Possible Dutch December Con

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Cynical_Youth, Oct 31, 2006.

  1. Cynical_Youth New Member

    Andalusian is coming over to the Netherlands this December and we thought it would be a nice occasion to arrange a meet-up of some sort. Accommodation would be provided by me, although there's a limit to the amount of people that my house can hold.

    Here are the details:

    So far, the weekend of the 16th and the 17th looks like a good option. Any time in December and January is up for discussion, though.

    I was thinking Utrecht and Amsterdam would be interesting places to visit. Utrecht is half an hour away from my house and Amsterdam an hour. I don't know what people want to see, though. Amsterdam has plenty. Utrecht has some nice cafes and canals (although I would advise against the canal tour, it is very dull). Utrecht also has a church tower, which for some reason people come to see.

    This would also allow for an evening or two at my house. I don't really have any board games or anything (we have a lot of guitars, that's about it), but people could bring their own or we'll plan something else.

    CY & Andalusian
    Buzzfloyd & Garner?

    This thread is for how definite the attendance of the people on the list is, for suggestions on what to do/see and for anyone else who would be interested in coming.
  2. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    Garner and I are definites, but I need to double-check term end dates for my college course before confirming the date.
  3. Cynical_Youth New Member

    Yay! You're getting the best beds.
  4. Electric_Man Templar

    Obviously it would depend on the date and whether I can/need to get time off work, but I would like to go.
  5. KaptenKaries New Member

    [quote:08fcd30475="Cynical_Youth"]I don't really have any board games or anything (we have a lot of guitars, that's about it)[/quote:08fcd30475]

    Is there anything else needed?
  6. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    dammit, wouldn't it be just my luck to get free room at a house stocked with guitars and in a country with legal weed and i'm not supposed to take advantage of either?


    [size=7:638fde0803]*important note: Garner cannot play guitar. all garner can do is make annoyingly interesting noises and get the strings all out of tune.[/size:638fde0803]
  7. Tephlon Active Member

    Hmm, right now we're looking at flying back to Portugal that weekend.

    I'll know more in a couple of days, when I've finally booked the flights.
  8. Andalusian New Member

    Anyone else going to comment?
  9. redneck New Member

    I'll comment, but since I'm not going to be there it's kinda moot. Hope you guys have fun though. And to think I missed one by one day. I'll make it one someday.
  10. Cynical_Youth New Member

    [quote:da55078b4c="KaptenKaries"][quote:da55078b4c="Cynical_Youth"]I don't really have any board games or anything (we have a lot of guitars, that's about it)[/quote:da55078b4c]

    Is there anything else needed?[/quote:da55078b4c]
    Anything that anyone would want to bring would be greatly appreciated.

    Anyone have any thoughts on how many days they would want this to be?

    I was thinking two or three, but it does depend on how much time people can free.
  11. Pixel New Member

    Count me in - I had hoped to get to GraceCon/OmCon but other commitments knocked that out - but December and January are at the moment looking clear - and I am also on the right side of the Channel, so it is just a train ride. Let's go for EuroPterryCon!
  12. Tephlon Active Member

    Flight inbound: Saturday December 2nd
    Flight Outbound: Saturday December 16th

    I have a whole lot of family and friends I have to visit besides you guys. :)

    Any way of meeting on a friday? (Either the 8th or the 15th)
  13. Cynical_Youth New Member

    We could start the con with a day out in Utrecht on Friday. I don't know if that fits everyone's schedule, though.

    It would be something like:

    Friday: Everyone arrives in Utrecht, day out.
    Saturday: Amsterdam
    Sunday: Day for travelling back?
  14. Tephlon Active Member

    I could do the friday. Don't know if I have the time to be here on Saturday too. Still, I'd love to meet you guys. :)
  15. Katcal I Aten't French !

    Amsterdam is closer... but still not close enough for me to afford it by December... :( Have fun guys...
  16. Hsing Moderator

    I don't want to make any promises yet because of the slightly chaotic time schedules we're having right now. I'll try...
  17. Hsing Moderator

    I will most likely be able to come. I will drive a pretty big car by then, so coming to Amsterdam and driving a few people plus baggage to Utrecht afterwards might be a possibility. We could all save some money on transport that way, maybe.

    I can only make promises for Friday-Sunday, though.

    I might have to cancel it spontaneously, becuase my grandfather had a heavy stroke on Tuesday, which paralized him and robbed him off his speech. He also has a heavy pneumonia. He is incredibly tough, though, and in a state that might last for everything from hours to months... if anything happens, I might have to cancel it.

