Place names... a contest.

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Garner, Nov 4, 2006.

  1. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    The island of Guam came up in a conversation betwixt me and the missus a moment ago. She didn't seem to have heard of it. I said it's an island with the coolest name in the world.

    However, I was then struck with the worry that Guam was *not* the coolest place name for an island in the world. I mean, sure, it beats the hell out of Fiji, but does it really trump Pitcarin?

    So, whats teh coolest name for an island? Nominations?
  2. drunkymonkey New Member

    I know it's a group of islands, but Shetland Islands sounds funny when you slur it.
  3. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    Shetland's pretty good, yeah. it's also pre-slurred, if you will.
  4. Cynical_Youth New Member

  5. Maljonic Administrator

  6. Hsing Moderator

  7. OmKranti Yogi Wench

    [quote:a1170f5949="Garner"]The island of Guam came up in a conversation betwixt me and the missus a moment ago. She didn't seem to have heard of it. I said it's an island with the coolest name in the world.

    However, I was then struck with the worry that Guam was *not* the coolest place name for an island in the world. I mean, sure, it beats the hell out of Fiji, but does it really trump Pitcarin?

    So, whats teh coolest name for an island? Nominations?[/quote:a1170f5949]

    Didn't we have a conversation about Guam at GraceCon? As in me saying: "I used to drink in a bar that was run by these two ladies from Guam, they made a drink called the Guam Zombie in which many kinds of rum were mixed with juice, then 151 was floated on top?"

    And I seem to remember then you saying that Guam was a cool ass name.
  8. allthatjazz New Member

  9. Maljonic Administrator

    [quote:305f5decb0="OmKranti"][quote:305f5decb0="Garner"]The island of Guam came up in a conversation betwixt me and the missus a moment ago. She didn't seem to have heard of it. I said it's an island with the coolest name in the world.

    However, I was then struck with the worry that Guam was *not* the coolest place name for an island in the world. I mean, sure, it beats the hell out of Fiji, but does it really trump Pitcarin?

    So, whats teh coolest name for an island? Nominations?[/quote:305f5decb0]

    Didn't we have a conversation about Guam at GraceCon? As in me saying: "I used to drink in a bar that was run by these two ladies from Guam, they made a drink called the Guam Zombie in which many kinds of rum were mixed with juice, then 151 was floated on top?"

    And I seem to remember then you saying that Guam was a cool ass name.[/quote:305f5decb0]
    There's also another, slightly odd connection with this (apart from my ex living in Guam before I met her years ago). There is an organisation called GUAM, which stands for Georgia, Ukraine, Azerbaijan and Moldova.

    And I once made a joke about Garner coming from Tblisi (about 5 years ago) which is the capital of the above mentioned Georgia, because he comes from the other Georgia in the US.
  10. drunkymonkey New Member

    [quote:18b35c6588="Maljonic"][quote:18b35c6588="OmKranti"][quote:18b35c6588="Garner"]The island of Guam came up in a conversation betwixt me and the missus a moment ago. She didn't seem to have heard of it. I said it's an island with the coolest name in the world.

    However, I was then struck with the worry that Guam was *not* the coolest place name for an island in the world. I mean, sure, it beats the hell out of Fiji, but does it really trump Pitcarin?

    So, whats teh coolest name for an island? Nominations?[/quote:18b35c6588]

    Didn't we have a conversation about Guam at GraceCon? As in me saying: "I used to drink in a bar that was run by these two ladies from Guam, they made a drink called the Guam Zombie in which many kinds of rum were mixed with juice, then 151 was floated on top?"

    And I seem to remember then you saying that Guam was a cool ass name.[/quote:18b35c6588]
    There's also another, slightly odd connection with this (apart from my ex living in Guam before I met her years ago). There is an organisation called GUAM, which stands for Georgia, Ukraine, Azerbaijan and Moldova.

