Something older this way comes...

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Katcal, Nov 18, 2007.

  1. Katcal I Aten't French !

    Happy birthday Chrisjordan... :bunny:
  2. jaccairn New Member

    Happy Birthday!
  3. Maljonic Administrator

    Nice Birthdayness. :)
  4. mowgli New Member

    S Dnem Rozhdenia :). Health, love and happiness!
  5. Stercus Stercus New Member

    Many Happy Returns.
  6. IgorMina New Member

    Happy Birthday! May it contain lots of cake and extra added fun. :)
  7. redneck New Member

    Happy Birthday, Chris. I can't speak in for'n languages or nothin fancy like that, but you still get my best wishes and such. So how old are you now? Fourteen? ;)
  8. TamyraMcG Active Member

    Yay Chris! Happy Birthday, you share it with Daguerre, the man who made the first great photos. I hope your new year is full of wonderful things.
  9. spiky Bar Wench

    Happy birthday Chris... I hope you see many celebrities on your birthday and that brightens the day even more...
  10. Roman_K New Member

    Belated happy birthday, Chris!
  11. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    Belated happy birthday, CJ! Hope you had a good day.
  12. Bradthewonderllama New Member

    Happy belated birthday CJ. I hope that you did fun university things for your birthday.

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