Photo Competition V - Voting

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Orrdos, Apr 3, 2007.

  1. Orrdos God

    Not too many to choose from this time. Since I didn't take one, I can't really complain though :)











  2. Orrdos God

    Plaid - 1
    Katcal - 0
    Ben - 0
    Mal - 0

    I vote for plaids, cause it's a nice photo and a good exploration of the theme!
  3. chrisjordan New Member

    Plaid - 1
    Katcal - 0
    Ben - 0
    Mal - 1

    The most visually interesting. Shows the chaotic sort of time most of us find ourselves caught up in these days.
  4. Katcal I Aten't French !

    Plaid - 1
    Katcal - 0
    Ben - 1
    Mal - 1

    I'm a sucker for sunsets...
  5. plaid New Member

    wait a second... that isn't all of them is it?
    what about rincewind's?
  6. Katcal I Aten't French !

    Argh ! I think the 4 pic limit has struck again...
  7. Maljonic Administrator

    I changed it to no image limit, the post has to be redone though to get all the pictures in. Never mind, I did it.

    P.S. It's all Doors' fault.
  8. plaid New Member

    Plaid - 1
    Katcal - 0
    Ben - 2
    Mal - 1
    Faerie - 0
    Rincewind - 0

    i like it.
  9. Maljonic Administrator

    Plaid - 1
    Katcal - 1
    Ben - 2
    Mal - 1
    Faerie - 0
    Rincewind - 0

    I voted for Katcal's because it fits the theme perfectly without being blatently obvious. Also, just me reading more into it, it struck me that the trees in the picture have had their time cut off the instant they were chopped down.
  10. KaptenKaries New Member

    Plaid - 1
    Katcal - 2
    Ben - 2
    Mal - 1
    Faerie - 0
    Rincewind - 0

    Kat's photo is beautifully composed, fits the theme perfectly (trees are such a good thought experiment when you need to get perspective on time) and wouldn't look bad as my desktop wallpaper.
  11. Orrdos God

    Thanks mal!

    I apologise! Sorry faerie!
  12. Faerie New Member

    That's okay. I've noticed no one seems to be voting for themselves, I'm not sure if that's a rule, but I'm not going to vote for myself anyway, I liked Plaid's picture better.

    Plaid - 2
    Katcal - 2
    Ben - 2
    Mal - 1
    Faerie - 0
    Rincewind - 0
  13. Katcal I Aten't French !

    It's a rule, but we don't talk about it... :cool:
  14. Maljonic Administrator

    Faerie's picture was my second choice, in fact I would have voted for that if I didn't think katcal's fitted the theme better in my mind.
  15. fairyliquid New Member

    Plaid - 3
    Katcal - 2
    Ben - 2
    Mal - 1
    Faerie - 0
    Rincewind - 0

    Visually it's the most impressive, in my opinion. It's also a great depiction of times effects.
  16. Electric_Man Templar

    Plaid - 3
    Katcal - 3
    Ben - 2
    Mal - 1
    Faerie - 0
    Rincewind - 0

    Most fitting to the theme, I think. It's not a bad picture either...
  17. lipi New Member

    Plaid - 3
    Katcal - 4
    Ben - 2
    Mal - 1
    Faerie - 0
    Rincewind - 0

    I like the composition, and it fits the theme most in my opinion.
  18. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    Plaid - 3
    Katcal - 5
    Ben - 2
    Mal - 1
    Faerie - 0
    Rincewind - 0

    As well as the things everyone else has said, I like the way the trunk on the right looks like a clock.
  19. Orrdos God

    Katcal wins then!

  20. Katcal I Aten't French !

    Oooh, yay ! :shock:

    Oh well... time to think about this month's theme then, and quick...

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