    And I once made a joke about Garner coming from Tblisi (about 5 years ago) which is the capital of the above mentioned Georgia, because he comes from the other Georgia in the US.[/quote:18b35c6588]Was it one of those jokes where everyone laughs nervously?
  11. Maljonic Administrator

    No, in fact here it is:

    in response to (posted November 07, 2001 07:58 AM)

    [quote:cea4e6599c="Garner"]and since we havent had this thread in a while, as well as having several new faces around the boards, i'm a georgia boy, currently residing in Athens.

    now, lets see if anybody thinks i'm from the country of Georgia and living in Greece... its happened before... [/quote:cea4e6599c]

    Hey Garner I grew up in Tblisi, what a coincidence. So you hopped over the Black Sea to Greece ey?[/quote:cea4e6599c]

    [quote:cea4e6599c="Garner"]ah, now that made my day thanks man[/quote:cea4e6599c]

    Which is even more bizzare because it's almost [i:cea4e6599c]exactly[/i:cea4e6599c] 5 years ago, I just made a random guess before! :)
  12. Katcal I Aten't French !

    I have always liked the sound of the Isle of Skye...

    But here is a pretty good list of islands of the world... Komodo and Vanuatu are also names I like, but there are quite a few cool ones out there...

    And of course, Easter Island, where they have giant sold chocolate eggs strewn around the scenery... :D Now that is a kick arse island !
  13. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    I think Guam resurfaced in conversation with Grace because of that story about the Guam Zombie, Om.
  14. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    [quote:183408387a="Katcal"]And of course, Easter Island, where they have giant sold chocolate eggs strewn around the scenery... :D Now that is a kick arse island ![/quote:183408387a]
    It would be more kick arse if those eggs weren't all sold, so you could still buy one for yourself. ;)
  15. spiky Bar Wench

    Mt boyfriend recently went to Christmas Island... Ho Ho Ho.
  16. Katcal I Aten't French !

    [quote:dea36a3b2e="Buzzfloyd"][quote:dea36a3b2e="Katcal"]And of course, Easter Island, where they have giant sold chocolate eggs strewn around the scenery... :D Now that is a kick arse island ![/quote:dea36a3b2e]
    It would be more kick arse if those eggs weren't all sold, so you could still buy one for yourself. ;)[/quote:dea36a3b2e]

    Damn typo :D SOLID chocolate eggs !!!!
  17. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    [quote:35ebe54c39="spiky"]Mt boyfriend recently went to Christmas Island... Ho Ho Ho.[/quote:35ebe54c39]
    Mt. Boyfriend? That's an even more amusing typo than Katcal's! Your offerings to the Great Goddess Grace are much appreciated. ;)
  18. OmKranti Yogi Wench

    [quote:17f394895c="Garner"]I think Guam resurfaced in conversation with Grace because of that story about the Guam Zombie, Om.[/quote:17f394895c]

    And once again, we have alcohol to thank for a conversation! :D
  19. spiky Bar Wench

    [quote:84be0fea75="Buzzfloyd"][quote:84be0fea75="spiky"]Mt boyfriend recently went to Christmas Island... Ho Ho Ho.[/quote:84be0fea75]
    Mt. Boyfriend? That's an even more amusing typo than Katcal's! Your offerings to the Great Goddess Grace are much appreciated. ;)[/quote:84be0fea75]

    Your welcome. Although besides being tall my boyfriend in no way resembles a mountain... Honestly.
  20. Katcal I Aten't French !

    [quote:b9ee570fbc="spiky"][quote:b9ee570fbc="Buzzfloyd"][quote:b9ee570fbc="spiky"]Mt boyfriend recently went to Christmas Island... Ho Ho Ho.[/quote:b9ee570fbc]
    Mt. Boyfriend? That's an even more amusing typo than Katcal's! Your offerings to the Great Goddess Grace are much appreciated. ;)[/quote:b9ee570fbc]

    [b:b9ee570fbc]Your welcome. [/b:b9ee570fbc]Although besides being tall my boyfriend in no way resembles a mountain... Honestly.[/quote:b9ee570fbc]
    Spiky, your overdoing it now, she'll think you're sucking up to her :D

    Mt. Boyfriend sounds like a nice idea though, isn't there a nameless moutain somwhere that we could call that ? I'm thinking Valentine's day trips, souvenir mugs, t-shirts, speed-dating cons, honeymoon hotels, we're making money here people !!! :D

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