So what DO you get if...

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Katcal, Mar 14, 2006.

  1. Katcal I Aten't French !

    you google your name ? (full names, short versions, maiden names, screen names, nicknames...)

    - do you actually come up on the first page ?
    - how many results ?
    - any funny results on the first 3 pages ? (don't spend too long doing this, it is a real danger to your mental health)
    - what about Google image search ?

    So, for my maiden name :
    For my married name :
  2. Victimov8 New Member

    Well I went through 17 pages of it, but I'm not there.
    To be honest, I think I feel happy in my anonymity!

    That is going by my given name, I am somewhere on FriendsReunited...

    As for my pseudonym: 199 references - all mine!
  3. Cynical_Youth New Member

    My full name:
    - 7 results
    - All refer to me

    My name is unique! Also, I have accomplished nothing.

    I have googled my first name before, because it is the reason why my name is unique (very rare name).

    My first name:
    - Someone living in 14th century Amsterdam had my first name.
    - A chicken in a medieval Dutch story had my first name.
    - An indie artist uses my first name as stage name.
    - A whole bunch of people use it as last name.
  4. Hsing Moderator

    I get almost 12 000 results for my maiden name...
    For my name, I get only 59 results... All referring to the same young woman, who isn't me. She seems to be pretty active, politically.

    I get no results at all for my entire name - my middle name spoils it all.
  5. Pixel New Member

    Using only my first and last names I get 34 out of 48 - although there does seem to be a lot of duplication - my first entry is number three on the first page - practically all of them are due to my amateur theatre activities, although one is a letter I had published in the Daily Telegraph some years ago. The rest all seem to refer to an Army officer who died a few years ago.

    Using my full name I get nothing.
  6. spiky Bar Wench

    I get 10 results and they're all me (proving I am a unique individual)... Google images gets 1 result and its a really ugly photo of me. I hate it and think it should burn in hell.
  7. Katcal I Aten't French !

    And that, spiky is just the perfect moment to include a link so we can all agree on how ugly yo...the photo is... :D
  8. Hsing Moderator

    It doesn't really do her justice, but its not that bad either.
  9. spiky Bar Wench

    Well for those desparate enough to look at a horrible photo of me it can be seen here

    The embarassment :oops:
  10. KaptenKaries New Member

    [quote:b8c1786837]Do you actually come up on the first page?[/quote:b8c1786837]
    Yes, all ten results of the first page are related to me. The first hit links to my ex band's homepage. There are only seven people in the world with my last name, and the hits that aren't about me are either about my brother, my father or my uncle. My mother and my grand parents have somehow managed to stay off the web.
    [quote:b8c1786837]How many results?[/quote:b8c1786837]
    It says approximately 48 hits.
    [quote:b8c1786837]Any funny results on the first 3 pages?[/quote:b8c1786837]
    The University of Lund has a site where you can ask them mathematical questions. As a special project in my final year at the upper secondary school, in 1999, I wrote a paper about fractals. I asked the University of Lund about the Mandelbrot set. My question, and it's answer, is archived here. To tell you the truth, I don't really understand my question any more.
    [quote:b8c1786837]What about Google image search?[/quote:b8c1786837]
    Four hits, where two are of me and the other two are of my colleagues, from the same page where they've harvested one of the pics of me. Both pictures of me are old, one of them is a dead link, the other one is this one. Here's a more recent image of me that Google's failed to harvest so far.
  11. Perdita New Member

    I'm not actually on any of the searches personally - by first name last name or by image. There's 119 sites that come back in relation to my name as a whole

    and 167 images connected to my surname. mostly people in the US!

    Although have a common (ish) Irish first name unfortunately it's the same as a brand name ... Therefore there are 7270 images doing the image search on my name! :D

    * Darn name, I should have put a copywrite on it years ago*
  12. Katcal I Aten't French !

    Must be tough being called Cocacola... :D

    KaptenKaries> Not one of those pics beats the one with the parrot ! :D

    Spiky> oh, damn those stupid posed official pictures... no-one ever looks any good on those anyway, but you don't look that bad, and I'm sure your even more prettier in real life ;)
  13. spiky Bar Wench

    Thatnks Kat... especially for the bad grammar.
  14. Katcal I Aten't French !

