Spice up your life, Kapten!

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Hsing, Jan 11, 2007.

  1. Hsing Moderator

    Not only the Kapten, actually.

    Your life's a little monotonous? This can be changed.
    Take your new, fresh, and so far relatively unfilled calendar and enter the weekly quests Boardanians have made up for you.

    Here are a first few suggestions:

    Make them real big, and place them on your couch, so every friend and relative who visits you is confronted with them. Closely observe the reactions.

    More quests:

    Buy a really huuuuge plush toy of your choice, and take it with you everywhere you go, without giving explanations to anybody. Give it a seat in the bus, and at work, and take it along when you go clubbing.

    Or, alternatively, revive your invisible friend from childhood days and formally introduce him/her/it to everybody you meet. Only cowards do this on non-working days.

    Make a stroll through the city wearing a bridal dress. No matter what gender category you fall into.

    Pick a random adress from the telephone book, and send that person something nice. Its up to you wether you include a note explaining it or not.

    Sneak into the city park at night, mid summer, and choose a small tree which you give a full fledged Christmas decoration to. Or decorate a stranger's car with wedding decoration.

    Call up three people this week whom you haven't spoken to (or written) for at least two years.

    Switch your flat with someone for a few days.

    Indulge in your favourite food. That means: If you like chocolate, stuff your face until you feel sick. Eat like a small child would that's allowed to eat as much of his/her favourite food as it wants.

    Learn a poem by heart, and recite it in public - in the supermarket in front of the dairy product shelf, or at the vegetable corner. And loud.

    Repair something in your neighbourhood that isn't yours - the swing on the playground, the neighbours screeching garden door, the bench in front of your favourite café.

    Record a track, your favourite pieces on MC, or favourite mp3s on CD, put your email address on it, and forget it in the bus.

    More ideas?
  2. chrisjordan New Member

  3. chrisjordan New Member

    Oh, and Ella was supposed to do this at OmCon but she never did:

    Enter the local pub wearing a beak. Provide no explanations.

    We came up with loads of stuff-to-do-in-the-pub, actually...
  4. Hsing Moderator

    Out with it!

    I like the beak bit already.
  5. Hsing Moderator

    PS: You'd need a straw, of course.
  6. chrisjordan New Member

    Not if it only covers your nose. :smile: I'll see if I can find the conversation we had...
  7. chrisjordan New Member

    06/08/2006 00:26:52 Ella: i dont think we should demand payment in money though
    06/08/2006 00:26:59 Ella: maybe in ........... crisps
    06/08/2006 00:27:02 Chris: cream crackers
    06/08/2006 00:27:13 Chris: then we can deal them like cards ^_^
    06/08/2006 00:27:32 Ella: and paint hearts and spades and aces on them!
    06/08/2006 00:27:49 Chris: with jam! ^_^
    06/08/2006 00:28:07 Chris: there would of course be lots of breakings and stickings to jumpers
    06/08/2006 00:28:27 Chris: but, it makes smoke-filled room games more exciting
    06/08/2006 00:28:32 Ella: lol
    06/08/2006 00:28:55 Chris: all gangsters wear jumpers. FACT.
    06/08/2006 00:30:55 Ella: with reindeer on the front
    06/08/2006 00:31:07 Chris: with orlsome 3d bobbly noses
    06/08/2006 00:31:27 Chris: it's a way to distract the opponent so you can do some nifty sleight of hand
    06/08/2006 00:31:43 Ella: but if you get caught, you is one dead mofo
    06/08/2006 00:32:17 Chris: dead as a reindeer in the crowded los angeles airspace (suave)
    06/08/2006 00:32:27 Ella: lol
    06/08/2006 00:32:30 Ella : QAWWWWWWW
    06/08/2006 00:32:33 Ella : er
    06/08/2006 00:32:33 Chris: ...
    06/08/2006 00:32:36 Ella: AWWWWWWW
    06/08/2006 00:32:40 Ella: lol
    06/08/2006 00:32:50 Ella: qaawwww! >crow<
    06/08/2006 00:32:51 Chris: and here's ella turnbull with her famed random bird impressions
    06/08/2006 00:32:54 Chris: lol
    06/08/2006 00:32:57 Chris *laughs*
    06/08/2006 00:33:02 Ella: >also laughs<
    06/08/2006 00:33:50 Chris: Chris says: Ella says: QAWWWWWWW Doors says: [raised eyebrow smiley]
    06/08/2006 00:34:10 Ella: lol
    06/08/2006 00:34:15 Ella: he will think i'm weird!
    06/08/2006 00:34:20 Chris: lol
    06/08/2006 00:34:31 Chris: not weird, ella!
    06/08/2006 00:34:32 Chris: Doors says: she's a bit odd
    06/08/2006 00:35:16 Ella: yes, see how he gallantly leaps to my defence!
    06/08/2006 00:35:33 Chris: 'i'm not going out with a psychopath, honest!'
    06/08/2006 00:36:30 Chris: 'i'll have the usual. [censored male name]?' 'yeah, same.' '[censored female name of person ella doesn't like much]?' 'er...pint of marmalade, please.' 'ok. ella?' 'QAWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!' *flap flap*
    06/08/2006 00:36:32 Chris: '
    06/08/2006 00:36:39 Ella: lol!
    06/08/2006 00:37:00 Ella : wow, i get the best "random things to do in the pub" ideas from you
    06/08/2006 00:37:06 Chris: (suave)
    06/08/2006 00:37:13 Chris: and me being of an unpubby age
    06/08/2006 00:37:29 Ella: i hope you make a note of all these random pubthings
    06/08/2006 00:37:35 Ella: they'll come in useful
    06/08/2006 00:37:39 Chris: lol
    06/08/2006 00:37:46 Chris: the Bumper Book of Random Pubthings
    06/08/2006 00:38:01 Ella: you shall make lots of friends with the patented ella technique of making pubfriends with random pubthings
    06/08/2006 00:38:12 Chris: lol
    06/08/2006 00:38:25 Chris: on the back of the book: 'Hey you, unpubby individual!'
    06/08/2006 00:38:32 Ella: lol :)
    06/08/2006 00:38:37 Ella: i want to write it!
    06/08/2006 00:38:45 Ella: it could be a bible for all pubpeople

