poll : favourite discworld character?

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by shadowgirl, Oct 20, 2005.

  1. shadowgirl New Member

    who will you decide? its a real toughie!

    edited to add : yep smoking gnu you are correct. sorry, i thought i was on boardonia. any way to delete these polls?
  2. Smoking_GNU New Member

    I really think these poll's should be on boardainia. I'm not passing judgement but i think the older people will not be happy with flooding this board with threads not belonging to the main idea behind the thread.
  3. Willmolly3 New Member

    Death for me!
  4. Willmolly3 New Member

    But Greebo if he was an option!
  5. Rincewind Number One Doorman

  6. chesterguy New Member

    The librarian gets my vote... closely followed by Death ;)
  7. SunshineDaydream New Member

    Lord Vetinari, because he rocks. I'd like to be him when I grow up. (Well, maybe not really, but I love his style). Closely followed by Death (my voting, not Vetinari), and Moist from Going Postal comes in third. Sorry, but greebo didn't even make my top ten. The librarian and Vimes can round out my top five.

    Edit to add that I can't believe I forgot Leonard of Quirm. He probably ties with Death for second place.
  8. Electric_Man Templar

  9. edster New Member

    um that’s casting not favorite.

    And Detritus witch is not there.
  10. Katcal I Aten't French !

    **does a zombie walk through the thread** Braaaaaaaaaaaiiiinnnnnssss !!!
  11. TheJackal Member

    Vetinari needs more lines! I loved it in Night Watch when it followed him when he was younger.

    But then again, perhaps his appeal stems from him not having too much lines, with everything he does say being so calculated
  12. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    [quote:23cf189fc2="Electric_Man"]Don't know how I missed this before, but we already have a [u:23cf189fc2]Favourite Character Thread[/u:23cf189fc2]

    Please try not to duplicate threads. Do a quick search beforehand, or in this case, look at the Official Thread List[/quote:23cf189fc2]
    Did you read the thread, Katcal?
  13. Electric_Man Templar

    [quote:4f87259f5f="Buzzfloyd"][quote:4f87259f5f="Electric_Man"]Don't know how I missed this before, but we already have a [u:4f87259f5f]Favourite Character Thread[/u:4f87259f5f]

    Please try not to duplicate threads. Do a quick search beforehand, or in this case, look at the Official Thread List[/quote:4f87259f5f]
    Did you read the thread, Katcal?[/quote:4f87259f5f]

    Err... do you mean me?

    I have no idea what I was thinking back in October, but it seems like I hadn't actually read this thread in the first place. Strange that no-one noticed my idiocy for nigh on nine months, though.
  14. Rincewind Number One Doorman

    It's like trying to find a particular piece of hay in the world giant haystack.
  15. drunkymonkey New Member

    It all depends on how big you think the world giant haystack is.
  16. TheJackal Member

    [quote:732457c418="drunkymonkey"]It all depends on how big you think the world giant haystack is.[/quote:732457c418]

    Big :D
  17. Katcal I Aten't French !

    [quote:87c19718b2="Buzzfloyd"][quote:87c19718b2="Electric_Man"]Don't know how I missed this before, but we already have a [u:87c19718b2]Favourite Character Thread[/u:87c19718b2]

    Please try not to duplicate threads. Do a quick search beforehand, or in this case, look at the Official Thread List[/quote:87c19718b2]
    Did you read the thread, Katcal?[/quote:87c19718b2]
    Yup, dates and all :D

    [quote:87c19718b2="Electric Man"]Strange that no-one noticed my idiocy for nigh on nine months, though.[/quote:87c19718b2]
    We did, you know, we just didn't notice this particular domain of application.
  18. Electric_Man Templar

    Tut tut, stealing Rinso's jokes. How low can you sink?
  19. Katcal I Aten't French !

    As far as a lead bunny in quicksand.
    You have been warned.
  20. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    OK, fair enough! Sorry, Katcal, false alarm.

    Carry on as you were, people.

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