Should Plaid Lie To Her Mum

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by OmKranti, Aug 18, 2006.

  1. OmKranti Yogi Wench

    Ok, so, I have some miles that would make a plane ticket to England really, really cheap.

    I offered to get Plaid a ticket using these miles so she can come to OmCon.

    She doesn't know how to tell her mum that a woman she has never met is giving her a cheap ticket.

    You see her dillema, don't you?
  2. chrisjordan New Member

    Tell her Om is your fairy godmother. Oh, and that you're getting there in a pumpkin with wheels. And that we're all serial killers.
  3. Electric_Man Templar

    Wow Om, you just maxed out the rockOMeter.

    Hmm, Plaid... tell your mum that you won a competition (which had free entry) by OmCon Enterprises. You had to create a website for the occasion and you beat many, many competing entrants to claim the first prize of a heavily subsidised trip to Engalnd.

    That'll work!
  4. Perdita New Member

    Totally agree with E- man - she should just say that shes won a competition.
  5. Hex New Member

    Om rules -- no contest. She is the Queen of coolness.

    I agree as well. Contest should do the trick.

    If you go, have a great time at OmCon Plaid. I'm so jealous it hurts! But my time will come... *evil laugh*
  6. chrisjordan New Member

    *hurls pumpkins at Hex*
  7. Delphine New Member

    I don't know about lying, as such... maybe just a bit of creativity is needed. Plaid should say she's going to visit a friend she made at Uni when she was in England. It's not [i:c3f95db17e]really[/i:c3f95db17e] a lie. And it'll go down much better than going to meet someone she met off the net. After all, they're all axe murderers.
  8. Electric_Man Templar

    Especially you
  9. plaid New Member

    it's not the going that i need to find excuses for. mum knows i'm dying to see england again.

    it's the affording it. mum also knows i'm supposed to be saving to pay off silly loans and otherstuff.
  10. Bradthewonderllama New Member

    You could always say "Mom, I'm going to England from X to Y. See you later, please feed the fish. Love you, bye bye."

    And you tell her two days before you leave.;-)
  11. mowgli New Member

    [quote:c5127b47fb="Bradthewonderllama"]You could always say "Mom, I'm going to England from X to Y. See you later, please feed the fish. Love you, bye bye."

    And you tell her two days before you leave.;-)[/quote:c5127b47fb]

    ... You never had to deal with guilt trips, have you? ;)
  12. OmKranti Yogi Wench

    [quote:80420ce644="plaid"]it's not the going that i need to find excuses for. mum knows i'm dying to see england again.

    it's the affording it. mum also knows i'm supposed to be saving to pay off silly loans and otherstuff.[/quote:80420ce644]

    Tell the truth: "Mum, I'm going to England. A friend of mine had a load of miles and used them to buy me a ticket"


    (although you might have to follow up with "Please do not ask me any questions about said friend")
  13. OmKranti Yogi Wench

    Edit: sorry, double posting.
  14. redneck New Member

    I agree with Om. Questions regarding her should be asked only if the memory of the information seeker can be erased to alleviate any mental problems that arise from the answers.

    I, on the other hand, would just tell my mom what was going on and that I'll see her in a bit. We have a pretty open relationship between us and she doesn't try to run my life. There again I'm not living at home. :cooler:
  15. TamyraMcG Active Member

    I can't see why lying would be necessary. Plaid is of age to make her own decisions and Om is not exactly a perfect stranger. Plaid's mum would probably be hurt and more angry if she find's out after the fact, which is very likely. Why not let this be the beginning of a new phase of the parent/child relationship, where both parties are adult and open to new opportunities.
  16. Katcal I Aten't French !

    I'm with Ella-the-slow-motioin-axe-murderer on this one, simplifying or lightly dusting the truth with a little creativity is all that is needed. The contest story isn't bad, but it leads to too many questions...

    Plaid is going to see some friends, one of them had some extra miles that made the ticket really cheap, and she can't wait to be there... Having organised many an IRL group meeting thiingy, especially when minors and/or difficult parents are concerned, providing contact details for one or two sensible grown ups who will be there helps a lot. Or at least people who can pretend to be serious and grown up :D
  17. lipi New Member

    Katcal is right. Just wrap the truth in a bit of celophane, add a nice red bow, and serve with chocholate, so it tastes better ;)

    When I went to Thailand for a month with people my parents never met, I just told them the truth. They were worried, and my father kept telling me about any problem people had anywhere near Asia in general, and they would rather see I didn't go. But I told them I wanted to go, and that I really trust the people I was going with, alsi I promissed to turn my cell phone on regularely so I could get their text messages. In the end, I just ended up e-mailing them every couple of days, since that was much cheaper.
    And you know what? A couple of days before we went home, there was a real panic made by the maedia because of the SARS outbreak, and my brother called me at, panicking. I had my cell on (and woke up the whole bus before I found it), calmed him down, and got back home safely. Oh, and we were supposed to fly back across Afghanistan air space, but on that exact same day they started bombing it, so we flew around it and were 2 hours late. Imagine how worried they were.
    So the truth is best, with some promise to keep in touch regularely. You are a big girl, Hex, and making excuses and lies is just plain childish, and if your mum found out, she wouldn't trust you again.
  18. Saccharissa Stitcher

    Over the years I have acquired the impression that plaid's mum is getting very worried. And having dealt with grandmothers who are just like that, I can sympathise.

