Snakes In The Theater

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by OmKranti, Aug 23, 2006.

  1. OmKranti Yogi Wench

    I was driving to work this morning when the DJ started talking about this movie theater in Arizona that had rattlesnakes in it at the showing of snakes on a plane.

    It was too freaky to be a coincidence. Check it out

    Turns out it was a coincidence and the snake had wandered into the theater on it's own, or something. I still think it's suspect. But, it's a funny story.
  2. chrisjordan New Member

    Heh. I want to see that film.

    But I still think Doormen On A Plane would be scarier.
  3. randywine Member

    Har Har :D that reminds me of the folks who were tossing plastic spiders about the cinema when Arachnaphobia was playing :badgrin: .
  4. Katcal I Aten't French !

    [quote:4960ffc072="chrisjordan"][size=9:4960ffc072]But I still think Doormen On A Plane would be scarier.[/size:4960ffc072][/quote:4960ffc072]
    That all depends where the plane is heading :D
  5. chrisjordan New Member

    No. No it doesn't.
  6. Katcal I Aten't French !

    Of course it does ! If the plane is heading for say... a black hole, or the sun, and they're the only ones on board, then it much less scary... in fact it's almost good news :D
  7. Dane New Member

    I read a story the other day about a couple of people releaseing a couple of rattlesnakes in a cinema as a prank dure the snakes on a plane film. One wanderd out into the car park, the other stayed in the theatre. They were both caught and released in the dezert.

    may have been the same story, but mine had more snakes :D

    I saw about half of that film with a friend last night... I knew it was bad but i wasn't quite prepared for [i:56d9d1d8db]that[/i:56d9d1d8db]
  8. chrisjordan New Member

    Only in that case.
  9. Katcal I Aten't French !

    [quote:bda485bc19="chrisjordan"][quote:bda485bc19="Katcal"]and they're the only ones on board[/quote:bda485bc19]

    Only in that case.[/quote:bda485bc19]
    Why the hell do you think autopilots were invented ?
  10. chrisjordan New Member

    Hey, if you have autopilots and no one else on the plane, there'd be no point. It'd be like the snakes on a plane just slithering around and not being terrifying. Apart from maybe the snakes trying to eat each other, which would be like the Doormen competing for the position of No. 1, but that's just nature documentary stuff.

    Doormen on their own heading into a blackhole is still worse than the same happening with snakes. FACT.
  11. Mynona Member

    Have to agree with Chris. I mean, Doormen in any capacity, anywhere is scarier than snakes. Well maybe not dead and burried never to be seen again, the Doormen, not the snakes.

    But also consider how much more boring the world would be without them. Though your shoes would be drier

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