    Chances are high that I will be there though!
  18. Cynical_Youth New Member

    Yay! If you could drive everyone, that would be great. The public transport system is pretty good, though, so it is not absolutely necessary.
  19. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    Yay, Hsing! :)
  20. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    i've booked off the time from work, so we're good.

    and sorry to hear about your granddad, hsing!
  21. Tephlon Active Member

    Amsterdam on Friday...

    At first I thought no, but if you guys are going to Utrecht at night that might work out.

    We'll see :)
  22. Hsing Moderator

    Oh, I wasn't saying we have to be in Amsterdam on Friday, that's just my time window. Saturday is fine with me too. Whatever fits into most people's schedules.

    I could also drive to Utrecht, take up to four people to Amsterdam, and drive home from there. It would be on the way in that case.

    Or make it a one day trip, and only come to Amsterdam.

    Depending on what is actually scheduled, and when and were everybody else will be.
  23. Tephlon Active Member

    Good actually, because as I have to be in Amsterdam the next day anyway (Due to flying from Schiphol airport) I really prefer Utrecht.
  24. Electric_Man Templar

    I officially have the day off work on the friday, so my days are free.

    Is it only the Garners and I that will be travelling from the UK? We're just looking at ferries and so forth, so if anyone else was wanting to join us, speak now or forever hold your peace...
  25. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    hey coppe, we're gonna need some cost breakdowns on transport so we can plan this shindig. unless anyone's got anything worked out already.
  26. Cynical_Youth New Member

    Righto. I'll pull up the Vianen - Amsterdam, Vianen - Utrecht and Vianen - Schiphol fares for you today.

    I need to know who will want to stay over. I can house four comfortably. I'm assuming that will be Grace, Clay, Ben and Yvonne.
  27. Cynical_Youth New Member

    There are two things to take into account when travelling in the Netherlands: bus and train. The bus works on a zone system: you pay for a roll of strips ("strippen") and for every zone you travel through they cross out a strip.

    You'd need 5 strips for every trip from my house to the train station (in Utrecht). Depending on how much you'd need to use the bus, you would get one roll of 15 or two. One such roll is €6.70.

    Utrecht - Amsterdam by train would be €11.70 for a return ticket (€7.00 for someone if travelling with me, because I can get them a discount).

    Utrecht - Schiphol by train would be €13.30 for a return ticket (€7.20 for someone if travelling with me).

    Edit to change commas to points.
  28. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    I'm sorry, my head isn't working very well at the moment. If we get the ferry, we'll be arriving at Hoek van Holland on the Friday. If get the plane, we'll be arriving at Amsterdam on the Thursday or Friday. What would be the approximate cost to get to Coppe Mansion from each place?
  29. Cynical_Youth New Member

    From Schiphol you'd catch a train directly to Utrecht Centraal.
    A single is €7.20.

    I'd then meet you at that train station with a bus ticket. They are €6.70, but you'd be able to get another 2 bus trips out of it.

    That comes down to €13.90.

    Hoek van Holland:
    From Hoek van Holland you'd catch a train to Rotterdam Centraal. You'd switch to a train to Utrecht Centraal there. A single is €12.30.

    The bus thing is the same.

    The total would be €19.00.

    Edit to change commas to points.
  30. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    wow... legalized prostitution, public sale of pot, and a bus system... holland truely is the greatest country on earth.
  31. Hsing Moderator

    It would be great if you could count my in as one of your houseguests.

    I found out that the route Amsterdam-Utrecht would actually be a kind of loop route for me, also I guess I would get totally lost in Amsterdam itself. Still, I am trying to plan my trip in some way so that I can spare at least a few people one public trip. I've got room for four or five people (including the driver) plus baggage.
  32. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    Thanks, Coppe!
  33. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    After lots of complicated calculations in an Excel spreadsheet, I realised that (including extortionate train fares at peak times) it would be about £90 cheaper for Garner and I to travel by plane than ferry! It would also give us and Ben more time in the Netherlands, as we would arrive on Thursday night and leave on Monday afternoon, instead of Friday and Sunday afternoons respectively.

