Photo Competition, title Beginning, voting

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Rincewind, Oct 24, 2006.

  1. Rincewind Number One Doorman

    Ok- the First Photo Compition is over. Thanks for everyone for taking part! I'll list all the entries below for easy viewing pleasure.

    [img:00bf8bd57a][/img:00bf8bd57a]- Fairyliquid
    [img:00bf8bd57a][/img:00bf8bd57a]-Somethingclever (sorry!)
    [img:00bf8bd57a][/img:00bf8bd57a]-(copy) Kat

    Let the voting being! Poles close on the 31st on Oct! Then the winner can pick the next months theme.

    Voting in the standard deathmatch style.

    edit change name
  2. Maljonic Administrator

    I split the topic to make it clearer.

    I'm going to vote for Katcal's picture, so:

    Katcal: 1

    Is that right?
  3. Delphine New Member

    I vote for the kitten.

    Katcal 1
    Fairyliqid 1

    I think that's right.

    ALSO: that one you've put by Snails is actually by SomethingClever. Although I'll take all the credit if you like. :)
  4. redneck New Member

    Katcal 2
    Fairyliqid 1

    I was scrolling down the page and saw Rinso's pic again. I didn't notice it any of the other times, but with the page going down it looked rather like Star Wars. Oh well.
  5. Cynical_Youth New Member

    Katcal 2
    Fairyliquid 1
    Mal 1
  6. chrisjordan New Member

    Katcal 2
    Fairyliquid 1
    Mal 1
    Rinso 1

    Edit: crossposted.
  7. spiky Bar Wench

    Katcal 2
    Fairyliquid 2
    Mal 1
    Rinso 1

    Its so cute...
  8. Rincewind Number One Doorman

    Katcal 2
    Fairyliquid 2
    Mal 2
    Rinso 1

    A lovely picture Mal. Thanks for spilting the topic. I was going tp create a new voting thread...but well...effort.
  9. plaid New Member

    Katcal 2
    Fairyliquid 2
    Mal 2
    Rinso 1
    Om 1
  10. sampanna New Member

    Katcal 3
    Fairyliquid 2
    Mal 2
    Rinso 1
    Om 1

    I just realized Ben's entry describes him.
  11. aegron New Member

    Katcal 4
    Fairyliquid 2
    Mal 2
    Rinso 1
    Om 1
  12. Katcal I Aten't French !

    I'm feeling hungry and mildly depressed, I have to vote for icecream...

    Katcal 4
    Fairyliquid 2
    Mal 2
    Rinso 1
    Om 1
    Ben 1
  13. Maljonic Administrator

    I resized Om's picture and added it so people can see it, I thought it was being missed.
  14. jaccairn New Member

    Katcal 4
    Fairyliquid 2
    Mal 3
    Rinso 1
    Om 1
    Ben 1

    The kitten's cute but Mal's illustrates the theme better. (Kat's is very good also)
  15. drunkymonkey New Member

    Katcal 4
    Fairyliquid 3
    Mal 3
    Rinso 1
    Om 1
    Ben 1

    Hard to choose, really.
  16. Angua_rox New Member

    Katcal 4
    Fairyliquid 3
    Mal 3
    Rinso 2
    Om 1
    Ben 1

    Had to be.
    I like the Ben and Jerrys one though. . .
  17. Katcal 4
    Fairyliquid 4
    Mal 3
    Rinso 2
    Om 1
    Ben 1

  18. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    I liked all the pictures, but to me some illustrated the theme of 'Beginning' much more clearly than others. I liked the bright colours and different textures of Mal's best, so I vote for the conkers.

    Katcal 4
    Fairyliquid 4
    Mal 4
    Rinso 2
    Om 1
    Ben 1
  19. fairyliquid New Member

    Katcal 4
    Fairyliquid 4
    Mal 4
    Rinso 2
    Om 1
    Ben 2

    Like Buzzfloyd, I loved them all. I just liked Ben's the fact it involved Ben and Jerrys :)
  20. Electric_Man Templar

    edit: Bad Rinso! Bad! *slaps Rinso on nose with rolled up newspaper*

    My original post before someone, who shall remain nameless, accidentally deleted it, explained that I chose Fairyliquid's photo because it summed up beginning for me best. The near-sterile floor in particular added to that, as you can just imagine the kitten messing it up. Very much a beginning.

    Now I need to locate some more Retardex, as Rinso's supplies are obviously running low...
  21. KaptenKaries New Member

    If voting's still open I'll vote for Mal. Sorry for my lateness.
  22. Rincewind Number One Doorman

    Cock... I meant to quote Ben, not edit him.

    [quote:b8f62e97f5="Electric_Man"]Ok- I'll allow the late scores, which means the final score is:

    Fairyliquid 5
    Mal 5
    Katcal 4
    Rinso 2
    Ben 2
    Om 1

    So we have a tie break!

    Um, I did say that Garner shall break such ties...So Garner cast your vote!

    Who ever is declared the winner will have 5 days to deceide on the next theme- they don't pick a theme...they can start a new photo thread for it, the theme goes to 2nd place. So if 2nd place can have one ready that would be great.

    Sorry I've been abit slack with all this, but i've got limited internet access these days.[/quote:b8f62e97f5]
  23. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    hmm, this really is a tough call. i love the eyes in Fairyliquid's cat, but i think the photo as a whole could have been improved with slightly different lighting, or if the wood on the partition had received a different treating (pft, pshah, as if that's the photographers fault, i hear you cry... well fuck you. the modern photographer has to be a carpenter as well, i say!)

    mal's photo is crisp, vivid, and spontaneous. (pft, pshah, as if that's the photographer's skill, it was just luck on his part, i hear you cry... well fuck you. the modern photographer takes his photos where he can, i say!) i love the grain patterns visible in the lower buckeye/conker. the richness of the color in the buckeyes and fallen leaves are set off against vivid grass, and the composition is compact enough that the effect isn't lost in a sea of white floor tiles.

    on that note, while the cats eyes do contrast lovely with those floor tiles, i can't help but wonder if the picture suffers somewhat from me not being able to see it all in one go, and having to scroll down a bit to take it all in. (pft, pshah, as if its our fault you're too lazy to use a wheel mouse, i hear you cry. well fuck you.)

    so, mal wins.
  24. Katcal I Aten't French !

    Yay Mal ! Conkers rule ! :D As many people said, it was hard to choose, so well done Mal and let's all go eat Ben & Jerry's :D
  25. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    Congratulations, Mal!
  26. Maljonic Administrator

    Wheee, thank you everyone. I guess I start a new thread now for the next one? :)

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