    That's ok, I'm trying to practise bad grammar, I'm learning to communicate with trolls :D
  15. Delphine New Member

    My full name, with middle name, gets absolutely nothing. I think my middle name is very rare. Without middle name, there's lots of results, mostly from geneology websites, and a toddler art website.

    An image search gets four results. Apparently Ella Turnbull (aged 2) is a famed artiste among toddlers. She made this:


    Stupid toddler. More famous than me!
  16. Electric_Man Templar

    The toddler is also better at art than you.
  17. Rincewind Number One Doorman

    Snails, look up my name. You get the wierdest quote ever.
  18. Delphine New Member

    Well, ben, at least I didnt get a picture of myself in the google image search. Your name brings up this recent photo:


    Looking good!

    Edit: Lol, Rinso, was that you who said that? It sounds like something you'd say after a short spell in the Wham cupboard. Mmm, muscly men!
  19. Rincewind Number One Doorman

    All the ladies love a hidious beast....Oh wait, No they don't.
  20. Rincewind Number One Doorman

    Anyways you should fine this:

    "You can tell why some people came here, like the big muscly men who clearly like parading around in thongs," said Damien Largey, 23

    edit: Lol. It was me that said that. Although in context it sounds less gay.
  21. Electric_Man Templar

    [quote:682ee2c980="Rincewind"]Anyways you should fine this:

    "You can tell why some people came here, like the big muscly men who clearly like parading around in thongs," said Damien Largey, 23

    edit: Lol. It was me that said that. Although in context it sounds less gay.[/quote:682ee2c980]

    They got your age wrong! Or... more likely, [b:682ee2c980]you[/b:682ee2c980] got your age wrong.
  22. Rincewind Number One Doorman

    So what, God got your face wrong.

    Anyway, perphaps they're just time travelling reporters. Wgo give you tomorrows news.TODAY!
  23. Electric_Man Templar

    [quote:805a93279c="Rincewind"]So what, God got your face wrong.

    Anyway, perphaps they're just time travelling reporters. Wgo give you tomorrows news.TODAY![/quote:805a93279c]

    I believe you are just wrong
  24. Delphine New Member

    Well, i suppose there are places you can go to see scantily clad muscle men parading themselves around in cages, but these places aren't usually known as zoos.

    Was it really you who said that? Its in like, a million articles! :shock:

    Fox make you sound super clever though... "Visitor Damien Largey, 23, speculated that exhibitionism may have been a motivating factor, and joked that the zoo should consider a breeding program."

    Breeding program. Ha ha ha ha. :lol:
  25. Rincewind Number One Doorman

    It was me that said it. And it was my friend that said the Breeding programe line, but she didn't get referenced.
  26. Electric_Man Templar

    I also like the bit on the google search that says: [quote:04fb6264d9]"Did you mean: damien carney"[/quote:04fb6264d9]
  27. Rincewind Number One Doorman

    Google image him...That bloke has mental hair.
  28. Katcal I Aten't French !

    Like facial hair grows on your face so mental hair grows on your brain ? :shock:
  29. Rincewind Number One Doorman

    I wish I had hair like him. It's crazy. I bet It gives him magical powers.
  30. Sarbar New Member

    My surname came up with 1,620,000 results, scary. Found that there were two people who were hanged in 1830 for their part in 'the swing riots of 1830' ( I have to try and investigate what that was.. )
    Theres also some one out there with my name who is a - Formation Skydiving champion ! ( awww pretty patterns in the sky.. )
    My maiden name had 206,000,000 results. Good god ! It is a very proud common scottish name..
    Theres also an island off New Zealand that has this name and is the home of the kiwi bird.
    My screenname came up with some diverse results - in Latin it means bumblebee. There was also a general in the roman empire called sarbar.
    Went to google image search and would love to post some images here but don't know how to do it, can anyone help ?
  31. Delphine New Member

    Copy the url, paste it into the reply box.

    Highlight it.

    Click "Img" in the commands list up there.

    And you're done. :)

    (Make sure it's not too massive though! Or the screen stretches.)
  32. Katcal I Aten't French !

