Om/Grace con

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Garner, Oct 8, 2006.

  1. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    right... time to actually put some sort of planning into place for this thing.

    can folks who're attending please email/re-email me what days they're going to be visiting hastings, and if they're expecting to stay at the garners' house.

    folks who're not coming all the way down to hastings, what day(s) are you going to be in london?

    keeping in mind that the garners are utterly skint, and the hermias are as well, more than one day in london is pretty much out of the question for us. heck, even that much might be impossible.
  2. Maljonic Administrator

    Marcia and I should be in London between the 26th October to about the 1st of November. We may be able to pop down to Hastings while we are there, and we can meet in London between those times, well say the 27th, 28th, 29th, 30th and 31st.

    I'm not sure if the above dates fit in with the plans or not? If they do we will have to exchange phone numbers again, or check that we still have the right ones.
  3. Electric_Man Templar

    From the other thread

    I would guess from that schedule that saturday would be the best for a mass meet-up as no-one should need to book time off work and the added bonus that travel is cheaper at the weekends. With mini meet-ups from the tuesday onwards, with wednesday being slightly bigger than the others for some reason or other.

    I'll be available for pretty much every day in that week and will be in Hastings. I don't expect to be staying at chez Garner, but wouldn't say no to free accomodation...
  4. OmKranti Yogi Wench

    What Ben said.

    Except I will be staying at garners for a few days.

    edit to say: Garner email is sent (to the gmail acocunt)
  5. Orrdos God

    Well, the doors would be looking at a saturday in london, i beleive :)
  6. OmKranti Yogi Wench

    the doors? Is that like, the garners, but with you and ella? huh? huh?
  7. spiky Bar Wench

    No it means Jim Morrison has risen from the dead and the rest of the band are going to London for sex, drugs and rock'n'roll on Saturday. It warms the heart how ghosts can still do damage to their eternal souls after death...
  8. Katcal I Aten't French !

    Flee, mortals, Doors is multiplying !! :D

    Needless to say I can't come, so I'll stop hurting myself and not read this thread any more... :( Bloody money, bloody job, bloody... whatever... **stomps off to her bedroom and slams the door**
  9. jaccairn New Member

    I may be able to make the Saturday in London, depending on the housebuying being completed. :)
  10. KaptenKaries New Member

  11. Rincewind Number One Doorman

    I'm definatly there for the london event (though will have to leave about 8ish) and going to come down to the Garners on the thursday night If I can get the friday off work. Steak MUST be cooked for Rinso in this event. Rinso can pay for the steak. Garner must make in nice. None must get directly between Rinso and said Steak.
  12. Katcal I Aten't French !

    Ba, stop playing with the monkey's brain and sew the top of his head back on, please.
  13. Delphine New Member

    [quote:7db6b19127="OmKranti"]the doors? Is that like, the garners, but with you and ella? huh? huh?[/quote:7db6b19127]

    I think it's a trick he learnt from the Hoff.
  14. Rincewind Number One Doorman

    Has ANYONE texted Kenny yet?

    I would look disapproving at doors...but I don't think my eyes could take it.
  15. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    i think ben has.
  16. Delphine New Member

    [quote:002574c8f1="Rincewind"]Has ANYONE texted Kenny yet?

    I would look disapproving at doors...but I don't think my eyes could take it.[/quote:002574c8f1]

    Text him yourself, Lazy McLazerton! He is your mutant twin after all.
  17. OmKranti Yogi Wench

    Barnaby is asking where the hotel should be.

    Do we have ANY idea what we're doing, or where? I mean obviously London, but, it's a big place.

    Tell me people, tell me!!
  18. Rincewind Number One Doorman

    [quote:5e00819886="Delphine"][quote:5e00819886="Rincewind"]Has ANYONE texted Kenny yet?

