Photo Competition III, the voting

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Katcal, Feb 6, 2007.

  1. Katcal I Aten't French !

  2. KaptenKaries New Member

    Dane - 0
    ElectricBen - 0
    fairyliquid - 0
    Jarmara - 0
    Joculator - 0
    Katcal - 0
    Maljonic - 1
    Plaid - 0
    Rincewind - 0
    sampanna - 0
    somethingclever - 0

    I'm voting for Mal's this time, it's a stunning image and fitting the theme.
  3. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    Dane - 0
    ElectricBen - 0
    fairyliquid - 0
    Jarmara - 0
    Joculator - 0
    Katcal - 0
    Maljonic - 1
    Plaid - 0
    Rincewind - 1
    sampanna - 0
    somethingclever - 0

    There are loads of great pieces here, but we have to choose, so this time I'm going for Rinso's. I think the image is great, really clear and well-balanced, with some strong elements in the foreground, but cleverly drawing your eye to the centre. But more than that, I like the way it captures more than one idea of faith - the Christian faith of the London City Mission is an obvious one, but there's also faith that this society will still take care of its outcasts, faith in people to rebuild themselves if given a little help, faith in companionship and so on. I think it's a really strong idea presented beautifully. Well done, Rinso!
  4. jaccairn New Member

    Dane - 0
    ElectricBen - 0
    fairyliquid - 0
    Jarmara - 0
    Joculator - 0
    Katcal - 0
    Maljonic - 2
    Plaid - 0
    Rincewind - 1
    sampanna - 0
    somethingclever - 0

    Also voting for Mal. It's just an awesome rock.
  5. Joculator The 'Old' Fool

    Dane - 0
    ElectricBen - 0
    fairyliquid - 0
    Jarmara - 0
    Joculator - 0
    Katcal - 0
    Maljonic - 2
    Plaid - 0
    Rincewind - 2
    sampanna - 0
    somethingclever - 0

    I'm going for Rinso's. There's just something that draws the eye in to the subject and you have to take a further look.
  6. Maljonic Administrator

    Dane - 0
    ElectricBen - 1
    fairyliquid - 0
    Jarmara - 0
    Joculator - 0
    Katcal - 0
    Maljonic - 2
    Plaid - 0
    Rincewind - 2
    sampanna - 0
    somethingclever - 0

    I'm voting for ElectricBen's because I like the idea behind it and, even though it's one of the laziest of the bunch, in terms of getting out there to take a picture, I have been thinking about faith in those terms since I've seen it.
  7. chrisjordan New Member

    Dane - 0
    ElectricBen - 1
    fairyliquid - 0
    Jarmara - 0
    Joculator - 0
    Katcal - 0
    Maljonic - 3
    Plaid - 0
    Rincewind - 2
    sampanna - 0
    somethingclever - 0

    Mal's. Faith in the precarious. Also, I just like the idea of that rock. Special mentions go to Rinso and Joculator, and I also think Dane's is a pretty good one for the whole faith-in-friendship thing.
  8. Bradthewonderllama New Member

    Dane - 0
    ElectricBen - 1
    fairyliquid - 0
    Jarmara - 0
    Joculator - 0
    Katcal - 1
    Maljonic - 3
    Plaid - 0
    Rincewind - 2
    sampanna - 0
    somethingclever - 0

    Kat's. Faith in each other in that we bond ourselves together. Plus the pic looks beautiful. Rinso's I like for its' technical aspect, quite well done.
  9. plaid New Member

    Dane - 0
    ElectricBen - 1
    fairyliquid - 0
    Jarmara - 0
    Joculator - 0
    Katcal - 0
    Maljonic - 3
    Plaid - 0
    Rincewind - 3
    sampanna - 0
    somethingclever - 0

    i'm not sure why, other than pure aesthetic reasons, i decided to pick Damien's photo. it intrigued me a guess, all the faces. i liked fairyliquid's books too, and Mal's rock.
  10. Bradthewonderllama New Member

    Curse you Plaid!

