Photo Competition II Voting for the theme Connection

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Maljonic, Dec 5, 2006.

  1. Maljonic Administrator




















  2. Maljonic Administrator

    I voting for Somethingclever because of the marriage (connection) and the physical connection in the picture itself.

    Somethingclever 1
  3. Joculator The 'Old' Fool

    I'm going to vote for myself as I thought the title (cunningly omitted here) was really suitable - 'Connecting Light and Dark' :)
  4. Joculator The 'Old' Fool

    PS If I can't do that. I'd go with somethingclever... That is one helluva right hook 8)
  5. aegron New Member

    Depending on which Joculator is voting:

    Joculator 2
    Somethingclever 1


    Somethingclever 2
    Joculator 1
  6. Maljonic Administrator

    You can't vote for yourself, so it's the latter. :)
  7. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    There are so many good photos here, I'm finding it hard to decide.
  8. chrisjordan New Member

    Same here. It's between Rinso's and Somethingclever's for me... Rinso's is very picturesque, but the demonstration of 'connection' in Somethingclever's is more novel, I think.


    Somethingclever 3
    Joculator 1
  9. jarmara New Member

    My vote is split badly between Spikey and Joculator, I'm torn because I like rocks and Corvids equally. Hmmmmm can you split it two ways or do I have to decide?
  10. Hsing Moderator

    Somethingclever 3
    Joculator 2

    I'm voting for Joculator's picture, because it's technically good as a photo and giving more than one meaning to the theme - after having read the explanation... the light and dark as well in the picture as the theme (well, sunset), the solstice connection, stone and water...
    There are several pictures in the thread in close tie, Somethingclever's, Katcal's, and Rinso's particularly. I like them a lot.
  11. RebelwithoutaPause New Member

    Katcal for the spiders web.
    A perfect example of how amazing nature is and the building of the web fits the "connections" theme perfectly for me.
  12. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    NB for newbies: it helps to put the revised score after your vote. So, with Rebel's vote, it stands at:

    Somethingclever 3
    Joculator 2
    Katcal 1

    I still haven't decided.
  13. I liked Joculator's Picture; the contrast between light and dark, the sun 'connecting' with the horizon, and well I have a soft spot for sunsets. :)
    Joculator 3
    Somethingclever 3
    Katcal 1
  14. allthatjazz New Member

    I also had a really hard time picking my favorite, it was between Sampanna's (probably because I just saw Casino Royale) and Katcal, but I decided to go with the spider web.

    Joculator 3
    Somethingclever 3
    Katcal 2
  15. Katcal I Aten't French !

    Yep, I'm having a really hard time too... both Rinso's and Ben's ideas were like ones I had, and considered taking, so for me the ideas are great, the photos technically less so (Rinso, next time, take a gun and shoot extra people ;)), now Joculators is a great pic, but I don't really connect with the reason, for me it's a beautiful sunset, but it could have been taken any time, but hey, that's just my feeling... Sam's is fun too, but I think I'll go with Somethingclever's, the wedding one, I like the idea and the pic...

    Joculator 3
    Somethingclever 4
    Katcal 2
  16. sampanna New Member

    Despite the cute factor, I'm gonna go with Ozzer.
    Joculator 3
    Somethingclever 4
    Katcal 2
    Ozzer 1
  17. KaptenKaries New Member

    I think Somethingclever's picture illustrate the theme best. Kat and Rinso's on a close second.

    Joculator 3
    Somethingclever 5
    Katcal 2
    Ozzer 1
  18. fairyliquid New Member

    Joculator 3
    Somethingclever 5
    Katcal 3
    Ozzer 1

    I like spider webs...there so fragile and hold all sorts of connotations with them....everything from haunted houses to stories to....just about anything. Great connection Katcal!
  19. RebelwithoutaPause New Member

    Whoops sorry,

    do you know I was wondering why so many people were scoring for more than one picture....yes I can be a bit dense at times.
  20. Hsing Moderator

    Nnn.... :D
  21. spiky Bar Wench

    Joculator 3
    Somethingclever 5
    Katcal 3
    Ozzer 2

    I say Ozzer cos I like squirrels. Not a good reason but I never said i could judge art.
  22. Electric_Man Templar

    Nearly forgot about this (again)

    Somethingclever 5
    Katcal 4
    Joculator 3
    Ozzer 2

    I think her picture was aesthetically pleasing and showed what may be one of the original connections in nature.

    When does the vote end?
  23. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    Not before I've voted!

    Coppe, can I use your computer...?
  24. Katcal I Aten't French !

    You mean you're going to wait until I can bribe you with biscuits ? Niiiice :D
  25. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    Somethingclever 5
    Katcal 5
    Joculator 3
    Ozzer 2

    I have finally cast my vote! There were a lot of pictures that I really liked (Rinso's gets a special mention), but I thought Katcal's was technically very good as well as being a beautiful picture and having a clear connection (ho ho) with the theme. And no, this isn't just because she bribed me with biscuits, although they were very nice.
  26. Rincewind Number One Doorman

    Katcal 6
    Somethingclever 5
    Joculator 3
    Ozzer 2

    I thought it was a great photo. Technically, great photo and a very clear interpretation of the theme.


    Now, where are these biscuts of which you all speak?
  27. Hsing Moderator

    None left, sorry, Rinso...
  28. Rincewind Number One Doorman


    I'll just sit here and eat dirt then, shall I? SHALL I?
  29. chrisjordan New Member

  30. Katcal I Aten't French !

    Rinso, if you prefer dirt, there is plenty left, but I promise to bring biscuits to the next Dorrmencon I attend. you had better be there this time, or you wil suck dirt :D
  31. Hsing Moderator

    Aaaaw... I... I can send you biscuits? Or one buiscit, that would fit in a letter. Choose.
  32. Rincewind Number One Doorman's cool. you don't need to send me a biscut. I think i may have over filled on dirt.
  33. Electric_Man Templar

    Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet?
    Are we there yet?Are we there yet?Are we there yet?Are we there yet?

    Just fancied making this post, no reason for it in particular...
  34. Maljonic Administrator

    Okay, voting is over and you win, Katcal. So now you have to make a new competition theme.
  35. Katcal I Aten't French !

    Yay !

    Now for some deep thought... :?

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