    I would look disapproving at doors...but I don't think my eyes could take it.[/quote:5e00819886]

    Text him yourself, Lazy McLazerton! He is your mutant twin after all.[/quote:5e00819886]

    text= Credit. The marriage of Rincewind and Credit was not a happy one. It ended quickly.
  19. OmKranti Yogi Wench

    someone give me his phone number, I'll call him. hehe.
  20. OmKranti Yogi Wench

    Ok people, let's get a count of all the people who are going to be there for the saturday and see if we have suggestions on where to meet and what time and all that malarky. add your name to the list below.

  21. Delphine New Member


  22. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    the garners.
  23. Electric_Man Templar

  24. Maljonic Administrator

    Marcia and I will be there.
  25. Garner Great God and Founding Father

  26. OmKranti Yogi Wench

    I bought Oreo's today.

    Remember, if you don't bring your favorite biscuit, you will die.
  27. jaccairn New Member

    I'll be there too. (House completion on Thurday :D )
  28. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

  29. Rincewind Number One Doorman

    I\m there on the sat. For Sure.
  30. OmKranti Yogi Wench

    So far I have:

    The Garners

    Woooo! Party on people!
  31. So far we have:

    The Garners
    leather_monkey [+ favourite biscuits]

    go us! :cooler:
  32. OmKranti Yogi Wench

  33. Hsing Moderator

    *envies all*
    I glare at you. From a very long distance.
  34. Katcal I Aten't French !

    [quote:4d5b9b86a8="Hsing"]*envies all*
    I glare at you. From a very long distance.[/quote:4d5b9b86a8]
    Same here... **glares**
  35. OmKranti Yogi Wench

    I haven't seen Dave and Wendy in a while, anyone know wherefore art they?
  36. Hsing Moderator

    Now that you say it...
  37. Katcal I Aten't French !

    I was wondering that too... I hope it just means they're too busy being lovey-dovey to come on the net...
  38. KaptenKaries New Member

    [quote:ce9b04082d="Katcal"]I was wondering that too... I hope it just means they're too busy being lovey-dovey to come on the net...[/quote:ce9b04082d]

    I certainly hope they're not coming all over the net in their lovey-dovey acts.
  39. OmKranti Yogi Wench

    [quote:650ffe80c4="KaptenKaries"][quote:650ffe80c4="Katcal"]I was wondering that too... I hope it just means they're too busy being lovey-dovey to come on the net...[/quote:650ffe80c4]

    I certainly hope they're not coming all over the net in their lovey-dovey acts.[/quote:650ffe80c4]

  40. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    Disaster has narrowly been averted!

    Over the next few weeks, I have to cover a lot of my colleague's music lessons, as she will be away getting married and going on honeymoon. This means that I am working every day (even on my birthday :( ), and I only realised yesterday that I was supposed to be teaching all day on Saturday 28th!

    So I just did a ring round of all the people I'm meant to be teaching that day and, thank God, all the ones I could get hold of are happy to change days, and the ones I couldn't get hold of I know will be happy to change. Phew! I don't mind working on my birthday nearly so much since the prospect of missing Doormencon passed me over.
  41. KaptenKaries New Member

    [quote:2ac479d6e6="OmKranti"][quote:2ac479d6e6="KaptenKaries"][quote:2ac479d6e6="Katcal"]I was wondering that too... I hope it just means they're too busy being lovey-dovey to come on the net...[/quote:2ac479d6e6]

    I certainly hope they're not coming all over the net in their lovey-dovey acts.[/quote:2ac479d6e6]


    :D A dirty mind never gets bored
  42. Hsing Moderator

    I'd like to be represented on Om/Grace Con at least through sending my favourite cookies. I'd just have to ask my post officer wether a parcel would make it to GB within a week. Any of the participants I can send them to?
  43. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    send them to:

    Clay is Very Hungry Fund
    Clay Garner
    someplace in england
    you probably already have the address already
    postcode goes here
  44. Hsing Moderator

  45. OmKranti Yogi Wench

    Ok, Clay. Mr-I-don't-answer-my-phone. I will be at the trains station at 6:30 tomorrow. Are you going to be there? I can always catch a cab to your house. But, I don't know the address. Humm.
  46. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    i've been in the kitchen cooking, dammit.

