Some Tradesmen are Aholes

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by mazekin, Apr 22, 2008.

  1. mazekin Member

    I am seriously beginning to hate tradesmen. They all think they can rip you off, just because you are a woman living on her own. One guy had the nerve to try and chat me up while fleecing me. This is pretty much how the conversation went. Italics are thoughts.

    Him - Don't I know you from somewhere?
    Me - No
    H - I'm sure I know you from somewhere. Do you go out in Limerick? The Icon?
    M - I don't go out in Limerick and I've never been to the Icon.
    H - I'm sure I've seen-
    M - How much are you going to charge for the tiling?
    H - How much do you think it's going to cost?
    M - I don't know, that's why I'm asking you.
    H - Go on, how much do you think it's going to cost.
    M - The way it usually goes is that you tell me a price and I tell you to go to hell you creepy man...get out of my house, why the hell didn't I do this with my brother in the house...
    H - Well, it's a big job really. I'd have to get a few guys in. How much do you think?
    M - I just told you, I don't know. Give. Me. A. Price.
    H - It's a grand house you have here. //starts looking around at the radiators (he also does plumbing apparently)// In great condition and that's a lie. We also do soffet and facia
    M - so, you saw the state of the outside of the house. If you think I'm going to get you to do it you have another thing coming. Yes, it's a grand house.
    H - So, you are living here on your own?
    M - No. My older brother lives here too actually, he just moved out and is currently living on an island that's only reachable at low tide. THat's him in the picture there. The bulky guy with the shaved head. and he could take you in an instant you weirdo
    H - Good neighbourhood
    M - It's the best. The neighbours are all retired, always at home so they can keep an eye on the place during the day. Hell, even the next door neighbour never leaves the house - she minds kids during the day.
    H - Good doors and windows too...
    M - We paid for the extra reinforcing and security locks get the hell out of my house. get out get out get out. So, how much are you thinking?
    H - How much do you think?
    M - I'm going to kill him. I don't know. You are (supposedly) the expert here. How much is it going to cost.
    H - About 1500
    M - You have got to be kidding me. 1500. Ok, well I have another two or three tilers coming to give me quotes. I'll get in touch with you. Thanks. Goodbye get out get out get out.

    The next guy was a hell of a lot better and I didn't want to kick him out of the house the moment he opened his mouth. That conversation was basically:

    H2 - Do you want me to take the tiles off too?
    M - Yes.
    H2 - And the kitchen.
    M - Yes.
    H2 - I'll have to repair the wall the plumber destroyed.
    M - I know.
    H2 - Ok, let me think. I'll just go back up to the bathroom and have a look at the wall and work out how much plasterboard I'll need to get....600 euro.
    M - That sounds great. I just have one more guy coming to give a quote and I'll phone you on thursday evening. Thanks a million for coming around.
    H2 - How many quotes have you gotten?
    M - You are the second man to turn up. I've phoned 6 so far
    H2 - Really?
    M - Yes.
    H2 - How much did the first guy want for it?
    M - 1500
    H2 - You have got to be kidding me.
    M - I know.
    H2 - Seriously who was that guy
    M - John *****.
    H2 - I don't care if you get me to do it or not, just don't hire him.
    M - I have no intention. The moment he stepped in the house I didn't want him there.
    H2 - Good. You have my number, please let me know either way.
    M - Of course. Thank you very much for calling. Goodbye.

    This is withering me. Now I have to worry about being robbed by a scumbag from Limerick while I'm at work...hopefully I've scared him off with my tall tales of my brother and retired neighbours who constantly check up on me and keep an eye on my house 24/7. Seriously though - 1500 EUROS! For sticking tiles on a wall! He then had the gall to phone me this morning (waking me up on my day off!) and drop the price to 1400. Hah!
  2. Ba Lord of the Pies

    Strangely, Ba has never had this problem.

