Octoberfest Doormencon something or other

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Garner, Oct 28, 2006.

  1. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    was fun. plaid should have come. nothing else to report.
  2. drunkymonkey New Member

    Go on, give us all the juciy gossip!
  3. Hsing Moderator

    I want more, too.

    Also, I did not get around to send the cookies. A thousand things got in my way. I can still include them in the *other* parcel, along with the birthdaycard......
    But it is a little sad... I had wanted to include chocolate for Avgi and concers for Om, just in case there wouldn't be any left when she came... Where do I send those now?
  4. Electric_Man Templar

    It's weird to be home... at least it wasn't such a mission to get back here this time.

    But yes, whole thing rocked - more details, pictures and even a video or two to come later.
  5. Electric_Man Templar

    Oh, and due to circumstances, I didn't get the chance to properly thank the Garner's for putting me up and putting up with me this week, it was muchly appreciated and a shed-load of fun.
  6. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    happy to have you, e-man!

    okay, a slightly more verbose recounting of the weeklong con:

    Om rides the short bus. she told us all that she was getting in at 6:30, but she got in at 16:30. which is 4:30. and she'd left the paper with our contact details on it at her moms. still, somehow we managed to find her.

    the first night, we had an indian take-away.

    on Wednesday, grace had a birthday. we went to the grocery store. that night Avgi cooked a neat pork and celery thing that was good.

    on thursday, we went to see Ightham Mote, which was neat. Om cooked a nice curry for us.

    on friday... nothing much happened. om left to go to london and collect her boyfriend. we had leftovers.

    on saturday, rinso got to the con before us, because of traffic. in attendance were:

    Om's boyfriend
    Leather Monkey

    and eventually we hooked up with Mal and Marcia as well, but om and her life-partner left soon after, so we pretty much maintained pairity on the quantity of attendance/attendants.

    we weren't supposed to wander all over london aimlessly this time, but we did. and it wasn't MY fault! in your faces, people with sore feet!

    notable highlights of the con include meeting rinso's long lost brother (a pumpkin), avgi's long lost boyfriend (a midget), and a 15 minute tour of the british museum (only experienced by half the con attendees, because the other half are a bunch of anti-social alcoholics)
  7. Electric_Man Templar

  8. jaccairn New Member

    Hersey's isn't chocolate. I'm not sure it should even be classed as a food item! I never realised before how deprived Americans are; and they spread these things all around europe during the war - not a way to encourage good relations with other people.

    The biscuits were much better and took the nasty taste away - it was threatening to linger.

    It was a good day. Maybe next time we should just wander through the British Museum. It's centrally located, has places to sit outside if the weather is nice, or inside if it's not, and lots of interesting things to talk about, like why the men in the Assyrian friezes were all carrying handbags? And a Starbucks and pub opposite the main entrance.
  9. Ba Lord of the Pies

    If British cooking qualifies as food, Hershey's qualifies as chocolate.
  10. chrisjordan New Member

    *throws hamburgers at Ba*
  11. Hsing Moderator

    I wish I'd made it...
    One day I'm going to come over and I will bring chocolate!
  12. Hex New Member

    I wish I could have made it too.
    Next time I make it to the UK, I will call a con. Just because I hate missing fun!
  13. spiky Bar Wench

    *green with jealousy*

    Maybe in England next year... If so I'm bringning Vegemite and we can discuss what counts as food then... OR we can do a taste test and compare Vegemite to Marmite. And Vegemite will whoop Marmites bottom (if marmite had a bottom, which I'm sure it does... it just might be hidden in another jar).
  14. redneck New Member

    I say that more videos should be made so that us poor forners can have a peak at the fun as well. Pics are great, but that video was more than delightful. Also, the chocolate that was spread around Europe during the war was 'interesting'. I read one account of some boys that worked in the Hershey's factory. They were allowed to eat as much as they wanted, but couldn't take any out of the place. They ate as much as they could stuff in their gullets. It was only afterwards that they found out the chocolate they were eating were day rations. It had enough stuff packed into it to make a meal of one bar. After being sick for a while they went back to work. They have never eaten chocolate since that time. Hershey's or otherwise.
  15. Katcal I Aten't French !

    Vegemite... MOUAHAHAHAHAHA !!! :D If you make it spiky, I'll be there, if I have to walk all the way ! (except the channel bit, I'll swim that...) Of course, you'll have to get through customs with the vegemite, it is considered a weapon of mass disgustion now isn't it ? :D

    Ba, you do realize you're criticizing the country that invented the steak and kidney PIE don't you ? In fact, probaly pie itself !
  16. Electric_Man Templar

  17. Katcal I Aten't French !

    Yay, pictures !! I can't get that video to load though, is it just my connection ?