    Dane - 0
    ElectricBen - 1
    fairyliquid - 0
    Jarmara - 0
    Joculator - 0
    Katcal - 1
    Maljonic - 3
    Plaid - 0
    Rincewind - 3
    sampanna - 0
    somethingclever - 0
  11. Katcal I Aten't French !

    It's so hard to choose, I love Mal's, the picture is beautiful, and the concept is fitting, Ben's is also great, and as Mal said, it has made me think when I turn on the tap. But I think on a purely photographic level Damien's is just the best for me, because it goes beyond the first impression, it draws you in, it's not obvious either in the composition or in the interpretation, the faces are great too.

    Dane - 0
    ElectricBen - 1
    fairyliquid - 0
    Jarmara - 0
    Joculator - 0
    Katcal - 1
    Maljonic - 3
    Plaid - 0
    Rincewind - 4
    sampanna - 0
    somethingclever - 0
  12. fairyliquid New Member

    Dane - 0
    ElectricBen - 1
    fairyliquid - 0
    Jarmara - 0
    Joculator - 0
    Katcal - 2
    Maljonic - 3
    Plaid - 0
    Rincewind - 4
    sampanna - 0
    somethingclever - 0
  13. spiky Bar Wench

    Dane - 0
    ElectricBen - 1
    fairyliquid - 0
    Jarmara - 0
    Joculator - 0
    Katcal - 2
    Maljonic - 3
    Plaid - 0
    Rincewind - 5
    sampanna - 0
    somethingclever - 0

    I chose Rinsos because it displays unusual subtlety from him, it is a great picture, it makes you think and have an emotional response... So complex.

    Edit: damn cross posting
  14. Faerie New Member

    Dane - 0
    ElectricBen - 1
    fairyliquid - 0
    Jarmara - 0
    Joculator - 0
    Katcal - 2
    Maljonic - 4
    Plaid - 0
    Rincewind - 5
    sampanna - 0
    somethingclever - 0

    As a future(possibly) geology student I'm voting for Mal's.
  15. Katcal I Aten't French !

    All jokes set aside, I personnally have always found Rinso's photos subtle...
  16. Tephlon Active Member

    Dane - 0
    ElectricBen - 1
    fairyliquid - 0
    Jarmara - 0
    Joculator - 0
    Katcal - 2
    Maljonic - 4
    Plaid - 0
    Rincewind - 6
    sampanna - 0
    somethingclever - 0

    Rincewinds picture is just really really good. I liked Mal's too, beautiful rock and the concept of faith in it not falling is very well chosen.
  17. Hsing Moderator

    Dane - 0
    ElectricBen - 1
    fairyliquid - 0
    Jarmara - 0
    Joculator - 0
    Katcal - 2
    Maljonic - 4
    Plaid - 0
    Rincewind - 7
    sampanna - 0
    somethingclever - 0

    I second what has been said before about all the pictures - also the reasons given so far for voting for Rincewind's picture.
    I like how it caught a moment, too - something photography can do better than any art, many people taking (beautiful) pictures as such rarely do, though.
  18. Rincewind Number One Doorman

    Dane - 0
    ElectricBen - 1
    fairyliquid - 0
    Jarmara - 0
    Joculator - 0
    Katcal - 3
    Maljonic - 4
    Plaid - 0
    Rincewind - 7
    sampanna - 0
    somethingclever - 0

    That's for all the compliements. I'm going to vote for Katcals, there is a rich texture to it that I loved. I thought Mal and Bens entries were great. I reallyliked Plaids composition too.

    My photo was taken in tower hill- orginally I was taking a straight picture of the preacher. When the guy with the white beard (Bernard) came up and started talking to me and I ended up in a 20min converstion conversation. Which anoyed me as i was being very generous with a 'everone should believe what works for them approach' which just wouldn't have, in the end the whole thing got quite tiresome. Then a group of school kids (or teenagers, rather) came up attracted like moths to the flame of arguement. And Bernard was off. I think the photo is an example of Faith in Action. People who believe in something so much that they give up thier life to follow it.

