Quiz Mania

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Joculator, Jul 14, 2008.

  1. Joculator The 'Old' Fool

    I don't know if anyone feels up to it, but I am posting a series of quizzes on my site for all Pratchett fans. This time you can earn a certificate if you can score 80% or more. There will be five categories ranging from Novice to Total Smart Ass when I eventually get them posted.
    There are two ready and waiting for any challengers. Be warned they may be harder than you think. I will replace the questions for each quiz on a regular basis. Let's face it, there's lots of material available.
    Oh, by the way, you might not have time to dig out any books... you will start a countdown timer as soon as you access the questions.:eek:

    Silly me! I forgot the link. Take me there!
    1 people like this.
  2. Katcal I Aten't French !

    Not bad, but it's a shame you can't see the correct answers afterwards...
  3. Joculator The 'Old' Fool

    Working on it.
    That is a bit of a conundrum thingy, If you don't get 80% of the answers it would be too helpful the second time around to show them on the fail screen. If you get 80% or more you already know them in any case.

    Suggestions, written on the back of a £50 note or blank cheque and deposited in my Swiss bank account, would be helpful. :smile:
  4. spiky Bar Wench

    Is there anyway that you can only do the questions once (login etc) so you can't go back and change your answers?
  5. Gypsy New Member

    I like that you can go and do it again - because my scores were so dismal...

    It's been so long since i've read or re-read his books.Some of those characters mentioned, i don't even remember reading about in the first place!

    Brilliant quizzes Joc, and I really like your site.
  6. spiky Bar Wench

    Damn that was hard. i take it back I'm going to need to do some research and try again.
  7. Katcal I Aten't French !

    Ah, I found out one thing, at one point it says to type the full name of a character, so I entered the full name and was told it was incorrect (founder of the Fresh start club) I went back and tried again with the character's shortened name and was told that was correct. So I'm not bad at this it is merely that your quiz is so poorly designed :pirate:
  8. mazekin Member

    Bloomin'eck that was difficult!
  9. Joculator The 'Old' Fool

    Feedback taken into consideration.

    Thanks to Spiky for pointing out a BIG flaw in being able to go back and start again. (I'm still trying to work that problem out.)

    Thanks for the compliment Gypsy.

    And thanks to Katcal for your input, I think in future I will stick to multi-choice/arrange-the-names answers so there can be no confusion with speelings or other mistooks. Unless I use crossword type clues like... (2 words 5,8)

    The level of difficulty will remain the same though, I love to see people squirm with the lesser known characters etc. I might even drop the success cut-off to 70% or maybe 60% on the 'easier' versions.

    Thanks for trying guys, you are really helping me to improve the quality; even if my coding is a little bit rusty. I'll have another look at the next three levels and post them as soon as I can.
  10. Sunna New Member

    I'm glad I'm not the only one who tried to honor Reg's mum by calling him Reginald Shoe
  11. Rincewind Number One Doorman

    I would of done better but it said I got a couple wrong becuase I mis-spelt stuff.

    When will this rain of dyslexic predjuice end! ;)
  12. Simkin New Member

    o_O I can't believe it! I haven't read all the discworld books!!! The shame!!!

    *crawls off into corner and dies*

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