Swordsman to the rescue

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by jaccairn, Jan 11, 2007.

  1. jaccairn New Member


    Has anyone read this yet.

    When I first read the story I must confess that the first thing to cross my mind was that 'someone's been watching way to much Highlander'.

    My paper also had an article about it. Slightly humoursly written comparing him to a masked superhero coming to the rescue. His heart seems to be in the right place but I do wonder what kind of person wanders around at night carrying a sword. It is like something from a comic book!
  2. KaptenKaries New Member

    Hehehe perhaps he was on his way home from his iaido lessons.
  3. Hsing Moderator

    There are certain possibilities - maybe he was an amateur actor coming home from dress rehearsal, or he's into martial arts, or he collects them and had just purchased it...
  4. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    Either way, it's pretty funny. :)
  5. Roman_K New Member

    Funny, fairly interesting, and a bit... I dunno... unsuitable for real life? ;)

    I'm interested to see if this story develops further.

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