    I think this was a brillaint theme, really made me think. Not wanting to sound bad, seening as i'm currently in the lead, but when does the voting end? Just it's a short month...

  19. Katcal I Aten't French !

    I was going to ask the same thing... 15 votes so far, the previous voting got 16, and the one before a couple more, so we can't be far... hurry up and vote people, if you're going to !
  20. TamyraMcG Active Member

    Dane - 0
    ElectricBen - 1
    fairyliquid - 0
    Jarmara - 0
    Joculator - 0
    Katcal - 4
    Maljonic - 4
    Plaid - 0
    Rincewind - 7
    sampanna - 0
    somethingclever - 0

    I'm having trouble making my vote show up in bold buit I voted for Katcal, I'm not giving up my faith in marriage just yet.
  21. Orrdos God

    Dane - 0
    ElectricBen - 1
    fairyliquid - 0
    Jarmara - 0
    Joculator - 0
    Katcal - 4
    Maljonic - 4
    Plaid - 0
    Rincewind - 8
    sampanna - 0
    somethingclever - 0

    I'll vote for rinso's here, just cause I think it's a really interesting photo. As someone said, it's very subtle. Somehow, despite all expectations, Rinso seems to have found something he's got a natural talent for.

    I know!

    I also like Ben's fucking filthy tap. Well, not the years of limescale, but the drop of water looks cool.
  22. Rincewind Number One Doorman

    I've also got a natural talent for growing fugus!

    Edit: With the time scale of voting- I think there should be a set amount of days in which peopel *can* vote. Say 5 days after the competition ends? Otherwise you end up eating into the month-it's already the 11th and we'll still have to wait for the winner to pick a subject after that. Which means we'll have less time for actual photography.
  23. Electric_Man Templar

    Dane - 0
    ElectricBen - 1
    fairyliquid - 0
    Jarmara - 0
    Joculator - 0
    Katcal - 4
    Maljonic - 4
    Plaid - 0
    Rincewind - 9
    sampanna - 0
    somethingclever - 0

    Same reason as Doors really. However, I know he's actually attracted to the limescale as much as the drop, probably wants to fry pizza in it.

    I agree, although this thread was started late, it is dragging on a bit. Probably one week would be fair, allowing everyone the chance to vote, even the weekend posters if the 5 days is only the midweek days.
  24. Katcal I Aten't French !

    I didn't think there was a fixed one-per-month thing on this contest anyway... The winner could still post the topic on say, feb.15th and set a final date of march 15th, couldn't they ?
  25. Rincewind Number One Doorman

    Well, There isn't really any *set* monthly thing. But I was think this should be done on a monthly bases...I was thinking that at the end of the year we can put all the winning photos into a board calendar or something (possibly with a weekly quote or such) in which case we'd need to take a picture every month.

    Generally, I think it makes sense to try to keep the conests to the start and end of the months, rather and a random date mid-month. Which will be harder to remember. I think the dates of the comps and the time should (as much as possible) be set. Loosey- Comp ends at the end of the month (a natural deadline) then a week of voting- then the winner has 2/3 days to set the new topic.
  26. Cynical_Youth New Member

    I agree, well... aside from the one of him just having taken a dump in the park.
  27. Katcal I Aten't French !

    There now, I knew something must be wrong. Now we know what causes global warming !
  28. Rincewind Number One Doorman

    When I was taking that poo there were deers in the park, so i was a bit afraid they might gorged me.
  29. Katcal I Aten't French !

  30. TamyraMcG Active Member

  31. Electric_Man Templar

    So we've declared the dumping dwarf as the winner?
  32. Rincewind Number One Doorman

    Tick, Tock, Tick, Tock.
  33. Katcal I Aten't French !

    Ok, ok stop pestering us monkey boy !!

    You win, well done Rinso ! Now find a theme, quick. And make sure it's a good one !
  34. KaptenKaries New Member

    Yay for Rinso!
  35. Rincewind Number One Doorman

    Huzzah! I've Finnally achieved something!
  36. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    Well done, Damien! :)

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