Small, pointless contest.

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Garner, Jan 7, 2006.

  1. Garner Great God and Founding Father

  2. plaid New Member

    'tis a light saber.

    :: is so smart ::
  3. Hex New Member

    Looks like a lightsaber to me.
  4. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    ... you should both be ashamed of your geekiness.
  5. Hex New Member

    I have no shame. I am proud of my star wars geekery.
  6. Pixel New Member

    My first thought was a thumbscrew, but then I saw that there was nothing to crush against, so I say "Pass".
  7. Delphine New Member

    Ooooh, is it a lightsaber? What do I win?
  8. Orrdos God

    It's a psychic duck. Clearly.
  9. Electric_Man Templar

    [quote:9436cae9cb="Delphine"]Ooooh, is it a lightsaber? What do I win?[/quote:9436cae9cb]

    You win a free demonstration of the lightsaber!

    Now which of your bodyparts do you want removed?
  10. TheJackal Member

    [quote:e968876f28="Electric_Man"][quote:e968876f28="Delphine"]Ooooh, is it a lightsaber? What do I win?[/quote:e968876f28]

    You win a free demonstration of the lightsaber!

    Now which of your bodyparts do you want removed?[/quote:e968876f28]

    Want a demonstration? Look no further than this:
  11. Katcal I Aten't French !

    niiiiice :D 8)
  12. TamyraMcG Active Member

    Doors, I thought I recognized your avatar! I was sure it was a Pokemon,but I couldn't remember the name, only that the poor thing got a splitting headache every time they made it "battle". I loved that cartoon, I admit it. :D
  13. Pepster New Member

    The central component of a NMR spectrometer.
  14. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    no, it was a light saber. sorry if i didn't make that clear. the geeky chicks won.
  15. plaid New Member

    hey.... who are you calling a geeky chick?

  16. TamyraMcG Active Member

    At least you won!
  17. spiky Bar Wench

    Hell I thought it was a non turning screw but hey I think the award for the geek of the year should be given to the person with nothing better to do than draw up lightsaber schematics...
  18. Katcal I Aten't French !

    [quote:3ab78a1359="spiky"]Hell I thought it was a non turning screw but hey I think the award for the geek of the year should be given to the person with nothing better to do than draw up lightsaber schematics...[/quote:3ab78a1359]
    Unless of course we can find someone who actually tried to build one FROM those schematics, and believed it would work. :D

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