Pratchett Says There Are 34 Discworld Books, How About You?

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by TheJackal, Oct 31, 2005.

  1. TheJackal Member

    So I heard PTerry recently say that there are 34 books in the Discworld series, as he includes the 3 children's books based on Discworld.
    But what do YOU think?

    Are there 34,
    31 (the children's books shouldn't count as being in the main series),
    30 (The Last Hero doesn't count),
    or 29 (neither The Last Hero nor Eric count)
  2. Roman_K New Member

    34. The children's books are there, they are set in the Discworld, and I don't see any reason to ignore them.
  3. TheJackal Member

    [quote:ea51ddde22="Roman_K"]34. The children's books are there, they are set in the Discworld, and I don't see any reason to ignore them.[/quote:ea51ddde22]

    Yes, that's what I think too. Also, he wrote them, so whatever he says the order is, then he's right!
  4. Ba Lord of the Pies

    Eric, the Last Hero, and the children's books are demonstrably books, and certainly set in Discworld. Therefore, they are Discworld Books. End of discussion.
  5. Bradthewonderllama New Member

    Apparently Ba's word IS the last word.
  6. spiky Bar Wench

    But Ba's last word is 'discussion'.

  7. Bradthewonderllama New Member

    Well, if a concussion is when you get hit on the head and get jacked up.

    Perhaps a discussion is when you get hit on the head and feel better.
  8. Ba Lord of the Pies

    *Hits Brad on the head to test this theory*
  9. Pixel New Member

    If PTerry says there are 34 books in the series, do we even need Ba's proofs - if PTerry doesn't know - who does?
  10. Rincewind Number One Doorman

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