    I love the Rinso-meets-pumpkin picture, that's arty ! :D I didn't know Hershey's made solid choc, I thought they only did that horrid so-called-chocolate sauce stuff... it tastes as much like chocolate as vegemite does... :D

    Anyway, certainly looks like you guys had a great time, as usual. I'll save up for some walking shoes... I'll make it to a doormencon one day, I [i:4c8a517201]will [/i:4c8a517201]!
  18. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    [quote:a7825be821="Ba"]If British cooking qualifies as food, Hershey's qualifies as chocolate.[/quote:a7825be821]
    There speaks someone who has never actually eaten in Britain. Hershey's is as close to chocolate as Rinso is to being a real boy.
  19. spiky Bar Wench

    Cool pics although Ben you could've made the effort to keep your eyes open... You miss so much of life with them shut.

    And Kat did you not know that cats can't swim so you'll be one dead kitty at the bottom of the channel if you try to swim to england. I suggest you take the train. Nothings confirmed yet, as I need to get into the conference in Italy, but if I do I maybe visiting friends of the family in England while on the opposite side of the world.
  20. Tephlon Active Member

    That video is awesome. Was that Garner's voice in the beginning?
    So weird to hear you guys speak.


    Let's hope the December North-con is going to work out :)
  21. Cynical_Youth New Member

    [quote:bd07aed1e8="Tephlon"]That video is awesome. Was that Garner's voice in the beginning?
    So weird to hear you guys speak.

    I had the same feeling. More videos!

    [quote:bd07aed1e8="Tephlon"]Let's hope the December North-con is going to work out :)[/quote:bd07aed1e8]

    It should. I'll start a thread on it soon.
  22. Katcal I Aten't French !

    [quote:18d8edf7c1="spiky"]And Kat did you not know that cats can't swim so you'll be one dead kitty at the bottom of the channel if you try to swim to england. [/quote:18d8edf7c1]

    I thought cats could swim... besides, I'm a bunny. Now cows can't swim, at least, not float, because there anus isn't water-proof... so they sink. Cows are strange things. But then, despite what some people say, I'm not a cow. I'm a bunny. Bunnies can fly.

    Edit : finally managed to see that video, it wouldn't load yesterday... Yeah, strange to put voices on the faces that go with the names that go with the tripods... :D
  23. spiky Bar Wench

    Yes the weirdest thing is that all the voices sound very english*... You might want to work on that guys... :D

    (*except for Om, Om's boyfriend and Clay who will send like a confederate till the day he dies)
  24. Electric_Man Templar

    I don't think you can hear Om's boyfriend in that clip - he's english too. Also, I can only hear Om if I strain my ears, furthest from the camera at that point I guess.

    I'm sure Doors and Avgi are happy about sounding english too!
  25. OmKranti Yogi Wench

    A fantastic time was had.

    Garners, thank you so much for your hospitality. It was so lovely to meet you all.

    Sorry the boy and I had to run before dinner, we had some 'other' things to attend to.

    I'm back in the states now and and just went down to go to work and my car was completely dead. I must have left the light on or something. I am now waiting for the towing guy to come and give me a jump. Woo.
  26. Maljonic Administrator

    Marcia and I just got back from our little holiday now. It was great seeing everyone and meeting people we haven't seen before in startling reality. Ben looks a lot cooler in real life than in his pictures, where Rincewind looks shockingly familiar. Doors is a lot quiter than we expected, so were the others actually, though to be fair we showed up about five hours later than everyone else so they were probably all very tired by the time we saw them. Sorry about that by the way, if it wasn't for my wrong turn we would have been there two and a half hours earlier. It only took us an hour to get back, which is how long it should have taken to get there if I hadn't somehow driven across the Thames (without seeing it) and ended up in South London then having to drive over Tower Bridge to get to North London, where my mum'd flat is conveniently placed just off the end of the A1 - the main road we took [i:e7c41ba153]back[/i:e7c41ba153] to Cambridge pretty much all the way. :)
  27. Delphine New Member

    I've got lots of pictures too, I'll probably upload them to the board or something. Ben, some of yours are awful :doubt:

    The Hershey's was pretty damn mank. It tasted more like cheese. It spent the rest of the day in my bag, where it melted and smooshed itself around my keys and purse and ipod and phone and camera. Now my bag is full of cheesey chocolate dust :(

    I felt quite sorry for pumpkin boy. He was wearing tights.

    We were going to come to the museum when we finished our drinks, honestly! but then Om and Barnaby came in and we might perhaps have ended up getting another drink.

    Om and Barnaby are cool. Om has nice hair. Barnaby is posh and shares my pain with ear-popping in planes. I didn't speak to Mal and Marcia much, but they also seemed cool. I was slightly surprised by Mal's accent, I don't know why.

    Last dmc I didn't recognise leather monkey :oops: ... this time I didn't recognise Jaccairn. I am useless! Sorry Jackie!

    And Rinso... in the restaurant, i had steak. A large steaky steak. ha ha!
  28. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    i guess that IS my voice at the begining... doesn't sound like any other recordings i've ever heard of myself...

    but i can't think who else it might be.
  29. OmKranti Yogi Wench

    [quote:5bf81d53b1="Delphine"]We were going to come to the museum when we finished our drinks, honestly! but then Om and Barnaby came in and we might perhaps have ended up getting another drink.