    and grace has been in the living room cleaning so you have a place to sleep.

    we'll be there. and there's no sense getting a cab. they'd probably laugh and tell you to just walk the distance.
  47. sampanna New Member

    [quote:ff2463354c="OmKranti"]Ok, Clay. Mr-I-don't-answer-my-phone. I will be at the trains station at 6:30 tomorrow. Are you going to be there? I can always catch a cab to your house. But, I don't know the address. Humm.[/quote:ff2463354c]

    My first reaction was: she's going there and doesn't know the address! Then I remembered - I landed in New York, Washington and San Francisco armed with a backpack and a telephone number. Guess I'm just getting softer and older now! :roll:

    Edit: I was a student then.
  48. jaccairn New Member

    Where and when are we meeting on Saturday? Has anything been decided yet?
  49. Rincewind Number One Doorman

    Hey Guys, my work have asked me to go and record this:

    on saterday...our people interested? It's not anything I really have to do, so only if people don't mind, dropping in there for a while?

    Also: I texted kenny last weekend he said he's got no holiday but will try to get cover. Can someone else chase him up? I've got no credit.

    and finally, though it's a break in tradition can we have some sort of plan for where we are going to go (somewhere free!) or a least a map of starbucks...only a picture rainy octobers aren't going to be the most fun for random walkings.
  50. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    waterloo. 10:30ish. under the clock.
  51. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    my ADHD is much better these days, and i can sit still for whole minutes without needing to make people march all over london.
  52. Delphine New Member

    I can't imagine Starbucks will be very happy with a big group of people demolishing their own non-Starbucks bought picnic of biscuits in their comfy chairs.

    Waterloo? bah. Victoria is clearly the superior station!
  53. jaccairn New Member

    If it turns out wet, one of the picture galleries or big museums (those with free entry) might be an idea. Many of them also have places for people to eat their own food.
    If so, any preferences as to which one?
  54. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    waterloo is centrally located and easily acccessible from victoria, picadilly, and hastings.
  55. Rincewind Number One Doorman

  56. Maljonic Administrator

    [quote:be15aa1a99="Garner"]waterloo is centrally located and easily acccessible from victoria, picadilly, and hastings.[/quote:be15aa1a99]I always think of Waterloo as the southern most station in central London, not that I care with the Tube and all.

    I'm not sure we'll be able to make it as early as 10:30 though. I think we're going to be staying in Cambridge rather than our London flat, so we'll have to drive to London first on the day.

    Anyway I think Marcia has sent Grace a PM to make sure we both have the right phone numbers etc, so we can meet wherever you are when we get there.
  57. Delphine New Member

    Oh yeah, about phone numbers... If someone gets attacked by a giant squid or something and needs to let everyone know, my phone died a couple of days ago. Well, I killed it. accidentally. anyway, if there are any last minute changes in plans, text Doors.

    edit: would you be working at this Eid thing Rinso? would we lose you for a while? I wouldn't mind going if everyone else did, it sounds interesting and loud. Also: free. But it would be better to decide on the day, I think.
  58. Rincewind Number One Doorman

    I just need to record it on my phone/camera...Probably need about 10mins worth of footage.
  59. Marcia Executive Onion

    Anyway I think Marcia has sent Grace a PM to make sure we both have the right phone numbers etc, so we can meet wherever you are when we get there.[/quote:bf3d49394b]

    I have.

    Mal and I only have Grace's phone number (assuming it hasn't changed); no one else's.
  60. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    Ben here (Grace's comp refuses to let anyone else sign in, as soon as you click on anything after log-out, it signs her back in), my mobile battery ran out and usefully, I forgot to bring my charger. So anyone planning to text me would be wiser to text someone else.

    Also, Kenny got back to me (before the battery ran out), saying that he was unavailable at the weekend due to work, but available midweek - unfortunately he meant next week... despite me sending him the dates previously. So he won't be there.

    See the rest of you tomorrow!

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