Senior Democrat Renews Call for Millitary Draft

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by QuothTheRaven, Nov 21, 2006.

  1. QuothTheRaven New Member

  2. Tephlon Active Member

    Actually, I can see what he's trying to do, getting all layers of society into the army so that some people might think twice about sending their sons into a war.

    Don't think it's the best idea ever, but he's trying to make a point.
  3. sampanna New Member

    [quote:a3655e2119="Tephlon"]Actually, I can see what he's trying to do, getting all layers of society into the army so that some people might think twice about sending their sons into a war.

    Don't think it's the best idea ever, but he's trying to make a point.[/quote:a3655e2119]

    You mean, some people might think twice about sending other people's sons into a war.
  4. Hsing Moderator

    Yes. Some people will never have to worry about their own children, military draft or not.
  5. Tephlon Active Member

    No. He is, naively maybe, thinking that if the draft was reinstalled the army would include generals/senators/leader's sons.

    Like I said, I don't think it works out that way, as they will usually have a way of getting out of the draft, but I can see what point he's trying to make.
  6. Marcia Executive Onion

    I know this Congressman (being from New York myself.)

    He is a very experienced, astute politician.

    I am pretty sure he is using this as a tactic to get more people to oppose the war.

    In the US Congress, it is very common to suggest motions that will obviously be unpopular as a way of getting what you want in the long run.

    It doesn't just have to be leader's sons who will be drafted, but just the children of the middle classes, a large percentage of whom vote.

    People who join the military often do so because it will provide them with a free education and benefits, so at the lower ranks it is disproportionately poor/minorities. I think the fact that he represents people in Harlem (very large black/Hispanic population) has something to do with this.
  7. spiky Bar Wench

    Saw this on the fox news (we were just flicking honestly and I yelled at my boyfriend to change the channel when I noticed what he was watching. it was that horrible conservative commentator guy who calls people an idiot for voting democrat). Anyway, besides the commentator the senator was trying to convey the fact that he was trying to use the draft to get everyone represented in the forces...

    The point that it won't work to get the rich and powerful conscripted is very relevent. George W. anyone...
  8. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    Cheney was given a medical differal to get out of going to 'nam, and was skiing in colorado or new england less than a week later.
  9. TamyraMcG Active Member

    If they choose "Go Big" they will almost have to reinstitute the draft, they may have to if they choose the "Go Long" option as well. Isn't it amazing how they manage to distill the concept of years of war and the intricate process of bringing it to a conclusion into two innocuous little words?
  10. Bradthewonderllama New Member

    I wouldn't worry yet Quoth, you'll find that a large opponent of the draft will be the US military itself. They are quite happy with the all volunteer force, believing that a volunteer military fights better. You might want to be concerned if we were to invade North Korea or Iran, however. Marcia's right, he's just stirring up the pot, a call for the draft has been issued from time to time from the democratic side of the aisle since the war started, and each time the news plays it as if it's new. I think that it might even be the same guy each time...
  11. redneck New Member

    Brad, from what I understand, he's not just wanting it to be just a military draft, more of a civil servant draft. My grandmother tells me that he's been pushing this even before the war began. He feels that all of Americans need to serve their country in some form or other. As far as the military draft goes, I'm with Brad. As for the civil service draft, that I'm pretty much for. There are many other aspects of civil service other than the military. I like the idea of everyone contributing to society. My grandmother really likes him and likes the proposal.
  12. Bradthewonderllama New Member

    One major problem that he's going to run into though, is funding. How much will we pay them? It is an interesting idea, though.
  13. QuothTheRaven New Member

    I don't like the Idea of a Civil Service draft any more than a millitary draft. It would still be a draft.
  14. mowgli New Member

    This might be the remnants of my socialist upbringing speaking, but I actually LIKE the idea of a civic service draft - as much as I'm opposed to the notion of MILITARY draft. I'm all for teaching kids (heh, yeah, KIDS - i.e. people wee slightly younger than myself) about social responsibility and helping those less fortunate than themselves. I'd totally do it myself, I'd be happy to see my own children go and build something that they can be proud of, etc. ... What I DON'T want for either myself or my children is someone to tell me: "Now you MUST go and kill these people... nevermind why, questioning the orders is unpatriotic".

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