Should I be Worried?

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Nester, Oct 4, 2006.

  1. Nester New Member

    I am not really a cat lover thus I really don't know much about them so I have to go to the jury with this one:

    This just in from my house: Three of the four roommates in the Nester household (including myself) were peacefully sitting downstairs drinking beer and rooting against the damned Yankees while the fourth roommate (a non-baseball fan and potential communist) remained on the upper floor with his cat of two years and his new computer. Throughout the later portion of the game loud noises and the sound of a cat yowling emanated from the upstairs. Myself and my fellow roommates thought nothing of it. Perhaps the fourth roommate was playing with his cat. All in all, we do not ask.

    Just several minutes after the game the fourth roommate [i:3e8a3a71df]collapsed[/i:3e8a3a71df] down the stairwell with multiple shallow slices to his hands, arms, legs, and face. He then proceeded to stand up and wash the cuts in the sink as he visibly shok and mumbled "everything's okay. Just don't go upstairs." I am being informed now that the alleged feline assailant has been apprehended and confined to a pet carrier by the wounded roommate now armored with hockey gear.

    But this incident makes this man ask questions like 'should I be worried'

    Further bulletins as events unfold.
  2. Hex New Member

    Objectively, I would say you should be worried.

    But in terms of what I personally worry about, I wouldn't worry about that because that's about the sort of thing that happens here in the Residence Halls. This kid ran up and down the halls writing "biscuits" on our whiteboards the other night. He was also yelling random things, including something along the lines of "I have condoms and I'm a chain smoker!!"

    In other words, it's all a matter of perspective. In my perspective, I would not worry. I'm at least curious about what the hell was going on though.

    Do inform us of more details please.
  3. Nester New Member

  4. Ba Lord of the Pies

    Nester should always worry.

    But not so much about this.
  5. Katcal I Aten't French !

    Sounds like a cat behaving perfectly normally to me, nothing to be worried about if you have a solid chair to fend it off with and food to throw at it to distract its attention.
  6. mowgli New Member

    <---worried about both the roommate and the cat, so you can take a break from worrying if you need to.
  7. spiky Bar Wench

    Maybe the cate just has it in for communists? SO unless you have something against the commis you have nothing to worry about living with one :)
  8. Bradthewonderllama New Member

    Everyone knows that cats are apple pie eating, GI JOE watching capitalists. So of course they hate commies ;-)
  9. OmKranti Yogi Wench

    [quote:b954e0793a="Nester"]drinking beer and rooting against the damned Yankees [/quote:b954e0793a]

    May I ask who you were rooting FOR?
  10. Bradthewonderllama New Member

    The Confederates, of course.
  11. spiky Bar Wench

    Ah so will perpetually be supporting the losing team... Why do so many people insist on being disappointed forever by supporting the side that lost, lost for ever and will never have a rematch to change the result?
  12. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    Because some of us were born English, so shut up!

  13. redneck New Member

    [quote:2f59db21dc="spiky"]Ah so will perpetually be supporting the losing team... Why do so many people insist on being disappointed forever by supporting the side that lost, lost for ever and will never have a rematch to change the result?[/quote:2f59db21dc]

    You don't know what you're talkin about. THE SOUTH'S GONNA RISE AGAIN!!! We're just biding our time and waiting for the right moment to strike.
  14. Bradthewonderllama New Member

    I think that I might have mentioned a bumper sticker that my friend saw down South once. "North 1, South 0. Halftime."
  15. inwig New Member

    [quote:2ae228b579="Bradthewonderllama"]I think that I might have mentioned a bumper sticker that my friend saw down South once. "North 1, South 0. Halftime."[/quote:2ae228b579] :D and that about says it for everywhere.
  16. spiky Bar Wench

    But does the North know its half time? Or do they think that the south is full of deluded recreationists?
  17. Nester New Member

    No, we know they're deluded :)
  18. redneck New Member

    Keep on thinkin that way, Nester. We like it when the mind of the enemy is occupied with dreams of victory. Mwahhahahahah.
  19. Hsing Moderator

    Now, what did cat and catholder do to deserve their respective faiths? Has your roommate offered you any explanations? Just curious...
  20. Nester New Member

    I forgot about that.

    Apparently my roommate was changing the cat's litterbox and I guess he's very...touchy about his litter. In the past my roommate has locked the cat up while he cleaned up the box, but just forgot this time. His words: "I was crouched down and I heard this hissing growl. Then there was just a flash of black and white and he clawed me. I fell on my back and he just kept clawing me until I rolled down the stairs."

    Since this occurence we've all been slightly scared of this cat, especially one of my roommate's who would scream everytime it sneaked up on her. Now the cat has a collar with bells so it can no longer move as stealthily, but now the once happy jingle has just become an ominous warning of impending doom. I'm convinced he's going to kill us all....and right now he's sitting on my bed staring at me.

    Pray for me.
  21. inwig New Member

    **Prays for Nester**
  22. spiky Bar Wench

    Ah the kitty cat of doom. I can see your household now: Its pitch black because as soon as there's a monster on the loose everyone decides to turn the lights off, except for some weird red lights that shine on random walls not really illuminating anything but creating a great atmosphere...

    Now all you need is some friends to come over and act as patsies and be the first victims of the cat until you find an improbable way of destroying the beast. ANd then you'll get the hot girl and go back to school and it'll be sunny, and the birds will be singing and all those dead people will just have disappeared because happy endings don't include mourning...

    I could have written this movie (or maybe I've seen it already)...
  23. Nester New Member

    [quote:f1bf66b4db="spiky"] except for some weird red lights that shine on random walls not really illuminating anything but creating a great atmosphere...


    We have a green neon shamrock and a few bar lights if that helps?
  24. spiky Bar Wench

    Yes that should be eerily spooky enough... A dark house, a kitty monster and nothing but a glowing shamrock. Very scary.
  25. Katcal I Aten't French !

    I want to see that movie. NOW !
  26. Hsing Moderator

  27. spiky Bar Wench

    Well if you can find me about $100 million I will make it. Until then, it is open to anyone who can do cartoons. They're cheaper.
  28. Hsing Moderator

    Okay, I'll give it a try, but only under the precondition that you and Nester write the skript.
  29. spiky Bar Wench

    I'll work on it... but be assured it will include some blonde screaming incessantly and lots of "Oh my god!" and the blond will be the first to be butchered and the brunette will save the day...
  30. OmKranti Yogi Wench

    what about the redhead? Haha, she'd probably seduce the monster.
  31. spiky Bar Wench

    Maybe although kitty and red-head sex seems a little too out-there even for a movie I'm writing... Which I will get to soon, although it will have to be in a new thread...
  32. Tephlon Active Member

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