    So the tickets for the flight are now booked! Coppe, we have to arrive at Amsterdam airport at about 9.55pm. I hope that'll be OK!
  34. Cynical_Youth New Member

    Righto, I will be there. I might be able to arrange for a ride, otherwise public transport will have to do. It'll just take a bit longer.
  35. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

  36. Andalusian New Member

    Grace, Clay or Ben - you couldn't possibly bring some crumpets could you, please? Or some scones, those are tasty. Can't get them in Holland as far as Coppe is aware (may not be accurate) and I'm not bringing them from Australia. Plus, actual British ones are probably better.

    Also, Coppe still has a thing of vegemite (untouched) that my parents gave him... so I'm going to make you all eat it. :p
  37. Tephlon Active Member

    Andalusian: There is a store in Utrecht, on the "Oude Gracht" that has Scones. They come in a tin with a tartan motif. (My dad loves 'em.)
    Can't remember the store's name, but they have Lemontrees out front and I think that had something to do with the name.
  38. Katcal I Aten't French !

    Um... Just wondering... Would there be any room left in a corner for a couple of hopelessly last-minute people ? We could just about make the cost of the transport (by renting a car in brussels and driving up, we would cut the air price by half, mad !) but unless there's a cheap hotel or a spare bed (or space on the floor, we could bring a blow up matteress :D ) it'll be too much...

    Of course, an extra car may be helpful for those who are flying in eh ;)

    **crossing fingers hopelessly**

    Oh and I'll bring any kind of cake or biscuit anyone wants. Even Maccaroons. Promise !
  39. Electric_Man Templar

    Can I avoid the vegemite if I bring the crumpets/scones?
  40. Hsing Moderator

    Hey! :) great!
  41. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    i promise to kill anyone who makes me eat vegemite, marmite, dynamite, or anything similar.
  42. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    I can bring crumpets, muffins, scones etc, but I refuse Vegemite!

    Katcal, huzzah!
  43. Hsing Moderator

    I threaten to bring Milka and Turkish cookies.

    Is there anything we should bring?
  44. Cynical_Youth New Member

    [quote:cd2d0a436b="Katcal"]Um... Just wondering... Would there be any room left in a corner for a couple of hopelessly last-minute people ? We could just about make the cost of the transport (by renting a car in brussels and driving up, we would cut the air price by half, mad !) but unless there's a cheap hotel or a spare bed (or space on the floor, we could bring a blow up matteress :D ) it'll be too much...

    Of course, an extra car may be helpful for those who are flying in eh ;)

    **crossing fingers hopelessly**

    Oh and I'll bring any kind of cake or biscuit anyone wants. Even Maccaroons. Promise ![/quote:cd2d0a436b]
    If you don't mind the couch (which will fit two people), we'd love to have you. You don't even need to bring a food item.

    Tephlon, I'll have a look around next time I'm there. Thanks!

    I have a feeling this Vegemite is going to be with me for a very long time...
  45. Cynical_Youth New Member

    [quote:3eec93c151="Hsing"]I threaten to bring Milka and Turkish cookies.

    Is there anything we [i:3eec93c151]should [/i:3eec93c151]bring?[/quote:3eec93c151]
    Sleeping bags and pillows would be useful. Other than that, whatever people want to bring would be great.
  46. Katcal I Aten't French !

    [quote:689e02db83="Cynical_Youth"][quote:689e02db83="Katcal"]Um... Just wondering... Would there be any room left in a corner for a couple of hopelessly last-minute people ? We could just about make the cost of the transport (by renting a car in brussels and driving up, we would cut the air price by half, mad !) but unless there's a cheap hotel or a spare bed (or space on the floor, we could bring a blow up matteress :D ) it'll be too much...

    Of course, an extra car may be helpful for those who are flying in eh ;)

    **crossing fingers hopelessly**

    Oh and I'll bring any kind of cake or biscuit anyone wants. Even Maccaroons. Promise ![/quote:689e02db83]
    If you don't mind the couch (which will fit two people), we'd love to have you. You don't even need to bring a food item.

    Tephlon, I'll have a look around next time I'm there. Thanks!

    I have a feeling this Vegemite is going to be with me for a very long time...[/quote:689e02db83]

    Ooooooh YEAH !!! I have Marmite, we shall finally have a deathmatch !!!

    I'll pm pixel to see if he would be interested in sharing the Brussels-Amsterdam journey, any cost reduction in transport means more beer... uh, I mean fun, more fun... yeah :D If anyone else is doing the same trip, one way or the other, then contact me...

