Remember folks...

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Garner, Nov 7, 2006.

  1. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    "As you go to the polls, remember, we're at war."
    -- George W. Bush
  2. OmKranti Yogi Wench

    I voteded! I got a sticker even!
  3. Katcal I Aten't French !

    Yeah, remember... :roll: Some people just don't know when to keep their mouth shut, do they... Ok, I know, I'm not the best person to say things like that... :cooler:
  4. Ozzer New Member

    Pres. Bush called my house yesterday! I laughed and hung up on him.

    Too bad it was only a recording... :roll:
  5. redneck New Member

    I feel left out. I didn't get any harrassment from either side of the aisle.
  6. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    nate, feel free to count any junk mail, billboards, made-in-china plastic american flags, and endless mudslinging TV commercials as harassment.
  7. Faerie New Member

    No more political ads and phone recordings. Woo! Most political recordings come up with 000-0000 numbers on the caller ID but I saw an unfamilar number the other day and I was amazed to find a real person reminding me to vote.

    I voted for the first time but I didn't get a sticker, I want one now.
  8. allthatjazz New Member

  9. spiky Bar Wench

    Well it looks like it was all Rummies fault that the Republicans lost the election... that or the price of widgets. Its so hard to differentiate.
  10. drunkymonkey New Member

    Having read that again; is he trying to get people to vote [i:22aa86aeef]against[/i:22aa86aeef] him?
  11. redneck New Member

    Spiky, I don't understand them letting Rummy go now at all. It would have helped the Republicans had they fired him before the elections. At least it wouldn't have hurt.

    Drunky, that's what I wondered the first time I read it. This election has me confused in many different ways.

    There is a county in Mississippi that is pretty interesting. During the Civil War Mississippi seceded from the Union. Jones county had no interest in the war so they seveded from the Confederacy. To this day there is the Free State of Jones that isn't technically part of the the US. On a side note, the Jones were a family. They were so tough and such good fighters that they whipped both the Confederate and Union troops that tried to take them over. It's pretty interesting reading. Makes Mississippi History classes pass a little quickly.
  12. Cynical_Youth New Member

    [quote:707a278a2c="redneck"]There is a county in Mississippi that is pretty interesting. During the Civil War Mississippi seceded from the Union. Jones county had no interest in the war so they seveded from the Confederacy. To this day there is the Free State of Jones that isn't technically part of the the US. On a side note, the Jones were a family. They were so tough and such good fighters that they whipped both the Confederate and Union troops that tried to take them over. It's pretty interesting reading. Makes Mississippi History classes pass a little quickly.[/quote:707a278a2c]

    This sounded pretty incredible to me, so I did some research. This is what Wikipedia had to say:

    [quote:707a278a2c="Wikipedia"]During the War of 1861-1865, Jones County and neighboring counties, especially Covington County to its west, became a haven for Confederate deserters. A group of deserters led by Newt Knight engaged in sporadic battles with State and Confederate units sent to arrest them for desertion. The notoriety of Newt Knight's "rebellion" led to the fabrication of elaborate stories alleging Jones County's "secession" from the Confederacy and the establishment of an entity called "The Free State of Jones". There was no such "State", but the legend gained strength from the fact that Jones County already had been widely known as "The Free State of Jones".[/quote:707a278a2c]

    This is the full article.

    It doesn't say much else about it, however, and Wikipedia isn't too credible, so I went to find a better source. This article explains that no official secession was ever recognised, but that some have claimed it was passed. There is no real evidence to support that story, though.

    It does not really matter. Had it been acknowledged, it would have been reversed by now anyway.

    Regardless, it is an interesting bit of history.
  13. spiky Bar Wench

    [quote:a89af3c653="redneck"]Spiky, I don't understand them letting Rummy go now at all. It would have helped the Republicans had they fired him before the elections. At least it wouldn't have hurt. [/quote:a89af3c653]

    Don't look at me.... I just heard it on the news. It was as surprising to me as anyone else. On Peter Lerhman (PBS news, shown on the multicultural channel here) they had the debate on whether Rummy should go. The guy on the Republican side said if they lost they wouldn't let him go because it would be admitting the administration was wrong. Well I guess they were wrong.

    Now I wonder if they can find an even scarier bastard to be your defence secretary than Rumsfeld... *shivers*
  14. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    Towns and Union Counties in georgia, being less focused on farming, were aggainst secession from the union (hence union county's name), but other than being pro-union, they were still a part of georgia during the war

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