Save us from Apostrophe Abuse

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Marcia, Apr 8, 2007.

  1. Marcia Executive Onion

  2. Stercus Stercus New Member


    Send your donations to the Save Our Apostrophe society.

    We need to stop this abuse.

    If you hear of any Apostrophes or any other punctuation

    being abused then please let us know.

    :lol: :wink: :lol:
  3. Katcal I Aten't French !

    I'm actually surprised that Grace isn't the founder of the Societ'y.
  4. Garner Great God and Founding Father

  5. Marcia Executive Onion

    Do they teach the proper use of apostrophes/punctuation in general in school any more?

    I'm asking because on another message board I look at, someone asked for help regarding the proper way to use an apostrophe. This person wasn't lazy about punctuation; she honestly didn't know, so I suppose she'd never been taught.
  6. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    *Shrug* more and more i hear stories about how teachers have given up trying to reach the kids...

    but more and more, i see evidence that the kids have given up trying to learn.

    to this day, i have no ability to diagram a sentence, because i hated my teachers, my school, and my life so much at that point that i refused to try and learn. now, mind you, those teachers were horrible human beings who abused me and nearly drove me to suicide... but they were good at teaching.

    i can't diagram a sentence because i refused to learn.

    mind, had they been better human beings, they'd have also been better teachers, as i wouldn't have stopped cooperating with the system.
  7. spiky Bar Wench

    They tried to teach it and for the most part the correct use of the apostrophe stuck. Except when it comes to its versus it's. My life is incomplete without this knowledge! Help!
  8. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    it's = it is
    its = possessive.
  9. spiky Bar Wench

    Why thank you Clay. My life is now fulfilled and I can die happy in the correct use of its/it's...

    See those monster teachers got something through... or was that Grace?
  10. Maljonic Administrator

    Also it's = it has.
  11. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    I considered joining this society when I learned of its existence. I actually am that sad. But I think it's a bit of a shame to devote all your time to only one common area of errors when there are so many to choose from.

    NB The above paragraph happens to contain a demonstration of the correct use of 'its' and 'it's'.

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