    Om and Barnaby are cool. Om has nice hair. Barnaby is posh and shares my pain with ear-popping in planes.

    Wait, you can't blame that one me....ok, yeah, I guess you can.

    Thank you for the hair compliment. And he is rather posh isn't he. I was telling my mum about you and did your voice "Awwww, you can't leave yet, thats pants" and Barnaby said it sounded just like you.
  30. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    I started trying to do a transcript, but then I got bored halfway through, so here is a transcript of the first half (although I'm embarrassed to admit that hideous-sounding voice is mine):

    [quote:4acba139c0]Garner: Hell, no! We know what it's like!
    Ben: You first.
    Me: Down in one! Down in one! Down in one!
    LM: Heheheheheh
    Om: Hahaha!
    Ella: (expression of disgust)
    All laugh
    Garner: We warned you!
    Ben: Ella! What did you think of it? Speak into the camera!
    Me: The face of Hershey eaters everywhere.
    Ben: Ella! What did you think of it?
    Ella: It actually tastes like cheese!
    LM: I'm not trying it...[?if it tastes like?]cheese.[/quote:4acba139c0]

    Edit to add: I think that's Avgi saying 'it smells awful' at the end.
  31. OmKranti Yogi Wench

    Hey, Ben/Avgi - are you going to put up some of the other ones we took?
  32. Electric_Man Templar

    Om, I will get round to putting some up from Gracecon too.

    Here's a transcript of the clearer bits on the second half - can't make out some of the chit-chat. Grace, you got Monkey's bit wrong at the end.

    LM: I like cheese, this isn't cheese!
    Grace: It's quite waxy, isn't it?
    Ella: It's horrible!
    Ben: Damien?
    Grace: Wash it down with some biscuits!
    Rinso: *shows tongue*
    Ben: Jacqui?
    Rinso: It's like harpicolate^?
    Rinso: It has a horrible bluh blah bluh
    Jaccairn: It has a lingering aftertaste.
    Avgi: It smells awful.

    ^sounds like - who knows with his fake-irish accent?
  33. Marcia Executive Onion

    Harpy chocolate?

    I had a great, time by the way. It's too bad Mal and I arrived late. It was really nice meeting everyone. Rinso looks exactly like I pictured him. Doors, Ella, Om and Avgi looked kind of like I pictured them. I didn't have any idea what Jackie and Barnaby were going to look like, and I'd already met Grace, Garner and Leather Monkey. As Mal said, everyone was pretty quiet by the time we arrived. (We missed the chocolate tasting.)
  34. Electric_Man Templar

  35. redneck New Member

  36. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee


    Ben, some of your captions made me laugh a lot.
  37. Katcal I Aten't French !

    **pressures too**

    Garner savagely raping that poor pumpkin. **sudder** I won't sleep well for a week after seeing that...
  38. Maljonic Administrator

    [quote:e021803cda="Electric_Man"]Images from GraceCon (aka the week before OmCon)

    If you'd like any full-sized originals for printing, you only have to ask.

    Now, let's pressure Ella and Avgi to post their pictures![/quote:e021803cda]Great pictures.
  39. drunkymonkey New Member

    Sounds like yoi guys had a really great time. The video was hilarious.
  40. Delphine New Member

    I used Photobucket to upload mine.

    More Photos From Saturday

    Because Photobucket is rubbish, it put them all up backwards. So, just click on that link there and use the 'Previous' button to go through them all in the right order.

    Damn you photobucket!
  41. OmKranti Yogi Wench

    Tip top pictures Ella.
  42. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    Not to mention the captions!
  43. Hsing Moderator

    And very entertaining caps! :)
  44. Katcal I Aten't French !

    **Laughs heartily at the captions** I really must stop showing your pics to Hubby, he's getting more and more reluctant to actually meet you one day :D Actually, I think if I had just skipped the Garner and Doors smiling one, he would not now be curled up under the sofa shivering... :cooler:

    Ok, ok, I'm just jealous like hell 'cos I couldn't come... Damn you all. Doors twice.
  45. Maljonic Administrator

    Great pictures Ella. I'm a bit jealous because we didn't get there early enough to be in them. :)
  46. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    Next time, Bananaman. Next time.
  47. Orrdos God

    Man, I'm photogenic
  48. spiky Bar Wench

    Ben pouting is priceless... Next the Paris catwalk.
  49. Hsing Moderator

    Honestly, what do I do with those cookies now? *sigh* Guess I have to take care of them...
  50. Katcal I Aten't French !

    Oh dear... cookie disposal dilemma eh ? well, if you like, you can send them to me, I know a charity that would be glad to take them off your hands...

    The Katcal Cookie Disposal Foundation is at your service, night and day, for any pesky cookie conundrums :D They also accept cash and all kinds of sweet and savoury foods, so don't hesitate to donate. :D

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