Photo Competition X

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Hsing, Oct 12, 2007.

  1. Hsing Moderator

    By now everyone should know the rules.:smile:

    The new theme is:


    End of competition: 1. of November
  2. Tephlon Active Member

    Yay for the "macro"-setting! :)
  3. jaccairn New Member

    We may want to extend the end date as every one seems to have forgotten it.

    As my camera really doesn't do macro.

  4. Katcal I Aten't French !

    I hadn't forgotten the competition, just what the current date was, I'll upload my pic tomorrow morning, as my computer is having problems and Reg is busy twiddling knobs and suchlike...
  5. fairyliquid New Member

    Having just returned from Russia it was rather difficult to decide on which image to use (I took over 800 on the 10 day trip!). I have settled on this one because it shows the sheer magnitude of art on the surfaces of buildings/cathedrals in Russia, and art is all about surfaces. This specific one was taken in St. Petersburg at St. Isaacs Cathedral and I think it shows the magnitude of a surface image to Russia as, while Cathedrals such as this were build, poverty and extreme hardship could be found throughout the country.

  6. Katcal I Aten't French !

    Here's my rather pathetic entry... (although it was absolutely delicious but still...)

  7. Maljonic Administrator

    Okay I've done one too:

  8. Katcal I Aten't French !

    Mal, I've told you before, if you don't want to finish your meal, throw it away or give it to the dog... :biggrin: I'm glad someone at least bothered to do a macro though, it would have been a shame with a theme like this one (although the other pics are nice too, of course :wink:)
  9. Faerie New Member

    Horseshoe Harbor. The brown and white layered rocks in the bottom right are stromatolites which are formations built by cyanobacteria. They were the ones who formed the free oxygen that made the early atmosphere breathable. Hey, I actually learned something on a geo fieldtrip.:smile:
  10. Sunna New Member

    I'm also having computer troubles,will upload today though
  11. Maljonic Administrator

    I like your picture Faerie.
  12. Sunna New Member

    It's been so long I uploaded a pic here.Do you take pics of internet store sites you have?Please help,I'm confused and forgetful sometimes
  13. randywine Member

    Not a Macro but on the day I took the every surface around had changed in texture and colour because of the frost.
    T'was a cool morning


    Attached Files:

  14. jaccairn New Member

    That was a heavy frost!
  15. Maljonic Administrator

    I'm not sure what you mean Sunna?
  16. Maljonic Administrator

    randywine, is it really that cold in Scotland at this time of year? I don't think we've had any frost yet here in York.
  17. randywine Member

    Sorry guys...I prostrate myself at the feet of all in apologies. I wasn't trying to mislead.

    The photo was taken at some time in the past (I think last December) but I liked it so much I wanted to share it.*

    If I enter a Pic again I'll enter one that I have taken especially for the comp subject.

    But Mal in answer to your question we can get some very heavy frost's from about mid November onwards - I love it, the air is crystal clear and very fresh - breathing it in makes you glad to be alive - here's another one taken on the same day.

    (I will not post any more on this thread, thank 'e for yer pat-i-ence, bow, scrape, run away...).

    *from the book of crap excuses Vol 36.

    Attached Files:

  18. Hsing Moderator

    I guess I didn't think of the newbies or re-appearances when I stated everyone would know the rules by now... So it's partly my fault. Sorry.
    Just enter a recent pic. Let's draw Sunday morning as a deadline, now that suddenly everyone rushes in with entries. :)
  19. Sunna New Member

    Never mind

  20. Katcal I Aten't French !

    As I have jealously said before, living in Iceland is so unfair on everyone else :biggrin:
  21. Maljonic Administrator

    I was just thinking that, we will have to keep the rules on every time I think.. I'm also thinking that fairyliquid didn't take hundreds of pictures in Russia just for this competition.

    Anyway, don't worry too much if you posted an old photo without thinking, it's only a bit of fun really - just makes it a bit more special if we take pictures with the theme in mind. In fact I love it for that, it's got me to take more pictures than I would have done normally.
  22. Rewr New Member

    When is the next competition, & what's the subject? (Dusting off camera...)

    All pics are brilliant.
  23. Stercus Stercus New Member

    Next one starts when someone has won this one and the winner chooses the subject. You've got plenty of time to make sure your camera is in tip top condition.
  24. fairyliquid New Member

    In my defence I knew what the topic was before I went and had it in the back of my head. Plus, out of the 800 photos I took only about 2 or 3 could be used for the competition - unless someone can link a picture of my history class at Red Square to surfaces.... :razz:
  25. Maljonic Administrator

    It's all right, it was just the way it was worded that sounded slightly wrong. I did the same thing myself for one of the early competitions without realising it, I didn't win but you'll never know which one it was! :D
  26. Hsing Moderator

    Well, where you went taking a picture doesn't matter, as long as you had he competition in mind, doesn't it?

    I found out about "Roots" in Denmark and instantly knew which motif I wanted for the competition. But taking the picture on a beach made it nicer. The rule is there to prevent people from just browsing their picture collection for soemthing that vaguely fits the theme, but to make them drag their camera along because of the competition. And that worked fine for quite some people here. Even though some competitions weren't as frequented as others, and even if we are never quite on time, it's a very successful thing - this is the tenth. I don't know what elese survived this long on this board in terms of series, and I enjoyed it.
  27. randywine Member

    I've thought about this a little more and I really do like the whole idea of someone posing a subject and then us going out with camera in hand with that subject in mind.
    It sparks the imagination and thats got to be good.
    I look forward to the next subject...

  28. Rincewind Number One Doorman

    I've been really slack at this of late. Both in terms of taking pictures and hassling people to make sure competitions run on time.

    But I do think that we've had excellent photos. I do like the themes they help inspire me to take photos.
  29. Sunna New Member

    I quite like the idea for us going out with a specific topic in mind.I just hope it never comes to down to anything sunny and tropical,I'll be in big trouble.
  30. Katcal I Aten't French !

    :lol: But then, we all hope it never comes to volcanoes, glaciers and puffins... :bunny:

    I really enjoy these little themes too, it gives me something to concentrate my snap-frenzy around...
  31. Hsing Moderator

    Okay, I think the sudden wave of pictures is over... This will close tomorrow.
  32. Sunna New Member

    So when will the voting start?Or is that another thread?
  33. Katcal I Aten't French !

    It's another thread. **pokes Hsing with a very long stick**
  34. KaptenKaries New Member

    I liked jaccairn's surfaces, as a picture, but I think Mal had the best concept this time. :) Looks just like swedish rocks, too. :wink:

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