    06/08/2006 00:40:07 Chris: omg we could do this book and then go out to pubs and actually do this stuff and take photos and put them in
    06/08/2006 00:40:17 Ella: yeah!
    06/08/2006 00:40:24 Ella: like shouting "DEATH!" randomly
    06/08/2006 00:40:30 Ella: or AVAST
    06/08/2006 00:40:35 Chris: 'SASS 'EM, JESNAILS!'
    06/08/2006 00:40:43 Chris: what you do, right...
    06/08/2006 00:40:52 Chris: is sit yourself in the darkest corner of the pub
    06/08/2006 00:41:00 Chris: and wait until the people start milling in around you
    06/08/2006 00:41:16 Chris: and after a well, when they're all comfortable, that's when you say, 'SASS 'EM, JESNAILS!'
    06/08/2006 00:41:23 Ella: lol
    06/08/2006 00:41:36 Chris: or: wear a beak
    06/08/2006 00:41:43 Ella: they'd think i was a mental patient and/or a confused young looking old person
    06/08/2006 00:41:47 Ella: lol, a beak!
    06/08/2006 00:41:50 Chris: lol
    06/08/2006 00:42:02 Chris: go in with a beak and a really feathery coat
    06/08/2006 00:42:05 Chris: preferably black
    06/08/2006 00:42:25 Chris: you'd have to flap whenever you walked, almost like a clockwork toy
    06/08/2006 00:43:14 Ella: but people would then think i was dressed as a bird for A REASON
    06/08/2006 00:43:23 Ella: they wouldnt if it was just a beak
    06/08/2006 00:43:24 Chris: lol, true
    06/08/2006 00:44:13 Chris: sit silently at the bat
    06/08/2006 00:44:15 Chris: er
    06/08/2006 00:44:15 Chris: bar
    06/08/2006 00:44:17 Chris: turn
    06/08/2006 00:44:20 Chris: look at people
    06/08/2006 00:44:20 Chris: .
    06/08/2006 00:44:57 Ella: qawwing quietly
    06/08/2006 00:44:59 Ella: under my breath
    06/08/2006 00:45:02 Chris: lol
    06/08/2006 00:45:20 Chris: but when you talk to doors or someone, you should talk quite loudly about your governmental job
    06/08/2006 00:45:49 Chris: i also think you should actually bring [censored female name of person ella doesn't like much] a pint of marmalade
    06/08/2006 00:46:04 Chris: and when she queries such an act, you apologise and claim you misheard
    06/08/2006 00:46:13 Ella: can i not bring [censored name] a pint of slap to the face?
    06/08/2006 00:46:17 Ella: lol ^_^
    06/08/2006 00:46:19 Chris: lol
    06/08/2006 00:46:27 Chris: great gangster line, ella
    06/08/2006 00:46:35 Ella: (suave)
    06/08/2006 00:46:41 Chris: someone comes up to you, insults your beak
    06/08/2006 00:46:56 Chris: you go: 'you want i should give you a pint of slap in the face? [glare]'
    06/08/2006 00:47:04 Chris: smoke a cigar
    06/08/2006 00:47:40 Chris: right, consider it your omcon challenge!
    06/08/2006 00:47:46 Chris: the beak!
    06/08/2006 00:47:58 Ella: lol ^_^
    06/08/2006 00:48:04 Ella: hmmm
    06/08/2006 00:48:12 Ella: also: the pint of slap line
  8. KaptenKaries New Member

    Drag is hilariously funny. :-D The most comic effect is achieved with a low-cut dress and thick chest hair.

    This is actually a good idea.
  9. Delphine New Member

    Chris, I was only going to wear the beak if YOU went to OmCon, which you didn't! ergo: no beak. There totally would have been a beak if you did go. But the chance has gone now.

    I forgot about the pubthings conversation. It was funny. Hsing's list was also very funny, and some of them are worryingly tempting.

    The bridal dress one reminded me of another one: just walk around doing your usual stuff in extremely formal dress. A ballgown or the full kilt-works or a tuxedo. I fully intend to do that one day.

    How about: Throw confetti all over yourself as you walk down the street. Look happy.

    You'll look mad.

    ooh! Or: wear odd shoes all day. A trainer and a loafer, or a spiky heel and a cowboy boot.
  10. chrisjordan New Member

    I was painting my hair!
  11. Rincewind Number One Doorman

    I done this. One Bowling Shoe and One Brown Converse.
  12. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    that wasn't the day i made you march all over london with me, was it?
  13. Rincewind Number One Doorman

    Thankfully not.
  14. Hsing Moderator

    Similar, though more well meant and with a tad more meaning...


    I think I'll take an occasional look at the site. Especially tomorrow's task - I am all for it! :p

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