Please sign this petition

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Marcia, Jan 15, 2008.

  1. Marcia Executive Onion

  2. spiky Bar Wench

    As I am neither country I will simply give my support in spirit...

    Would vodka be appropriate?
  3. Katcal I Aten't French !

    Read the title, you drunken aussie, she wants alcohol-free alternatives...
  4. Pixel New Member

    OK, done it - I hope that being a 30-year ex-pat doesn't disqualify my "signature", but I do still hold a UK passport, and have known several people with asthma - nobody should have their necessary medication cut off without a replacement being found.
  5. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    Signed it.
  6. Tiffany New Member

    Signed it. I'm going to e-mail the link around work and myspace too, if thats ok with you marcia
  7. Marcia Executive Onion

    Have you seen any other links to petitions on myspace? I don't know if it's appropriate to post the link from there; I don't want to get into any trouble for violating their rules. Can you check their rules regarding this?

    Thanks everyone who is signing.

    Also, for those Americans on the board, a problem on the American side is that the new inhalers are much more expensive than the old, and people without insurance are having trouble affording them.

    Edit: Once you're sure that myspace is OK, please go ahead. Thanks.
  8. Rewr New Member

    I've forwarded the link to my f&f, and colleagues, hopefully they'll pass it on.

    They normally do:smile:
  9. Tiffany New Member

    I'm not sure to be honest, but I've put links to all sorts of stuff up as bulletins before and never had any problems - when all's said and done it's just a link to another web site so should be ok!

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