    Lie, by all means. Say one of your friends you had made [i:fd5f57b44c]in England[/i:fd5f57b44c] had all those miles saved up. After all, if you are saving up for loans and pay taxes and stuff, you are surely considered old enough by banks and goverment agencies to take care of yourself and make informed decisions.

    Just take care to give your parents alternate phone numbers for them to use if for some reason they cannot get you on the phone. This works wonders. When I was in Japan I had stayed in the OR for 11 hours straight, therefore my cell phone was off and my mum had completely freaked out. So, at the DMC this July I had given mum Grace's and Clay's home and cell phone numbers, as well as their address, so she was calm all the way.
  19. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    for those who don't remember, plaid's mum freaked out about the very thought/concept that her daughter was communicating with strangers on the internet.
  20. Rincewind Number One Doorman

    You don't need to lie as said before. It would be shame to waste such a fanastic oppertunity and turn up some amazing generousitity.

    Also at the end of the day you *shouldn't* need to explain or get permission from your parents to do anything any more, your a grown woman who lived completely by yourself in a different country.
  21. Marcia Executive Onion

    Lying is an admission that you are doing something wrong.

    I agree with Tamyra and Rincewind.
  22. Ba Lord of the Pies

    Don't lie. Plaid should tell her mother that she's joined a cult following a false bearded god and that she's going on the buck of a mad Hindu woman formerly of a pedophilic cult, and she's going to meet a lot of strange drunks and southerners.

    Then, while Plaid's mother is busy fainting, Plaid should go through her purse for spending money.
  23. Angua_rox New Member

    I do agree, but parents can be just plain unreasonable sometimes, and a little tweaking of the truth can ease their worries.
    Also, Garner said that Plaid's mum was freaked out by just talking to strangers, so a tweak or two would probably work wonders.
  24. Katcal I Aten't French !

    [quote:317f56c2c7="Ba"]Don't lie. Plaid should tell her mother that she's joined a cult following a false bearded god and that she's going on the buck of a mad Hindu woman formerly of a pedophilic cult, and she's going to meet a lot of strange drunks and southerners.

    Then, while Plaid's mother is busy fainting, Plaid should go through her purse for spending money.[/quote:317f56c2c7]

    I would add that she should show her mum some pics of previous DMC's to reassure her. Particularly the ones of Rinso wearing a shirt made of old curtains. The faint will last longer.
  25. Hsing Moderator

    Reading the last few posts I'm starting to wonder wether [i:1df9472554]I[/i:1df9472554] should tell my mom in case I'm going... :D
  26. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    I would simply say that one of the group of friends you are meeting is helping with the cost of travel by sharing air miles.
  27. Katcal I Aten't French !

  28. KaptenKaries New Member

    Stick to the truth, Plaid.

    By telling your mom what you're up to, and showing her that she has nothing to be worried about by making a safe return back home, you've made it so much easier for yourself the next time you wanna go on a trip.
  29. mazekin Member

    Unfortunately, by lying, you remove any chance of being able to tell her [i:b190a8d60f]anything[/i:b190a8d60f] about the trip unless you are one of the most intelligent people on the planet...because if you are anything like me you will forgot what you told her the first time and she will find our. Parents have this kind of radar… :?

    Tell the truth to a degree – meeting a bunch of friends that – and stress this fact – you have already met before, that just happen to have created a forum where they can all meet up together and have decided to have a reunion. And they are all nice fluffy bunny petting type friends, not the fluffy bunny boiler type friends. :badgrin:

    When I went to Doormencon I did tell my mother where I was going, and the fact that I was meeting perfect strangers (apparently the internet doesn’t count!) and she had my brother follow me to the train station and then drive to Waterloo to see who I was meeting…apparently so he could identify or provide a photofit when I turned up dead. Mothers will worry no matter what you tell them. I should have told her that I was meeting up with people I did a course with. That she would have been fine with.

    …and remember, Loans are for life, cheap airfare only comes ‘round once in a blue moon…
  30. Katcal I Aten't French !

    Umm, sorry, I wasn't meaning to revive the debate, it was just a mum-related fun thing... :oops: This topic is about a month old, is there still room for debate ? Plaid ? Any news ?
  31. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    [quote:21ff012c89="Katcal"]Speaking of mothers...[/quote:21ff012c89]
    Random Rant has an indepth review of the whole show. It's a great site. The letter to Skeletor is a personal favourite. (Thanks to Doors or Rinso, one of whom introduced it to me, I forget which.)
  32. Rincewind Number One Doorman

    T'was I! The letter to skeletor is wicked.

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