Pterry has Alzheimer's disease

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by fairyliquid, Dec 13, 2007.

  1. fairyliquid New Member

  2. Katcal I Aten't French !

    Right now, I am cursing the Monty Pythons for making me hesitate between wanting to cry and imagining Pterry on stage in a nighty singing "I'm not yet dead"...

    Damn damn damn, that really sucks. We all know the end will come one day, but this brings it nearer, although not yet here...
  3. sampanna New Member

    I just read it too.
  4. Rincewind Number One Doorman

    I just read it too. X 2

  5. jaccairn New Member

    I saw it on teletext this morning:sad:. Not the best way to start the day.
  6. Roman_K New Member

    And not a nice way to end a work day, either. :-(
  7. mowgli New Member

    ::hugs everyone and keeps fingers crossed for the best possible outcome::
  8. TheJackal Member

    I spotted the message the day it went up on Kidby's website. I check the site practically everyday for news of all things Discworld.

    PTerry seems rather optimistic, which makes me optimistic! There is of course the likelihood that his condition will worsen over time but hopefully not become too serious.
  9. Maljonic Administrator

    I posted it on our front page news last night. I don't think there's too much need for doom and gloom just yet though, it's very early days.
  10. Katcal I Aten't French !

    Yeah, sure, I can just picture him walking around DWcon with an "I aten't dead" sign hanging round his neck... :D But still, you know, it's just making that end we all know will come one day that much closer and more real. Of all the people who deserve to live long healthy lives and write until they're 100...
  11. Sunna New Member

    I'm not a gloomy sunday type of person,but heck,I've nursed enough early onset Alzheimer's patient to NOT be optimistic....damn me to heck.
  12. Tephlon Active Member

  13. Rewr New Member

  14. Sir_Vaims New Member

    It's not fair. This is a world without justice.
    A sad day for the fantasy world
  15. Hex New Member

  16. spiky Bar Wench

    This isn't the normal sort of alxheimer's from the post it sounds very similar to what my Pop had... which was also a rare form, involving the loss of motor functions rather than memory. I hope this isn't the case because I sa what happened to Pop and while it was slow he was fully cognisant the whole time of what was happening to him and he wasn't happy about it.

    Fingers crossed that all those medicine types can cure or stop the progression of such deseases... Come on medicine people where are you...
  17. Darth_Bemblebee New Member

    It's just too horrible. The thought of such an intelligent, wise, witty man gradually being torn apart by something so unpleasant. Oh my God :(

    I know it's terrible whoever it happens to. My heartfelt sympathies to those who've known someone to suffer from it. But so many people feel like they know and love pTerry though his books, so in his case it has a strangely personal impact on so many peoples' lives around the world.

    I feel like I've been hit over the head with a brick o_O
  18. Maljonic Administrator

    Well I hope he's not reading this you miserable sods! I wouldn't like to see myself being talked about with phrases like "being torn apart by something unpleasant". :)
  19. spiky Bar Wench

    Like beavers. They're unpleasant.
  20. LonaHoxworth New Member

    I think good energy directed towards our favorite author can only help...........
  21. redneck New Member

    I was once torn apart by beavers.... I got better! (Sorry, Monty Python started running through my head)

    My best wishes for his comfort and longevity.

    Edit: my uncle is in the early stages of Alzheimer's as well. He says that the best thing about it is that he never hears old jokes anymore. My uncle has know about it for close to two years now and it is still not very noticeable at all. If you hadn't ever met him before you wouldn't even notice that anything was out of place.
  22. randywine Member

    I saw the banner on Sky News Active and read with disbelief - life does suck but I refuse to be anything except optimistic for him!

    Good luck and bestest wishes to Pterry and his family.

  23. Stercus Stercus New Member

    Were the echoing footsteps getting to you? :D
  24. Bradthewonderllama New Member

    If he's optimistic, then so am I.
  25. Darth_Bemblebee New Member

    I know, doom and gloom's not the way to go. I was cheered reading his message. Long live the pTerry.
  26. Saccharissa Stitcher

    After this I won't believe anything doctors say. They said that intellectual activity protected from Alzheimer's and Pterry brain is fizzing like a shaken soda on high altitude! How could this happen to him?!?
  27. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    Well, it's supposed to be a rare kind of Alzheimer's, which suggests it's not like normal Alzheimer's. And anyway, we don't know that much about Alzheimer's in general, I thought.
  28. Pepster New Member

  29. sampanna New Member

    BBC NEWS | Health | Pratchett funds Alzheimer's study

    Quote from the article:

    Telling leading dementia specialists of his determination to find a cure, he will say: "I intend to scream and harangue while there is time."

    "Personally, I'd eat the arse out of a dead mole if it offered a fighting chance"
  30. spiky Bar Wench

    He makes eating the arse out of a dead mole sound like something strange and exotic and that it would be something that no one would do unless it was a cure... Personally I think this is underestimating the attraction of dead mole's arses.
  31. TamyraMcG Active Member

    Oh Bless you Spiky, that made me laugh! here's to Pterry and his putting his money where his mouth is. Isn't that a terrible image?
  32. Katcal I Aten't French !

    **immediately applies for copyright on the Dead Mole's Arse range**

    Just the kind of thing I can imagine Dibbler selling... Dead Mole's Arse onna stick.
  33. kasyx New Member

    HUGE respect to pterri. its a damn shame that he haws to give up his own money though. the government should feel totally ashamed.

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