penises... of doom

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Garner, Nov 17, 2006.

  1. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    NEW DELHI: It is a problem of plenty. But definitely not a happy one. Sanjay (name changed), a small-time businessman from a UP town was recently admitted to a private hospital in the city with a unique problem - he has two fully functional male organs, a condition medically known as penile duplication or diphallus.

    Sanjay, 24, has lived with the condition since birth, concealing his shame from all. But now, the young man is contemplating matrimony and wants one of the organs removed.

    Says a doctor in the hospital, "It is an extremely rare condition. More so because two fully functional penes is unheard of in even medical literature. In the more common form of diphallus, one organ is rudimentary."

    According to medical literature, incidence of penile duplication is one in 55, 00,000. Only around 100 cases having been reported since the first one in 1609, literature available on the internet says.

    The condition is caused by failure of mesodermal bands in the embryo to fuse properly. Mesoderm is one of the three primary germ layers of the embryo from several body parts are formed.
  2. Pixel New Member

    I have to admit that I have been known to attend an annual "Erotic Festival" here in Brussels, and on one occasion I saw this condition on film. I have enough of the "techncians eye" to be 99% sure that it wasn't faked. If you do a Google search on this (I'm not going to post the links - I'm probably in enough trouble for mentioning the "Erotic Festival"!) you will find three variations - one above the other, side by side, or split part way up. In the film it was one above the other, and both functional - I suspect that "two fully functional" is unheard of by the medical profession because no-one else with the condition has asked to be Bobbitted - especialy the guy in the film, who was probably making good money out of it!
  3. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    rather puts me in mind of the situation where a freak show exhibitee sued the state because some anti-exploitation law put him out of work.

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