First pairing is a close match up between Ginger Beer and Ginger Ale Voting will go on until i get bored or someone reminds me that i forgot about it again.
I have experienced neither, so I shall abstain! This contest just got off to a flying start. Unfortunately the thing trying to fly is a hippo.
I haven't tried either of them, but I know which the Famous Five always had lashings and lashings of. So I vote for Ginger Beer!
I'll have you know I have never flown and don't intend to unless in a plane buster. Also we should have a 3rd poll question for those who have never had it but still want to join in......
Ginger Beer is fuller, sweeter, and fizzier. traditional ginger beer is fermented, but i've only once seen any that contained alcohol, and that was less than half a percent by volume. Ginger ale is lighter, and typically lacks the bite of a good ginger beer. ginger ale can, however, be made to be just as biting and still lack the full body or sweetness of a good ginger beer.
I say Ginger beer because Bundaberg makes rum and ginger beer. Besides whoever heard of the ginger ale trick?
I'm not going to vote until the defender of both write an inspiring speech which while sway my feeble mind.
I voted for ginger ale because I like ginger ale, and because I've never even had the chance to try ginger beer, so how can it be better if they can't even sell it around here? I only wish I could have made an informed decision but thats what voting always ends up for me any way, How the heck am I to know which district court judge is the right one? I just go with the challenger or the woman(yes I'm sexist).
The only thing I have ever tasted was a sip of ginger beer, but that was ages ago, so Grace pretty much summed up my vote. Also there is no famous Ginger Ale trick.