Oh, those many empty walls!

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Hsing, Mar 29, 2007.

  1. Hsing Moderator

    I want to take the opportunity and paint some of our walls in a more creative way - particularly in the child's room (she ordered a wall painting with bears, sheep, moon, stars, and ducks. Unfortunately my first association to that was a gruesome hunting secene by night...). I am thinking of some ornamental elements, or maybe a writing, in some of the others, or of bicolored walls. Wallpaintings are okay, too, as long as it's not on a scale with Michelangelo.

    We either never had the time for this, or lived in a flat we had to move out within the next two years, leaving the walls white. That keeps you off painting them dark red somehow.

    This time, I have the means of getting paintings to the wall, but lack ideas.

    So, I want to start another creative thread. And a little comepetition.

    Give me sketches, or just ideas for colour combinations, or whatever you have in mind for a boring, white wall. The winner(s) -those persons whose ideas made it onto our wall- will get a small surprise via mail as soon as we've settled down a little!
  2. Maljonic Administrator

    When I was at art college, a long time ago, I painted this scene on my wall, without the text:


    I lived with it on my wall for two years and still miss it a bit today. Some other arty friends painted bunches of grapes and leaves and stuff on my wall too. If we ever own our own house I shall do something similar again.
  3. Tephlon Active Member

    Cool idea.

    The bears hunting sheep near a lake at night is gonna be awesome!
  4. mowgli New Member

    Mal, that must have looked AWESOME!!!

    (does anyone else see a chubby, sleepy face in the roof of the little house on the right?)

    Hsing, I tried to put all the elements required by your daughter into a scene, and got a slightly disturbing image of baby animals dancing the hora together under a night-time sky. Disturbing, because I kept seeing the Grateful Dead bears instead of cute little teddy-bear cubs.
  5. Maljonic Administrator

    Yes, it does look a bit like that. Funnily enough I hadn't seen this book since about 1993, I only borrowed it from a friend and gave it back once I'd painted the picture, but the other day I found it in a charity shop and bought it - so now I have it again! :smile:
  6. Katcal I Aten't French !

    hmm, that's something of a challenge, Hsing !

    Maybe you could combine the lot with a strip of wall painting with night on one side fading into day, and the animals could be walking or doing whatever they do on the day side and sleeping on the night side... Depending on the size of the room (and your motivation) you could make the strip go all the way round the room or just make it like a window in one wall... you could even find a big frame cheap (in an ikea or something) and make a fake window, or even two, a day one and a night one...

    I remember when I was very ickle (little) my bedroom was under the roof and the ceiling came down in 2 parts, and one had two "levels" (does this make sense ? And on the upper level, which was vertical, my mum had painted a street scene with people, and she was in it, and my dad, and me in my pushchair... it was fun to look at... and the rest of the ceiling she had painted with a night sky and stars... it's a shame we didn't keep a photo of it, all I have left are my vague memories of age 3 to 7...
  7. Faerie New Member

    My walls are sky blue and I sponge painted clouds onto them. A friend of mine was going to do the same thing except with sunset colors when we were in middle school but she never did. I think it would be a cool idea though. My cousin had clouds on her wall except mine were done with stencils and hers were free hand with whisps between them using a rag. With free hand ones you can look for interesting shapes like you can with real clouds.
  8. FairyHegehOGG New Member

    "Wheres my Cow?" has some really cute illustrations in it.(you could skip the bits with Foul Ole Ron and Vetrinari) Alternatively depending upon how large your Family is and how creative you want to be you could do what my Nephew and his wife did In the playroom the dedicated on wall as "The Hand Wall" and when they had family visitors they would ask them to use primary colored paints to paint their hand prints on the wall. This only works though if you have a very large extended family.

    Other Ideas for rooms (more grown up-maybe) How about a stenciled scene in the Family room, or a den of a street scene of a city you would like to visit or one you have visited and have good memeories of. (Myself I would love to do a wall with the map of the London Underground and like some Double decker Busses and maybe a london cab and some of the well known monuments).
  9. Rincewind Number One Doorman

    I like the idea of writing. I think you just paint in lovely font a story featuring your kiddie possibly about her being lost and going on an adventure to find her away home- you could slyly ask her what kind of adventure she would like and add it in, then illustrate the story around the text..you finish on a suitiably darling line about hoe loved she is, which if well written she'll remember for ever.Then at night before bed you can read the story together.

    Likewise, i think it would be interestig to write your favourite poem on the mian wall of your liing room, a nice cinversation starter too.
  10. plaid New Member

    words are cool.
    i stenciled emerson quotes onto our bathroom walls one summer. (see)

    i've always daydreamed about putting words of children's songs onto the walls of my kids' rooms, if i ever have kids.
  11. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    I asked my sisters for ideas, but, being artists, they had too many and kept saying 'what kind of thing does she want?' And they kept mentioning artists who I'd never heard of in phrases like 'she could paint [artist]-style trees round the doorframe'.

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