    For the sake of booking and map research, can we have a clear statement on the dates and where we're going ? (the town will do, I'm not going to bomb your house CY, that's Ben's special Secret Santa gift ;) :D)
  47. Cynical_Youth New Member

    Friday the 15th: meet-up at Utrecht Central Station. This would be around 15.00 or earlier, depending on my classes.

    We'll spend the day in Utrecht and have dinner there or back at my house in Vianen.

    Saturday the 16th: day out in Amsterdam and another evening at my house.

    Sunday the 17th: travelling back at whatever point in the day people want to leave.
  48. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    Except for we English parasites who will arrive on Thursday evening and leave on Monday afternoon.
  49. Hsing Moderator

    In August next year, I will have my parent's house for free use for two weeks, in exchange to some dog- respectively parrot-sitting. It can house up to 11 people comfortably and numerable more on air matresses, and is relatively close to the Amsterdam as well as the Münster airport, and also to Enschede, Münster, and smaller cities like Lingen. I could hold a German summer con! Due to the fact that I could offer driving and one extra car, plus accomodation, it might even payable! Hehe!
    Just a mad idea.
  50. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    Woot! Germancon!
  51. Hsing Moderator

    I'll see wether I can bring some extra sleeping bags, cushions etc, after all I am probably coming by car. If I can organize some that would mean less baggage for those coming by plane.
  52. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    That would be great if you could, Hsing.
  53. Hsing Moderator

    Okay - I'll arrive one night later and leave earlier than you, though. I just realized that might be a problem in case you relied on me bringing sleeping bags...

    Other than that, I'm now washing my Snoopy pyjamas and making a shopping list.
  54. Katcal I Aten't French !

    So, our flight and car are booked, everything's looking good*, we'll bring our own sleeping stuff (bed excluded :D) and we should arrive at Coppe's place around 10pm on Friday, and leave 10am on Sunday... Getting excited here !!! :)

    Oh and home-made bikkits and muffins will be plentiful ;) Transporting pie is unfortunately perilous, but those will travel fine !

    *Edited to add : Actually, just had a near miss with the flight/car situation... I only just noticed that we don't arrive at the central Brussels airport, but at Charleroi, which is the other side of the city !!! And of course, our car was booked at the other airport... :shock: AVIS have very kindly and efficiently changed the reservation for us, so phew, but we almost ended up stranded there !!!!! (I'm in a 5! mood right now, sorry...)
  55. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    I'd forgotten that, Hsing. It's probably best if we bring our own sleeping bags. I'm not sure if we'll be able to bring pillows on the plane as well as those and our luggage, though - Coppe, have you got spare pillows or cushions that the three of us could use?
  56. Hsing Moderator

    Okay. I'll stuff the Volvo anyway, just in case.
    Coppe, I am intending to bring bread, too, I thought something useful besides various brands of cookies might be alright.
    Anything else? I'm asking again because I may be the only one where bringing any food and stuff may be easy. Don't be polite, do tell.
  57. Tephlon Active Member

    So, what time do we meet in Utrecht?

    I just want to know because if it's early, I might sleep over at my sister's.

    Last word was around 3pm, I think.
  58. Cynical_Youth New Member

    [quote:4e3fc0c05d="Buzzfloyd"]I'm not sure if we'll be able to bring pillows on the plane as well as those and our luggage, though - Coppe, have you got spare pillows or cushions that the three of us could use?[/quote:4e3fc0c05d]
    Not really. I have a couple of things that could maybe be used as pillows, but they wouldn't be very comfortable.

    [quote:4e3fc0c05d="Hsing"]Coppe, I am intending to bring bread, too, I thought something useful besides various brands of cookies might be alright.
    Anything else? I'm asking [i:4e3fc0c05d]again[/i:4e3fc0c05d] because I may be the only one where bringing any food and stuff may be easy. Don't be polite, do tell.[/quote:4e3fc0c05d]
    Bread would be great. Other stuff to help make breakfast for all of us on Saturday and Sunday would also be much appreciated. Pillows would likewise be useful.

    [quote:4e3fc0c05d="Tephlon"]So, what time do we meet in Utrecht?[/quote:4e3fc0c05d]
    3pm (that's when my uni lecture finishes) at the meeting point of the Utrecht Central Station.
  59. Tephlon Active Member

    3pm, check!

    PS: I'll mail you my phonenumber for SMS/text contact.
  60. Katcal I Aten't French !

    Wooooh, getting really excited about this... Day after tommorrow people !!! :)

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