    Mind, Ba never pays Tradesmen. He just determines whether or not he wishes to let them live afterwards.
  3. sampanna New Member

    Keep the movie "I married an axe murderer" playing when you get more tradesmen, and maybe put up a couple of articles about women serial killers near the door. That should fix them!
  4. Maljonic Administrator

    I was going to say 1500 sounds quite reasonable, but that was before I realised you weren't talking about tiling the roof. :)
  5. Katcal I Aten't French !

    geez, what a creep ! Poor Maze, just remember how nice the other guy was, it may make up for the other jerk...
  6. mazekin Member

    My Bullsh*t meter was going off the chart the moment he wouldn't give me a direct answer on how much it was going to cost...and I had a feeling that the price would go up the moment he started work. My creepometer started ticking when he started looking around the house.

    I think Ba has the right idea.
  7. spiky Bar Wench

    Ew creepy tradesman. The worst, cos they have an excuse to look around your house and they get to charge you for the privilege of making your life hell.

    The house builders we had were pretty good, but they'd had years to vet the weirdos out. The individual who only needs a small job done is always at a disadvantage... Some of the ones my mum has got in were complete freaks. Like the guy who came in to build a sun room, my mum kept finding him talking on our phone and going through our stuff. Freak.

    On the upside Maze the second guy sounds nice and value for money.
  8. redneck New Member

    Mazekin, I'm sort of a tradesman, but I try not to be creepy. Try to make sure that the cost estimate is written down both of you sign it. That will help keep a person doing work for you from running up the bill on frivolous surplus. It also helps the tradesman by at least having a piece of paper that says that the customer agreed to a certain price. Handshake agreements are a thing of the past.

    We have been burnt by several customers by them not paying what they agreed to pay. Some of the reasons given have been, "It didn't take you very long at all, so I'm not going to pay you that much money," or "I don't have it right now, but if you'll give a week or two..." The first reason really gripes me because the reason it doesn't take us as long is because we have several hundred thousand dollars worth of equipment. That's why we have to charge as much as we do.

    Also, ask for past customer's contact information so that you can check to see if they have done good jobs for other people. Most contractors of any kind have a few people that don't mind vouching for them. We have several that we have used over the years. Word of mouth is better advertising than any type of advertisement we can buy. A pleased customer is happy to spread the word and a displeased customer will tell anyone about it whether they are asked or not.

    And please don't follow Ba's godly advice. I know that some of them deserve it, but others (and I put myself in this category) aren't all that pleased with that particular outcome.

    Best of luck.
  9. mazekin Member

    But I like Ba's suggestion. It keeps the dark side happy.

    Yeah, I've gotten his references and I'm going to ring around and check them out over the weekend. He can't charge me for surplus materials etc. because what tilers around here tend to do is have you buy everything. He's only charging me for the labor (ok, I've typed that about four times and I'm not sure if it's labor or labour) and I buy the tiles, adhesive and grout. I've another guy coming this evening but I'd say I'll probably go with nice guy Jeff. If only for the fact he said he didn't care if I got him or not, just don't get Creepy Limerick Knacker Man.
  10. jaccairn New Member

    If this new guy asked if you have any other quotes you could mention the first one to check his honesty.
    Does the tiler tell youhow many tiles to get or do you have to work this out yourself. (I always seem to under estimate the number and have to go get another box.)
  11. mazekin Member

    To be honest, I don't even want to talk to the other guy again. I sent him a text saying thank you but something came up so I won't be able to get it done, and I have him in my phone under "stupid tiler"

    I measured about three times and then I bought two extra boxes just in case (cheap tiles. Plain, white, 6in x 6 in...can't go wrong! Blue border tiles. Sorted!)
  12. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    The only thing missing from that first guy's routine was a comment like "it 'ud be a shame if anything were to happen to a nice place like this, capice?"
  13. mazekin Member

    To be honest, I wouldn't have been surprised.

    He tried to ring me a few hours ago and left a message (ie I didn't answer.) Price is now down to 1200. Sheesh!

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