    Oh my Ba, I've just had a look, that's not hair on a guy, its a guy under hair !!!! :shock: I'm sure his hair is a lifeform in its own right !
  33. Delphine New Member

    Damien Carney isn't the guy with the hair, he was the stylist. But that really is sensational hair.

    Edit: I think this is actually Damien Carney


    Not so cool. :(
  34. Perdita New Member

    [quote:26714a1834="Delphine"]Damien Carney isn't the guy with the hair, he was the stylist. But that really is sensational hair.

    Edit: I think this is actually Damien Carney


    Not so cool. :([/quote:26714a1834]

    Damien Carney google imaged shows the blokes with crazy hair... spell the name wrong Like I did DamiAn Carney and it brings up all the girls with crazy hair!
  35. Hermia New Member

    Donna Green is an artist who makes books for terminally ill children. I can think of worse people to share a name with!
  36. Orrdos God

    [quote:ab9ba58ad0="Hermia"]Donna Green is an artist who makes books for terminally ill children. I can think of worse people to share a name with![/quote:ab9ba58ad0]

    Y'know, I just realised that after the years I've know you, or heard people talk about you, thats the first time i've ever known what your 2nd name is :)
  37. Katcal I Aten't French !

    And it is a very cool name, it is... :)
  38. Rincewind Number One Doorman

    Pfft...It's no Blue.

    I'm disspointed that Damien Carney isn't the crazy hair guy but some bloke who looks like a mix between Dale Winton* and the mentalist pyshic from 'Most Huanted'.
  39. Maljonic Administrator

    I come up on the first page, in fact 9 out of 10 of the first page results from 147,000 are all about me. :)
  40. Electric_Man Templar

    I'm a football agent apparently...
  41. Katcal I Aten't French !

    Booo you then !!

    Damn football agents...
  42. Stercus Stercus New Member

    1,030,000 results. The first was a guy that was on the Titanic as a deckhand from Belfast to Southampton. Looks like he jumped ship there, lucky bastard.

    Most of the rest relate to a family that started a brewery, not related unfortunately. :sad:

    Haven't found me yet.

    Do any of you folks that did this last time get any different results now, you may have become more famous. Although some of you can't get more famous.
  43. Stercus Stercus New Member

    I only get second place for my user name too. :sad:
  44. Faerie New Member

    Google shows me 1-10 results of about 2. One is my Bebo page, one is a friends Bebo page, and one is Bigulo which I have never heard of but it has a link to my Bebo page.

    Other results include a softball player for the Ashland, Oregon Grizzlies and a student from the class of '94 at a high school in California. A few of the 84,300,000 results from my first name are Amy's Kitchen, Amy's Winehouse, and Amy Grant. My last name has 168,000 results including fetish videos(definitely not me), a jazz quartet out of Canada, and some geneology websites that don't have anyone related to me on them.

    I don't get any images unless I take the quotes off and then I get the fantasy artist Amy Brown and Malificent from Sleeping Beauty, Amy Lee from Evanescance, and others, none of which are me.

    My username has lots of results including one from Neopets. I used to have a Neopet in Jr. High, its probably dead by now and I don't remember my login name and I don't have the same email address I did back then so I can't log in.
  45. TamyraMcG Active Member

    My maiden name gets nothing, my married name comes up on page three, four entries down, from a Frapper map entry, Tami Dewandeler has two entries and the second one shows my cousin Billy's ex-wife's Disney World halfmarathon score from January 9. 2005, my 45th birthday. Just my first name has tons of entries mostly referring to Tamyra Gray of American Idol fame. My maiden name is fairly uncommon and most of those entries are from my distant cousin Charles, who is film maker and video producer, from Detroit, MI.
  46. roisindubh211 New Member

    Most of the results for my name are for a singer from Cork. Also, lots of Ballykissangel stuff because the cast list has "Gary Whelan, Aine Ni Mhuiri" so my name is in there kinda backwards. and somewhere there's the results of a canoe race I paddled in in high school.
    The second or third page has a mention of me being ladies' captain of my college fencing club, and the third page of image search has my cousin's CD which I suppose must mention me in the website (I helped him select songs for the production) Pretty cool.

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