This is one for me to sit out. Never tried either of them. The frostie vanilla root beer sounds nice thou.
I haven't tried either of them myself (I didn't think it was an absolute requirement to vote), but I voted for [WIKI]Sarsaparilla[/WIKI] as it sounds like the best of the two going by the description.
man, if you only vote for things you've tried, then how in the world will Fizzy Cabbage Drink become the grand champion?
I said sarsparilla as it can be added to alcohol. Anything that can be made alcoholic has got my vote
I nominated the Frostie vanilla root beer. It has the bite of a good oldfashioned rootbeer with smooth overtones of vanilla, It is very nice, It has been a longer time since I had a sarsaparilla but I never thought much of sarsaparilla as far as I can remember. I don't know why you couldn't add alcohol to root beer, Don't they make rootbeer flavored schnapps?
Didn't the smurfs drink Salsaparilla ? this would make it cool. If not, then vanilla root beer sounds good-ish...
I do like root beer. It is the drink of Snoopy. But what about this sarsaparilla business? Who nominated that? *is too lazy to check the thread*
Ba voted sarsaparilla. Vanilla does not belong as a soda flavor. It is just as much an abomination as chocolate sodas.
You know, that is an excellent point. Cream soda is disgusting too, Garner. I have tied the votes by going for sarsaparilla, which also has a cooler name than any kind of root beer.
It's sarsparilla for crying out loud people. Just say the word: sarsparilla.... I don't know about you but I feel empowered now. I suppose on the outside this may appear to be a tough decision, but when faced with a tough decision there's a tried and true method I always use: What Would The Duke Do? What would John Wayne (potentially the biggest rump kicker ever to be born) choose to drink after a long day of drinking rotgut whiskey and fighting claim jumpers/cattle rustlers/enraged indigenous people/train robbers? Would he choose a sissy vanilla drink? Or would the Duke decide to go with something you can be proud of?! The choise is obvious, Sarsparilla for all! He's watching you: