Wow! I love the highlighter squiggle varieties. I agree with GGG, you are an artist of extreme coolness. *applauds*
I love Toast's stuff. I tried to download one of her pictures for my mobile, but Deviantart only lets you do it for American phones, and I am not familiar enough with communications technology to be able to work out how to do it on my own.
Thankyou everyone again! And Buzz, I accidentally disabled the make-available-for-phone option, and I'm currently in the process of reabilitating it. Stay tuned.
Pure awesomeness... Especially the ice cube trays (Very serious there) I love the idea of the Box Method. I hope you don't mind if I adopt that into my title making process?
Of course not. I myself got it from reading an interview the Sons and Daughters - they said they couldn't think of a title for their album, so they got a bowl full of words. (Warning: The Box Method is not always safe. The Sons and Daughters' album was going to be called Bastard Bastard Magic for a while.)