like Obama, since I heard on the radio this morning that he called Prime Minister Howard's support for the Iraq war "empty rhetoric".
  10. Ba Lord of the Pies

    He looks pretty darned black. And he also seems pretty American, what with having been born here. Far be it from Ba to add unnecessary labels, but doesn't that make him a black American? Ba doesn't recall slave ancestry as a requirement there.

    Ba finds it a bit unlikely that most black (or white) voters are going to be too concerned that he's a Johnny-Come-Lately. If they're the sort to support a candidate based on race, the fact that he's got dark skin and African ancestry will likely qualify him. Those for a black president will vote for him, those opposed to the idea will vote against, and the rest will make up their minds on more important factors, such as how much they like the sound of his name, or if he has a nice smile.
  11. TamyraMcG Active Member

    I got my information from the Colbert Report or the other(not so) fake news show, There was a lady(Black) that insisted he wasn't Black, not that he wasn't black. She was the one making the distinction. I thought it was sort of strange but then what's new? SNL had a skit about Obama,too, they had a blackness scale and were trying to place Obama on it, right now he is a little less black then Bill Clinton :D
  12. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    yep. 'african american' is a bloody separate and distinct ethnic group from 'black living in america as an american'

    funny old world.
  13. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    I find it ludicrous that anyone could claim a black American was not a black American because his ancestors weren't slaves to Americans (... in the sense of working the plantation, rather than the sense of being a member of a nation forced to make economic decisions based on America's priorities...).
  14. Bradthewonderllama New Member

    It's happend before. How many generations before wave X European immigrants' decendants were really considered American. Some people may see Obama as riding his race when his family didn't "put in the time". Absolute garbage, but some people could think that way.
  15. TamyraMcG Active Member

    Ever heard of a helpwanted sign with the letters I.N.N.A* across the bottom. Since when has racism ever really made any sense?

    *Irish Need Not Apply
  16. spiky Bar Wench

    I'm so embarassed that these comments came out of my country, neverlone from our leader :oops:

    I quite like Obama. Everything I've heard about him suggests that he has the ability to find his arse of his own accord, leaving all maps unneccessary, and he can work out that $1bn in tax revenue minus $360 bn in war spending does not make a positive number...

    These are my new key criteria when choosing my elected representatives. My expectations have been brought so low from years of disappointment.
  17. Andalusian New Member

    Howard has been in power most of my life. My criteria for a good candidate is therefore even lower, "does not look like a toad crossed with a squid".
  18. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    That made me laugh. Howard is Chthulu!

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